Composers from all around the world are welcome to take part in the
11th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2023!
(the Regulations are published on the page COMPETITIONS->COMPOSING->FIDE)
The Director of the tournament is Aleksey Oganesjan (FIDE).
The sections are:
- A. Twomovers – Judge: Gerard Doukhan (France)
- B. Threemovers – Judge: Jean-Marc Loustau (France)
- C. Moremovers – Judge: Ralf Krätschmer (Germany)
- D. Endgame studies – Judge:Branislav Djurašević (Serbia)
- E. Helpmates – Judge: János Csák (Hungary)
- F. Selfmates – Judge: Zoran Gavrilovski (North Macedonia)
- G. Fairies – Judge: Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
- H. Retros (Proofgames) – Judge: Thomas Brand (Germany)
The closing date for submitting the entries is June 15, 2023.