Composers from all around the world are welcome to take part in the
12th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2025!
The sections are:
- Twomovers (Marco Guida)
- Threemovers (Frank Reinhold)
- Moremovers (Kjell Widlert)
- Endgame studies (Michal Hlinka)
- Helpmates (Dmitri Turevski)
- Selfmates (Ivan Soroka)
- Heterodox problems (Vlaicu Crisan)
- Fairies (Thomas Maeder)
- Retros and proof games (Richard Dunn)

The closing date for submitting the entries is: 31 May 2025
The Director of the tournament is Torsten Linß (worldcupcomposing2025@gmail.com)