7th WCCT – Protests

7 W C C T 2001-2003



The closing date for replies to protests – 01.11.2003

Certain changes regarding the judging countries were decided upon in Moscow: 1. Three-movers section: USA is judge instead of Rumania. Russia is reserve judge instead of Italy. 2. Helpmates section: Great Britain is judge instead of Bosnia-Herzegovina. USA is reserve judge.

To the attention of the judging countries in sections B (3-movers) and F (Selfmates) of the 7th WCCT Some of the incoming protests make it necessary to elucidate the term “sacrifice” which is part of the definition of the 3-movers and Selfamtes themes, as follows: The use of the term “sacrifice” in the context of these themes should not be confused with its everyday usage in the domain of the over-the-board game. This mostly concerns situations where, while sacrificing itself, the sacrificed piece captures another piece equal to or higher in value than itself (e.g. a sacrificed Knight captures a Knight, or a sacrificed Rook captures a Queen). In the over-the-board game such cases are usually not considered real “sacrifices” but rather “exchange of pieces”, “material gain” etc. However, in the case of themes B and F this is not so. “Sacrifice” in the framework of these themes, comes simply to indicate the arrival of the thematic piece at a square where it is (or would be, as theme F allows) exposed to a capture, regardless of the way it does so. Thus, if it does so while capturing another piece of a “higher value”, the move is still considered a thematic sacrifice.

Protests and corrections of misprints and omissions


A003 – misprint: a) Y = direct guard (instead of “quard”); b) ABC are Black weakening themes, XYZ are Black strengthening themes.

A004 – anticipation: C.J. Morse Problem 1965; White: Kb2;Dc5;Ta3;Th5;Lb1;Lh2;Sd4;Sg2;Pc2;Pe2(10) – Black: Ke4;Dd5;Tg3;Lf1;Sa2;Sf7;Pb5;Pf5;Pg6(9); #2; 1.Sf3!

A019 – duals: 1…Tc4 2.Tc4/Te6/Tc5, 1…Tc5 2.Tc5/Te6.

A027 – misprint: in solution exist more two thematic variations, 1.- Le4/Se2 2.Se2/Sf5:#; – anticipation: G.Heathcote Norwich Mercury 1907; White: Kf5;Df6;Ta5;Tf4;Le6;Se4;Pd6;Pg6;Ph3(9) – Black: Kh5;Dg7;Te8;Te1; Lb1;Lg3;Sf8;Sf1Pc4;Pd3;Ph6(11); #2; 1,Ke5!

A030 – dual in defence: 1.- Le3 and 1.- Te4 = 2.Te4(:)#.

A031 – dual in defence: 1.- Ld4 and 1.- Tb4 = 2.Sb4#.

A044 – anticipation: J.C. Wainwright St. John Globe 1902; White: Kf6;Da1;Ta4;Tb5;Ld3;Lg7;Sd7;Pb2;Pc4;Pd5; Pe2;(11) – Black: Kd4;Tb3;Lg8;Sc8;Sh3;Pe3;Pg6;Ph7(8); #2; 1.Sb6!

A068 – dual-major: 1.- Lh8 2.Df8/Dh8#.

A087 – misprint: 1…Se6:/De6:/Te6: – self-pin (not removal of control).

A091 – 1…Le2 2.S:e2/Sf5# – strong dual.

A105 – anticipation: K.A.K. Larsen 6.Pr. Brisbane Courier, 1924; White: Kg3;Da6;Te8;Tf2;Lb1;Lc5;Sd4;Pb5;Pc6; Pf5;Pf3;Pg4(12) – Black: Ke3;De7;Tc3;Lc1;Lf1;Sa7;Sc8;Pb2;Pg6;Pg5(10); 1.Da3!


B03 – misprint: 1.- Sd8- 2.Db7+ Ke6 3.Df7#; 1.- Sc6! 2.Dg8+, missing text “Dynamical mating net, bK is mated on squares d6,e6,c5,d5,d4,e4,f4”. – duals: The problem is on zugzwang and there is a variation with unpin and sacrifice of W piece: 1…De2 2.Sd6+ K:d6 3.Lb4# and duals 2.Se7+,Sg3+,Se3+,Dd7+; 1…Df1 2.Sd6+ K:d6 3.Lb4# and duals: 2.Sh6+,Se7+,Sg7+,Sd4+, Sg3+,Dd7+,T:d2+.

B07 – dual: 1.- Df5 2.Df5: Se5 3.Te5:/De5: and dual. 3.Lf7:#.

B10 – dual: 1.- Kf5 2.Dh5+ Ke4 3.Sd2#, dual 3.De5#

B12 – dual: a) after 1.La6!; 1…D:d7 2.Dd3+/Dc4+; 1.- Dg5 2.De5+/Dd3+. – Twins are not allowed in this section. (According the General rules – line 5… Twin form, duplex form and compositions with more than one solution are accepted only in accordance with the definitions.)

B21 – dual: 1.- Dd8 2.Dh5:+ Kg5 3.Le6#/Ke3#

B30, B54 – anticipation – I. L.Loshinsky & E.Umnov, Tijdschrift KNSB, 1930, 1 Pr. White: Ke4,Dg3,Td4,Th5, Lf6,Lg4, Sd5,Se5,Pb4,Pc4,Pf7(11) – Black: Kd6,Te8,Th8,Lb7,Sd8,Pa5,Pb6,Pc7,Pd7,Pf2,Pg6(11); #3; 1.b5! ~ 2.Da3+ c5 3.bc(e.p.)#; 1…Sc6 2.Se7+ S:d4+/Kc5 3.S5c6/Sd3#; 1…Se6 2.Sc6+ Sf4+/Kc5 3.Sde7/Da3#; 1…c6 2.Se7+ Kc7 3.S:d7#; II. Z.Pigits, Championship of Latvia, 1950, 3 Place White: Kd2,Df8,Te1,Lb1,Sd3,Se3,Pc3,Pc5,Pf2,Ph4,Ph6 (11) – Black: Ke4,Dd8,Tc6,Lg5,Lh3,Se6,Sg6,Pc7,Pe5,Pf3 (10); #3; 1.Df6! ~ 2.D:g6+ Lf5 3.D:f5#; 1…Se~ 2.D:c6+ Dd5 3.D:d5#; 1…Sd4! 2.Sf4+ Sc2+ 3.Sed5#; 1…Sef4! 2.Sd5+ Se2+/K:d5 3.S3f4/La2#; 1…L:f6 2.Sd5+ K:d5/Kf5 3.La2/S:e5#; 1…D:f6 2.Sb4+ Kf4 3.Sbd5#. – dual: 1.- Tf2 2.Se5+ Kc5 3.S-#

B31 – dual: 1.- de 2.gh Sf4: 3.Tg5#/Tf4#.

B39 – misprint: 1..La6 2.Se5+ L:e5/Kb5 3.D:a6/Sc3#; – dual: 1.- Tg4 2.Dg4:+/Tg4:+

B44 – dual: 1.a7!(2.a8D/L) Ld5 3.Tc3 (L:L; D:L)

B49 – dual: 1.- De5 2.Lb6:+ c5 3.Sc5:#/De5:#

B52 – dual: b) 1.- d5 2.Df8+ Se7 3.Le7:#/De7:#; – Twins are not allowed in this section. (According the General rules – line 5… Twin form, duplex form and compositions with more than one solution are accepted only in accordance with the definitions.)

B55 – dual: 1.- Sf4 2.Lf4: ef4 3.De7#/De8#

B55 and B85 – anticipated: M.Skreckenbach B.V. Sachsische Zeitung 1988; White: Ka2;Da3;Td5;Tg3;La8;Lb4; Se3;Sh5;Pf5;Pg2(10) – Black: Ke4;Dg7;Ta7;Tf1;La1;Lg8;Sg5;Sh3;Pa5;Pd3;Pd4;Pe5;Pf2;Ph7(14) #3; 1.- Se6 2.Te5+ Ke5: 3.Ld6#; 1.- Sf7 2.Td4+ Kd4: 3.Lc5#; 1.Ld2!(2.Tg4 Sf4 3.Sg3#) 1.- Se6 2.Td4+ Kd4: 3.Dd6#; 1.- Sf7 2.Te5+ Ke5: 3.Dc5#

B56 – In a phase 1.Le7? L:e3! there is a variation with unpinning and a sacrifice of the WQ and duals: 1…Df4 2.Dd4+,D:d1+,ef,T:f4+ – the first two moves are thematic and appear in the variations separately. In the sol. 1.De6! there is also a variation 1…Df4 2.Dc4+,Db3+,ef,T:f4+ the 1-st two moves are thematic and appear separately in the variations.

B59 – dual: Tf2: 2.Df2: Df5 3.Tf5:#/Df5:#

B69 – dual: 1.- Dg7 2.Lg7: Sh7 3.Sg6#/Te6:#

B71 – dual: 1.- Se6: 2.Sce6:+/Sge6:+; – Illegal position;

B75 – dual: 1.Tf5? (2.Sc5:+ Ke3 3.Lc1/Te2#); 1.- Sd7 2.Tf4+ Ke3 3.Sf5#/Lc5#; 1.Sf5:! Sd7 2.Sg3 Ke3 3.Lc1#/Df4,Df3#.

B78 – dual: 1.- Dh3: 2.De2+ /Te2:+

B80 – dual: 1.De8!(2.Da4 d4 3.Dc6#/Dd4:#)

B84 – dual: 1.- Tf4 2.Dc5+/Dc4+,Dc3:+; – There is a thematic variation with the WQ unpin and 3 thematic duals.


C03 – anticipation: Z.Eyvazova, JT R.Kofman-70, 1984, Com. White: Ka5,Ld5,Sc6,Pa2(4) – Black: Kb7,La8,Pc7 (3) 10#; 1.Kb5! Kc8 2.Le6+ Kb7 3.Kc5 Ka6 4.Lc4+ Kb7 5.a4 Kc8 6.Le6+ Kb7 7.a5 Ka6 8.Lc4+ Kb7 9.a6+ Kc8 10.Le6#

C04 – dual: 1.- e6 2.Sc2/Sc4+/Kc5:

C05 – anticipation: A.Johandl, Schach-Aktiv, 2000, 1 Pr. White: Kg6,Df7,Lf5,Sc2,Se8(5) Black: Kd8,Db8,Tb7, Th8,Le7,Sh3,Sh5,Pb6,Pc6,Pc7,Pd6,Pf4,Pg7,Ph2,Ph6(15) 9#; 1.De6! K:e8 2.Df7+ Kd8 3.Sd4 h1D 4.Se6+ Kd7 5.S:g7+ Kd8 6.De8+ T:e8 7.Se6+ Kd7 8.Sg5+ Kd8 9.Sf7#.

C11– dual: I. 1.S:b3+! Kb1 2.Sa1 c6 3.f4 f5 besides 4.f3:, dual 4.Kd1! d2 5.K:d2 K:a1 6.Kc1 d3 7.Sd2 c4 8.S:c4 c5 9.Sd2 c4 10.f3 c3 11.Sb3#; II. after 1.Sxb3+ Kb1 2.Sa1 c6 dual : 3.Kd1 d2 4.Kxd2 d3 5.f4 Kxa1 6.Kc1 f5 7.Sd2 c4 8.Sxc4 c5 9.Sd2 c4 10.f3 c3 11.Sb3#; or 7.f3 d2+ 8.Sxd2 c4 9.Kc1 c5 10.Kc1 c3 11.Sb3#. or 9.Sxc4 c5 10.Se3 c4 11.Sc2 #.

C12 – dual: 12…Ke2 13.Sce5/Sh4

C14 – dual: 1.- Tc6:+ 2.dc6: … 4.- Kb1: 5.Sd2+ Kc1 6.Sb1 or 6.Sc4

C16 – dual: 2.- Sgf5 3.Lf7:+ or 3.Lf5:+

C21 – dual: 1.- a2 2.Sd7: a1D 3.La1:+ or 3.Lb2+/Lc3+/Ld4+/Le5+

C22 – dual: 1.- Lc7 2.Kh1 or 2.Tb7/Tf6

C30 – anticipation: Al.Kuznetsov, Championship of USSR, 1952, 15 Pl. White: Kb4,Lh3,Sf3,Pd4,Pe4,Pg2 (6) – Black: Kh1,Pc7,Ph2 (3) 6#; 1.Kc5! c6 2.d5 cd 3.Kd4 de 4.Ke3 ef 5.Kf2 fg 6.L:g2#.

C32 – Twins are not allowed in this section. (According the General rules – line 5… Twin form, duplex form and compositions with more than one solution are accepted only in accordance with the definitions.)

C33 – dual: 1.- Sc6: 2.e7 Lc4: 3.e8D+ Se7 4.De7:+ or 4.Db8+/Dh8+; 1.- Lb7 2.Sf3+ Kf5 3.Tf6+ or 3.h3

C34 – dual: 1.- Lf7 2.cd Lc4 3.Se6! b4 4.Sc7+/Sb8+ or 4.Sc5+ Kb5 5.dc/Da6#

C44 – There are 4 vacations for 5 occupations (e2 is occupied twice).

C46 – dual: 1.- Thc4: 2.Tc4: Tc5 3.Td4+ or 3.Sf7+/Tbc5:/Tcc5:; 2.- Se3 3.Tc7: or 3.Se3:

C54 – The second white move of the threat is: 2.e8D/T+

C56 – duals: 1…Lg5/Lh6/Lc1 2.Te3+/Tf3; 1…Lg3/Lh2 2.Te3+/Tf3/Tg3; 1.- Sb6 2.Tg3 Le3 3.Sc3+/Le3:; 1.- Se7 2.Se7: Lb7 3.Dd5+/Ld5+

C56, C61, C83, C90 – scheme anticipated: Stefan Sovik, 1st Prize, Moment 2000-2001. White: Kg2,Td8,Lc8,Lf4, Sa8,Sb7,Pa4,Pa6,Pc4,Pd2,Pe4,Pe6,Ph2,Ph5(14) – Black: Kc6,Df8,Tb2,Tf7,Le8.Lg5,Sd6,Pb6,Pc5,Pd3,Pe7,Pg6,Ph7(13) #4. 1.Kh3! S:e4 2.Td7.Sf2+ 3.Kg2 L:d7 4.L:d7#; 1.- T:d2 2.Sa5+ b:a5 3.Lb7+ S:b7 4.Tc8#; 1.- T:f4 2.T:d6+ e:d6 3.Sd8+ L:d8 4.Lb7#; 1.- Dh6 2.Ld7+ L:d7 3.Tc8+ L:c8 4.Sd8#

C58 – dual: 1…S:g4 2.Sd5 ~ 3.Sc3+/f4.

C63 – anticipation: S.Bruchner, Schach, 1963, 2-3 Pr. White: Ka1,Tc1,La8,h2,Pb3,Pd6,Pe2,Pe3(8) – Black: Kb6, Ta6,La5,Pa7,Pb4,Pb5,Pd7,Pe4(8) 11#; 1.Tg1! Kc5 2.Tg5+ Kb6 3.Le5 Kc5 4.Lf4+ Kb6 5.Tg1 Kc5 6.Tc1 Kb6 7.Th1 Kc5 8.Th5+ Kb6 9.Lg5 Kc5 10.Le7+ Kb6 11.Ld8#; the greater part anticipated by: B. Gelpernas and M. Palawicz 1 E.V. Probleemblad november 1984; White: Ka3;Tc3;Lh1;Pb2;Pb4;Pd5;Pe2;Pe3;Pg3(9) – Black: Kb5;Da6;Ta5;Pa4; Pa7;Pb3,Pb6;Pb7(8) #17; 1.Td3 Kc4 2.Td4+ 3.Td1 4.Tc1+ 5.Tf1 6.Tf4+ 7.Le4 8.Lg2+ 9.Tf1 10.Tc1+11.Th1 12.Th4+ 13.Le4 14.Lf3+ 15.Lg4 16.Le6+ 17.Lc7#

C65 – Dual: 1.- Le1 2.Lc5 Td8/Lc3 3.Ld4:+ or 3.ed4+

C69 – cooked in 8 moves: 1.Ta1 Tb1 2.Txb1 Txb1 3.Sc6+ Ke6 4.Sd8+ Ke5 5.Kd7 Tb6 6.Se6 ! ~ 7.d4+ cxd4 8.cxd4#. 2…Sg2 3.Sc6+ Ke6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Sxd4+ Ke5 6.Sc6+ Ke6 7.Sd8+ Ke5 8.d4 #; 1…Sg2 2.Te1+ Ce2 3.Sxf3+Ke6 4.Txe2#; – duals: 2.T:b1 T:b1 3.Sc6+ Ke6 4.Sd8+ Ke5 5.Kd7 Tb6 6.Se6 c6 7.d4+ cd cd#; 3.T:b1 T:b1 4.Sd8+ Ke5 5.Kd7 Tb6 6.Se6 c6 7.d4+ cd 8.cd#, 3…Sg2 4.d4 cd 5.S:d4+ Ke5 6.Sc6+ Ke6 7.Sd8+ Ke5 8.d4#.

C70 – Dual: 3.- Tb7 4.Db7: or 4.Tb7:/Te7+

C71 – anticipated: V. Udartsev and G.S. Gamza Probleemblad Juli- aug. 1994/04 nr.10464; White: Kg1;Db7;Tf1; Tc5;Lg8;Sh7;Pf6;Pg3;Ph4(9) – Black: Kg6;Ta3;La7;Lf3;Sb6;Sd7;Pc6;Pf7;Ph5;Ph6(10) #4 ; 1.g4 (2.gxh5+ Lxh5 3.Sf8+ Sxf8 4.Dxf7#) 1… Ld5 2.Sf8+ Sxf8 3.Dxf7+ Lxf7 4.gxh5# ;1… Se5 2.Dxf7 Sxf7 3.gxh5+ Lxh5 4.Sf8#.

C72 – Dual: 2.- Tf5: 3.ef5 La5 4.Sb4+ Kf4 5.S2d3+ Kf3/Kg3 6.Sc5+ or 6.Sf2+

C75 – Dual: 1.- Db4 2.Db4+ Sc2: 3.Se2+ or 3.f5

C76 – dual: 1…Sc3(Sb4) 2.S:b5+ Ke4 3.S:c3+ L:c3 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Sb5+ Ke4 6.S:c3#, probably also 3.Scd6+ Kd5 4.S:c3+ L:c3 5.Sb5+ Ke4 6.S:c3#; 1.- Df4 2.Sc4+ Kf5 3.Se7+ Kg5 4.Lf4:+ Kg4 5.Se3+ or 5.Tf2+/Tg3+ – anticipation: S.Schaigarowski, Probleemblad, 1993 White: Ke7,Td3,Lb8,Lg4,Sc8,Sd6,Pa4,Pc2,Ph2 (9) – Black: Ke5,Da3,Tf1,Tg6, Lc6,Lf2,Sd1,Sh5,Pb4,Pb6,Pc3,Pc5,Pe3,Pf6,Pf7,Pg5(16) 6#; 1.h3! ~ 2.Sb7+ Ke4 3.S:c5+ bc 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Sb7+ Ke4 6.S:c5#, 1…f5 2.S:f7+ Ke4 3.S:g5+ T:g5 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Sf7+ Ke4 6.S:g5#, 1…e2 2.Sc4+ Ke4 3.Sd2+ cd 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Sc4+ Ke4 6.S:d2#, 1…Tg8 2.Se8+ Ke4 3.S:f6+ S:f6 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Se8+ Ke4 6.S:f6#, 1…b3 2.Sb5+ Ke4 3.S:c3+ S:c3 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Sb5+ Ke4 6.S:c3#, 1…Lg3 2.Sf5+ Ke4 3.S:g3+ S:g3 4.Sd6+ Ke5 5.Sf5+ Ke4 6.S:g3#.

C78 – anticipation: Y.Belokon & A.Postnikov, Buletin Problemistic, 1993, 2 Pr. White: Ke7,Tc2,T6,Ld7,Lh8, Sf6, Pe3,Pf2,Pf5,Pg2(10) – Black: Ke5,Da1,Tf1,Th3,La7,Lf7,Sc1,Pb3,Pc5,Pg4,Pg5,Ph6(12) 4#; 1.Tc3! ~ 2.Td5+ L:d5 3.Se8+ Ke4 4.Sd6#, 1…Da6 2.T:c5+ L:c5 3.Sd5+ Ke4 4.Sc3#, 1…Td1 2.f4+ gf 3.Sg4+ Ke4 4.Sf2#; – dual: 1.- S5h4 2.Tg6+ Sg6: 3.Se8+ or 3.f5; – dual: 1.- Sh4: Tg6+ Sg6: 3.Se8+/f5

C82 – The third white move of the threat is: 3.a8D/L+

C84 – dual: 1…Lf7 2.S:d5 ed 3.Le5 Sg4+ 4.L:g4+ fg 5.Dd6/Tgf2#.

C85 – anticipation: V.Archakov & A.Kopnin, Shahmati v SSSR, 1981, 3 Pr. White: Kb2,Dd2,Tg8,La3,Lf3,Sd3, Se1,Pa5,Pe4,Pg5(10) – Black: Kd4,Dh3,Ta6,h6,La7,c8,Sa2,b8,bb.b3,c2,d5,g2,h5,h7(14) 6#; 1.Te8 ~ 2.Se5#, 1…De6 2.Sf2+ Ke5 3.Sg4+ hg 4.Sd3+ Kd4 5.Sf2+ Ke5 6.S:g4#, 1…Le6 2.Sc5+ Ke5 3.Sd7+ S:d7 4.Sd3+ Kd4 5.Sc5+ Ke5 6.S:d7#, 1…The6 2.Sf4+ Ke5 3.Sg6+ hg 4.Sd3+ Kd4 5.Sf4+ Ke5 6.Sg6#, 1…Tae6 2.Sb4+ Ke5 3.Sc6+ S:c6 4.Sd3+ Kd4 5.Sb4+ Ke5 6.S:c6#; S.Schaigarowski, Probleemblad, 1993 (see no.C76); – dual: 1.- Db2 2.Sc5+ Kd4 3.Scb7: Sf7+ 4.Sf7: Tf1 5.Td8+ or 5.Lg7+

C86 – Dual: 1.- Td6: 2.S2a3+ Ka4 3.Sd6: Ld6: 4.Sc2+ or 4.Sc4+

C87 – Dual: 1.- Db4 2.Db4: Tc5 ( 2.- Lc5 3.Se3+ or 3.Tg4:/Dc5:+/Lc5/Db3+) 3.Sc3+ or 3.Te3/Dc5:+/Lc5:/Db3+; 1.- Db5 2.Lb5: ab 3.Db5: Tc5 4.Dd7#/Sc3#

C90 – illegal position – dual: 1.- Dg5 2.Lg5: Ld6 3.Dd6: or 3.Tf4+

C92 – dual: I. 1…Ke5 2.Se8+, dual 2.e4 dxe3 3.Se8+ Kd5 4.Sc7+ Kd6 5.Sb5+ Kd5 6.f4 gxf3 7.Te4 fxe4 8.Thh4 c4 9.d (b)xc4+ Kc5 10.Ld4 #; 8…exd4 9.The4 ~ 10.Te5# ; 2…fxe4 3.Cxg4+ Kd6 4.Le5+ Kd5 5.Lc7 Lxg5 6.Sf6+ Fxf6 7.dxe4# 5..c4 6.Sf6+ Kc5 7.b4# ; 5…Sd6 6.Sf6+ Ke5 7.Txe4#; II. 1.Sf6+! Ke5 2.Sg8:+ (dual) Kd6 3.T4h6 Kc7 4.Lc8:+ Kb6 5.Tg6:+ Ka5 6.Ld4 Ld2 7.Ta6 Kb5 8.a4+ Kb4 9.Tb7+ Ka3 10.Lb2:#, dual 7.b4+ Ka4 8.Ta6+ Kb3 9.Le6+ c4 10.Lc4:#.

C93 – anticipated: I.Soroka 1.Pr. Odessa T 1989; White: Ka5;Tc5;Th6;Lb2;Le2;Sc3;Se4;Pb6;Pd2;Pf2;Pg3;Ph5(12) – Black: Kd4;Th2;Lb8;Lc2;Sf1;Sg8;Pb3;Pb5;Pe6;Pf7;Pf4;Pg4(12) #4; 1.Tf6!(2.Td5+ ed5 3.Sa4+ Ke4: 4.Sc5#); 1.- Th5: 2.Sd1+ Ke4: 3.f3+ gf3 4.Sf2#; 1.- Se7 2.Sd5+ Ke4: 3.Tf4:+ Lf4: 4.Sf6#; 1.- Se3 2.Sb1+ Ke4: 3.d3+ Ld3 4.Sd2#

C95 – Dual: 4.- Dc4 5..Dh8+ or 5.Sd3+

C90; C83; C56 – anticipated: Friedrich Chlubna 1/II. Pr. Schach, 1976; White: Kh1;Tc4;Tg6;Lf5;Lg3;Se4;Sf8; Pb3(8) – Black: Kd5;Da8;Td8;Th7;Lg8;Lh6;Sa2;Sg5;Pa5;Pd6;Pg7(11) #4 1.Tf6!(2.Sc3+) 1.- g6 2.Le6+ 3.Tf5+; 1.- Sf3 2.Td6:+ 3.Sf6+

C72; C76; C85 – anticipated: standard Popandopulo mechanism!


D01 – anticipation: I.Iespersen, Nationaltidende 1890; White: Kh2;Lb5;Sa5(3) – Black: Kf3;Sc2;Pd2(3) Draw; 1.Le8 Kg4 2.Ld7+ Kf4 3.Lg4 K:g4 4.Sc4 d1D 5.Se3+ S:e3 stalemate.

D02 – anticipation: I. A.Zinchuk 14 Team Championship of USSR, 1990-92, 12 Place; White: Kb7;Lf7;Sh8;Pc6; Ph7 (5) – Black: Kd8;Df8;Pb4(3) Win; 1.c7 Kd7 2.Le6! K:e6 3.c8D D:c8 4.K:c8 b3 5.Sf7 b2 6.Sg5 Kd5 7.Se4 K:e4 8.h8D b1D 9.Dh7+ ~ 10.D:b1 ±; II. Soukup-Bardon B, Schakend Nederland, 1970; White: Kc8;Sc4;Sg6;Pe2(4) – Black: Kc3;Pb5;Pg7(3) Win 1.e4! Kc4: 2.e5 b4 3.e6 b3 4.Se5+ Kc3 5.Sd3 Kd3: 6.e7 b2 7.e8D b1D 8.Dg6±; III. E.Ivanov L’Italia Schachistica, 1963; White: Kd4;Sc6;Pa5(3) – Black: Kf3;Ph3(2); Win; 1.Se5+ [1.a6? h2 2.a7 h1D 3.a8D Dh4+] 1…Kg3 2.Sf3 K:f3 3.a6 h2 4.a7 h1D 5.a8D+ 1-0; – cook: 1.Ke5! c6 2.Sc7!

D05 – Cooked: I. 1.Sc7 a3 2.Tb4+ Kc6 3.Tc4+ Kd6 (3.- Kb6 4.Sd5+ Kb5 5.Tc1 a2 6.Sc3+ Kb4 7.Sa2:+ Ta2: 8.Ke7±; 3.- Kb7 4.Kd7 Kb6 5.g6 a2 6.g7 a1D 7.g8D Dd1+ 8.Kc8±) 4.g6±; II. 1.Sc7 a3 2.Tf1 a2 3.Ta1+; III. 1. Sc7! a3 2. g6 a2 3. Kd7!! Kb6 +- (3… Ta6 4. g7 a1D 5. g8D Dd1+ 6. Sd5 Ka7 7. Tb4 +-) (3… Ta3 4. Tb4+ Ka7 5. Kc8 +-) 4. Tf6+ Kc5 (4… Ka5 5. g7 a1D 6. Tf5+ Kb4 7. g8D Dd4+ 8. Kc8 Txc7+ 9. Kxc7 Da7+ 10. Kd6 Db6+ 11. Ke5 De3+ 12. Kf6 Dd4+ 13. Te5 Df4+ 14. Ke6 Dc4+ 15. Td5 +-) 5. g7 a1D 6. Tc6+ Kb4 7. g8D Dd4+ 8. Kc8 Ta5 9. Tg6 Tc5 10. Tg4+-.

D08 – anticipation: I. V.Kovalenko, Shakhmatnaya kompozitsia , 1997, 2 Com. White: Kd6;Tc3;Th6;Sa2;Pf2(5) – Kg7;Da1(2) Win; 1.Th2 D:a2 2.Tg3+ Kf6 3.Tf3+ Kg5 4.Tg2+ Kh4 5.Tf4+ Kh5 6.Th4+ K:h4 7.Th2+ Kg4 g5 8.f3/f4 ±; II. O. Sacharov Shakhmaty v SSSR 1988; White: Ka8;Tb4;Tg4;Pf2(4) – Black: Kh6;Dc2;Pc6(3); Win; 1.Tg2! Da2+ 2.Kb8 Kh5 3.Th4+!! K:h4 4.Th2+ Kg4 [4…Kg5 5.f4+] 5.f3+ 1-0; – no solution: 4.- Da1+ 5.Kb5 Dh1 6.Tfg3 Db1+ 7.Kc4:?! Dc2+ 8.Kd4: Dd2+ 9.Ke5 (9.Ke4 Db4+ perpetual check) 9.- Da5+ 10.Ke6 Db6+ perpetual check.

D10 – anticipated: I. Kricheli Schach, 1986; White: Kg1;Td4;Lc3(3) – Black: Kh6;Dg7;Pg6;Pg5(4) Win 1.Td3 Da7+ 2.Ld4 Dd7 3.Lg7+ Dg7: 4.Th3#. – cooks: Rook & 2 pieces with equal number of pawns win against a Queen. Therefore the tries 1.Sb3, 1.Sc6, and even 1.Te5, are cooks, as they create technically winning positions.

D11 – cooked: I. 2.Sc5+ Kb4 3.Kb6 S:e3 4.a6 Sd5 5.Kc6 Se7+ 6.Kb7 Kc5 7.a7 S:g6 8.a8D ±; II. 2.Sc5+ Kb4 3.Se4: ,Lb2 4.Sf2 Lg7/Lh8 5.Sd3+ Ka4 6.Kb6 Se3: 7.a6 Sc4+ 8.Kc6 Ka5 9.a7+

D12 – anticipation: K.Rajna Championship Rumunia, 1950; White: Ka1;Lc2;Pa5;Pd4;h3(5) – Black: Kc1;Lf1;Pa3; Pa6;Ph6(5) win; 1.Le4! Kd2 2.Lb7 Kc3 3.d5 Kd4 4.L:a6 L:h3 5.Lf1 Lc8 6.Lh3 Lb7 7.d6 Lc6 8.Lg2 Kc5 9.Lc6 Kd6 10.Le8! ±; – no solution: I. 3.- Lf5! 4.d6 (4.Lb5 Kd4 5.d6 Lh3=) 4.- Kd4 5.Lb5 Lh3: 6.d7 (6.Ka1: Kc5 7.d7 Ld7: 8.Ld7: Kb4=) 6.- Ld7: 7.Ld7: Kc5 8.Ka2: Kb4= II. 6.- Kd4 7.a6 Kd5: 8.a7 Le6 9.a8D+ Ke5 and white may not win; III.1.d5 a2! 2.Kb2! Ke3 3.La6! L:h3 4.Lf1! Lc8 5.Lh3! L:h3 6.a5 Lc8+-, but: 6.-Kd4! 7.a6 K:d5 8.a7 Ke5 9.a8D Le6=; example: 10.Dh8 Kf6 11.Dh7 g6 12.Dh8+ Ke7 13.Kc1 Ld5 14.Kd2 Le6 15.Ke3 Ld5 16.Kf4 Le6 17.Kg5 Ld5 18.Kh6 Le6 19.Dd4 Ld5 20.Kg7 Le6 21.Da7+ Ke8 22.Kf6 Kd8 23.Ke5 Ke8 24.Kd6 Kf8 25.Da8+ Kg7 26.Ke5 Kh7 27.Kf6 Lb3 28.Dh1+ Kg8 29.Kg5 Kg7 30.Da1+ Kh7=

D13 – duals: I. 3.Td4+ Kc2 4.Tc4+ Kd2 5.Td4+ Kc3: 6.Td3+ Kd3: 7.Sf4±; II. 7.Kc7 Le4 8.Kd6/f3 Ka4: 9.f4 Kb3 10.Ke5 Lh7 11.f5 a4 (11.- Lf5: 12.Kf5: a4 13.Ke4 a3 14.Sd3 a2 15.Sc1±=) 12.f6 a3 (12.- Lg6 13.Kd4 a3 14.Sd3=) 13.f7 a2 14.f8D+ a1D+ 15.Kf4=; III. 8.f4 Kb5 9.Sb2 Le4 10.Ke7 Kb4 11.Kd6; IV. The author solution 2.-Kd2 is incorrect due to dual 4. Tc1,Td4+. However the solution can be written 2.-Kb1! 3.Tc1+ Kxc1 X’, which is correct. So perhaps some “penalty” but not cooked.

D14 – anticipation: I. S.Pivovar; Szachy, 1970; White: Kd1;Pb3;Pc2;Pg6;Ph6(5) – Black: Kg1;Le5;Pa3;Pc5(4) Win; 1.g7 a2 2.g8D+ Kh2 3.Da8 a1D+ 4.D:a1 L:a1 5.b4! cb 6.c4! bc 7.Kc2 ±; II. A. Troitzky Deutsche Schachzeitung 1913; White: Kc4;Pa2;Pa5;Pe2;Pf3(5) – Black: Kb2;Lh2;Pc7;Pf4(4) Win; 1.Kd3 Lg1 2.e4 f:e3 3.Ke2 1-0.

D18 – anticipation: I. V.Tarasjuk & S.N.Tkachenko; Match Slovensko-Ukraine, 2001, 2 Pl; White: Ka7;Db6;La3; Lf5;Pa6(5) – Black: Kd8;Df1;Tc8;Lh4;Pc7;Pd7(6) Draw 1.Db4 Ta8+ 2.K:a8 D:a6+ 3.Kb8 Dc8+ 4.Ka7 Lf2+ 5.Dc5 L:c5+ 6.L:c5 Ke8 7.Lg6+ Kd8 8.Lf5 c6 9.Ld6 c5 10.Le4 Ke8 11.Lg6+ Kd8 12.Le4 c4 13.Lb7 =; II. A. Jasik Szachista Polski 1994; White: Kh4;La4;Lc1;Pf3;Pg3(5) – Black: Ke1;Pc6;Pd6;Pe2;Pe4;Pf4(6) Draw; 1.g:f4 e:f3 2.L:c6 [2.Le3? Kf1!; 2.Kg3? Kf1!] 2…f2 3.Le3 f1D 4.Kg3 Kd1 5.La4+ Ke1 6.Lc6 Kd1 7.La4+ =; – dual: 2.Lg5 Da7 3.Sf5+ f6 (3.- Kc8 4.Le3 Da6 4.b4 Kb8 6.Sd4=) 4.Lf6:+ Kc8 5.Ld4=; Try 2.Lf5? is refuted by 2.-b4!, not by 2.-Da7? as the composer claims. Penalty?.

D19 – misprint: 1.Kg1? Lg3:!; 1.Kh3? g1D!; (X) 1.Ld8+ Kb7: 2.Lb6 Kb6:(X’); 4.- Kc4 5.Kf2 Lh2 6.Ke3 Lg1+ 7.Kf3 Le3 8.Kh3:=; – dual: 2.b8T+/b8L+ Lb8: 3.Kg1=.

D20 – duals: I. 4.b8T/b8L/b8S Lb8: 5.La6=; II. 9.Lb5 Le7 10.g6 Lf6 11.La6=; III. 11.Kb4 Lg7 12.Kb3=; – anticipation: A.Hildebrand Tidskrift for Schack 1958; White: Kd5;Lc4;Sa8;Pc3(4) – Black: Kb7;Ld7;Sa7;Sb8(4) Draw; 1.Kc5 K:a8 [1…Sc8 2.Ld5+ Sc6 3.Le4] 2.Ld5+ Sbc6 [2…Sac6 3.Kb6 Le8 4.Le4] 3.Kd6 Le8 4.Kc7 Sb5+ 5.Kb6 Sba7 6.Kc7=; II. A. Herbstmann; Ceskoslovensky Sach, 1962; Kh4;Lg3;Sh5;Pg2(4) – Black: Kf5;Ld7;Sc5;Sh3;Pg6(5) Draw; 1.Sg7+ Kf6 2.Sh5+ g:h5 3.K:h5! Le8+! 4.Kh6! [4.Kg4?Sg5] 4…Sg5 5.Lh4 Sce6 6.g4! La4 [6…Lf7 7.L:g5+ S:g5] 7.Kh5 Sf4+ 8.Kh6 Sfh3 9.Kh5 Ld1 10.Kh6 L:g4 11.L:g5+ S:g5=.

D21 – no solution: 7…Th3+ 8.Kc2 Tc3+ 9.Kd2 Tc4 =; – cooked: 1.a8T! Kb1 2.Ta1+ ect. – anticipation: I. A. Kuznetsov L’ltalia Schacchistica 1965; White: Ka1;Dg4;Tc8;Tg1;Lh2;Pc4;Pd7;Pe7;Pf7;Pg7;Ph7(11) – Black: Ka7;Dc2;Ld8;Le8;Sa6;Sg8;Pb7;Pb4;Pb3;Pe4;Pe5(11) Win; 1.Ta8+ K:a8 2.e:d8D+ Ka7 3.Da8+ K:a8 4.f:e8D+ Ka7 5.Da8+ K:a8 6.h:g8D+ Ka7 7.Da8+ K:a8 8.g8D+ Ka7 9.Da8+ K:a8 10.Dg8+ Ka7 11.Da8+ K:a8 12.Tg8+ Ka7 13.Ta8+ K:a8 14.d8D+ Ka7 15.Lg1+ 1-0; II. Kuznetsov. A 5 HM Ceskoslovensky Sach 1967; White: Kh1;Db4;Tb3;Tb5;La4; Pd4;Pd5;Pe6;Pg2;Pg3(10) – Black: Kg8;Df8;Tf2;Tf6;Sc1;Pc2;Pg7;Ph6(8) Win; 1.e7 Tf1+ 2.Kh2 Th1+ 3.K:h1 Tf1+ 4.Kh2 Th1+ 5.K:h1 Df1+ 6.Kh2 Se2 7.Tb8+ Kh7 8.Th8+! K:h8 9.Db8+ Kh7 10.Dh8+! K:h8 11.Tb8+ Kh7 12.Th8+! K:h8 13.e8D+ Kh7 14.L:c2+ 1-0.

D24 – strong dual: 4.Tf3+ Kg4 5.Tf4+ Kg5 6.Tg4+ Kh6 7.Th4+ Kg7 8.Th7+ Kf8 9.Th8±

D26 – cooked: I. 1.Le7 Sc6 2.Tc7 S:e7 3.T:e7+ Kd8 4.Td7+ Ke8 5.Tc7 Kf8 6.Tc8+ Le8 7.Sd7+ Kg8 8.T:e8+ Kh7 9.Sf8+ Kh6 10.Sg6 Kh5 11.Th8+ Kg4 12.Tf4+ T:f4 13.Se5#; 1.Lc7 Sc6 2.Ta1 Tf2+ 3.Kg7 Tf7+ 4.Tf7: Lf7: 5.Kf6 Kf8 6.Ta8+ Le8 7.Sd7±; II. 1.Le7 Sc6 2.Tc7 Se7: 3.Te7:+ Kd8 4.Td7+ Ke8 5.Tc7 Kf8 6.Tc8+ Le8 7.Sd7+ Kg8 8.Te8±; III. 9.Tf4 Sf4: 10.Th8+ Kg4 11.Se5#; IV. 1.Lc7 Sc6 2.Ta1 Tf2+ 3.Kg7 Tf7+ 4.TXT LXT 5.Kf6 Kf8 6.Ta8+ Le8 7.Sd7+; – anticipation: an identical mate, F.Richter Ceskoslovensky Sach 1960; White: Kf4;Th1;Sc4;Sg6(4) – Black: Kc5;Lc8;Lf8; Sb4(4) win; 1.Sce5 Ld6 2.Tc1+ Kd4! 3.Tc4+ Kd5 4.T:c8 Sd3+ 5.Ke3 S:e5 6.Sf4# 1-0

D27 – X1 in initial position, X1′ after move 2, X2 after move 2, X2′ after move – no solution: 1.Sg3+ K:h4 2.Sf5+ Kh5 3.Th7+ K:g5 4.Tg7+ Kh5 5.h4!! Dg1+-, but: 5.- Df3+! 6.K:a4 Da3+!=

D28 – partial anticipation: M.Gromov 5.Pr. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1986; White: Kg1;Pc3;Pc4;Pd6;Ph6(5)-Black: Kh3;Tf5(2) Win; 1.c5 [1.d7? Tf8 2.c5 Kg3 3.h7 Ta8 4.Kf1 Kf3 5.Ke1 Ke3 6.Kd1 Kd3 7.Kc1 K:c3 8.Kb1 Tb8+ 9.Kc1 Ta8 10.Kd1 Kd3 11.Ke1 Ke3 12.Kf1 Kf3 13.Kg1 Kg3 14.h8D T:h8 15.c6 Ta8] 1…Kg3 [1…T:c5 2.d7 Tg5+ 3.Kf2 Tg8 4.Kf3] 2.h7 Tf8 3.c6 Ta8 4.Kf1 Kf3 5.Ke1 Ke3 6.Kd1 Kd3 7.Kc1 K:c3 8.Kd1 Kd3 9.Ke1 Ke3 10.Kf1 Kf3 11.Kg1 Kg3 12.h8D T:h8 13.c7 Ta8 14.Kf1 Kf3 15.Ke1 Ke3 16.Kd1 Kd3 17.Kc1 Kc3 18.Kb1 1-0.

D29 – I. 4.Le6+ Kh2: 5.Ka7: Td6 6.Kb8 Tb6+ 7.Kc7 Tb7+ 8.Kd8 Tb8+ 9.Ke7±; II. 7.Le6 Kg3 8.Kc7 Le4 9.Kb8 (9.Ld7 Kf4 10.Lc6 Ld3 11.Kb7 Ke3 12.Ka7: Kd4 13.Kb6 Kc4 14.Ka5 Kb3 15.Lb5: Le4 16.La4+ Kb2: 17.b5+) 9.- a6 10.Ka7 Kf4 11.Ka6: Ke5 12.Ld7 Kd6 13.Lb5:+; III. 8.Le6 Kg3 9.Kb8+; – no solution: 3.Lb3 Lb7!

D30 – In the solution, no reference is made, by means of the symbols X and X’ respectively, to the thematic correspondence between the positions after 5.- Kg3 and 11.Kg3 (save the sacrifice of the WP on f6. – Duals (Inversion of moves): I. 7.Kh1 Shf3 8.f8D Se4 9.Db8+=; II. 13.Kh1 Shf3 14.h8D=; III. The solution should stop after 15.Db2 because 16.Df2: is an “only” move; – no solution: 1.Dd3! Td7 2.D:d7 Se4 3.D:c7+ Kh3 4.Dh2+ S:h2 5.Kg1 Kg3=, but: 5.- Sg5! 6.h7 (6.f7 S:f7 7.Kf2 S:g4+ 8.Kf3 Sf:h6 9.Ke4 Kh4 10.Kd5 Kg5 11.Ke6 Sf6 12.Ke5 Se8-+) 6.- S:h7 A) 7.g5 Sf3+ 8.Kf2 Sf:g5 9.f7 S:f7 10.h6 (10.f6 Sh6-+) 10.- Sf6-+; B) 7.f7 S:g4 8.h6 (8.f6 Sh6-+) 8.- Sgf6 9.Kf2 Kg4 10.Ke3 Kg5 11.Kd4 K:h6 12.Ke5 Kg7 13.Ke6 Sg5+-+; – anticipation: I. Y. Tjulin 2 HM Shakhmaty v SSSR 1937; White: Kh1;Ta8;Pa6;Pb5;Pb2;Pc5;Pd4;Pg4;Pg6(9) – Black: Kh4;Sb1;Se4;Pb7;Pc7;Pd7;Pf6;Ph4;Ph6(9); Draw, 1.Th8 Sbd2 2.T:h6+ Kg3 3.T:h3+ K:h3 4.Kg1 Kg3 5.a:b7 Sg5 6.b8D Sgf3+ 7.Kh1 Se4 8.D:c7+ Kh3 9.Dh2+ S:h2 10.Kg1 Kg3 11.b6 Sd2 12.b7 Shf3+ 13.Kh1 Se4 14.b8D+ d6 15.D:d6+ Kh3 16.Dh2+ S:h2 17.Kg1 Kg3 18.g7 Sd2 19.g8D Shf3+ 20.Kh1 Se4 21.Db8+ Kh3 22.Dh8+; II. Korolkov.V 1-2 Pr Problemista 1963 White: Kh1;Pa6;Pb2;Pb5;Pb7;Pc5;Pf7; Pg4;Ph7(9) – Black: Kh4;Sd2;Sf3;Pc7;Pd7;Pd5;Pf6;Pg5;Ph6;Ph3(10); Draw; 1.f8D Se4 2.D:h6+ Kg3 3.D:h3+ K:h3 4.h8D+ Kg3 5.Dh2+ S:h2 6.b8D Sf3 7.D:c7+ Kh3 8.Dh2+ S:h2 9.Kg1 Kg3 10.b6 Sd2 11.b7 Shf3+ 12.Kh1 Se4 13.b8D+ d6 14.D:d6+ Kh3 15.Dh2+ S:h2 16.Kg1 Kg3 17.a7 Sd2 18.a8D Shf3+ 19.Kh1 Se4 20.Db8+ Kh3 21.Dh8+ Kg3 22.Db8+ Kh3 23.Dh8+ =.

D31 – dual: in side variation 7.-Dd1+ 8.Dc1 Dd3+ 9. dual Kb2! (composer 9.Ka2) this is a small thing, but still… – anticipation: M.Krosny Comm Szachy 1972; White: Kf3;Tb3;Tg6;Lh7;Pc6;Ph5(6) – Black: Kh8;Ta7;Td8;Pa4;Pc5; Pd6;Pf4;Ph6(8); Win; 1.T:d6 T:d6 2.Le4 Tc7 3.Tb7 a3 [3…T:b7 4.c7; 3…Tc:c6 4.Tb6] 4.T:c7 a2 5.Tc8+ Ka7 6.Ta8+ K:a8 7.c7+ Ka7 8.c8D a1D 9.Db7# 1-0

D32; D66 – anticipation: I. Tsjuiko 4 HM Shakhmaty v SSSR 1969; White:Kh8;Dh1;Tb3;Tg1;Lb8;Lh7;Sc4;Sh3; Pa6;Pc7;Pc3;Pg6(12) – Black: Ka8;Te5;Tf6;Se4;Ld2(5) Win Black move; 1…Tf3+ 2.e3! T:e3+ 3.d3 T:d3+ 4.c3 T:c3+ 5.Ka2 Ta3+ 6.Kb1 Ta1+ 7.Kc2 Tc1+ 8.Kd3 Tc3+ 9.Ke2 Te3+ 10.Kf1 Te1+ 11.Kg2 Tg1+ 12.Kf3 T:g3+ 13.Ke2 Te3+ 14.Kd1 Te1+ 15.Kc2 Tc1+ 16.Kb3 Tc3+ 17.Ka2 Ta3+ 18.T:a3# 1-0

D33 – dual: 6.Kb3 Tb5+ (6.- Tc3:+ 7.Ka4 Tc4+ 8.Kb5 Tb4+ 9.Kc5 Tc4+ 10.Kd5 Tc8 11.Ke4±) 7.Kc2 Tb2+ (7.- Tf5 8.c4 Tf7: 8.d5+ Kg8 9.d5+ Kg8 10.Le5+) 8.Kd3 Td2+ 9.Kc4 Td4:+ 10.Kb3 Tb4+ 11.cb4

D33; D56; D66 – anticipation: (D33 is a diagonal implementation of Gallischek) O. Gallischek Weser Kurier 1960; White: Ka3;Th3;Pb2;Pb6;Pc2;Pc7;Pd2;Pe2;Pf2;Pg3(10) – Ka8;Tf7;Pb7(3) Win Black to move; 1…Tf3+ 2.e3! T:e3+ 3.d3 T:d3+ 4.c3 T:c3+ 5.Ka2 Ta3+ 6.Kb1 Ta1+ 7.Kc2 Tc1+ 8.Kd3 Tc3+ 9.Ke2 Te3+ 10.Kf1 Te1+ 11.Kg2 Tg1+ 12.Kf3 T:g3+ 13.Ke2 Te3+ 14.Kd1 Te1+ 15.Kc2 Tc1+ 16.Kb3 Tc3+ 17.Ka2 Ta3+ 18.T:a3# 1-0

D36 – dual: 8.Dc2+ Kb4: 9.Dc3+ Ka4 10.Da3#;

D36 – dual: 1.h8L+ Kf7 2.a7 Td3:+ 3.Kc5 Td8 4.Ld4 Ke6 (4.- g2 5.Lg1 Ke6 6.Kb4: Kd5 7.Kb5 h5 8.b4 Tf8 9.a6 Te8 10.Ka5 Kc4 11.b5+) 5.Le3 g2 6.Kb4: Kf5 7.Kb5 Te8 8.Lg1 Kf4 9.b4 Kf3: (9.- Tf8 10.Kc6 Tf6+ 11.Kd7 Tf7+ 12.Ke6+) 10.Ka4 Ke2 11.b5 Kf1 12.b6 Kg1: 13.b7 Kf1 14.a8D+ Ta8: 15.ba8D g1D 16.Df3+ Df2 17.Dc3+ Ke2 18.Dc2+ Kf3 19.Df5+ Ke2 20.Dg4+ Dg4: 21.hg4+.

D39 – duals: I. 2.Ke3 Ke7 (2.- Kd6 3.Ke4 Kd7 4.Ke5) 3.d6+ Kd6: 4.Ke4+; II. 2.Ke4 Kd6 3.Kf3 Kd7 4.Ke3 Ke7 5.d6+ Kd6:+ 6.Ke4 Ke6 7.d5±; III. 6.Kc4: Kd6 7.Kd4 Kd7 (7.- Kd6 8.c3!/Ke4) 8.Kc3:+ IV. 8.Kc5+; IV – 5…Kd7, like 6.K:c3, 6.K:c4, 6.Kc5, 6.Ke5, etc

D40 – cooked: 6.D:c3+ Kb1 7.Db3+ Ka1 8.K:f2 Lc2 9.Db4 Lb3 10.Dc3+ Kb1 11.D:b3+ Ka1 12.Dc3+ Kb1 13.De1+ Kb2 14.De5+ Kb1 15.Df5+ Kb2 16.Df6+ Kb1 17.D:c6 a1D 18.Dh1+ Kb2 19.D:a1 K:a1 20.Ke3 ±

D42 – cooked: I. 3.Tf1 Td6 4.Te1 Tb6: 5.Te8 Tg6 6.Lf4+ Ka7 7.Ld2+(7.Lg5: Tc2 8.Lf4 b6 9.g5 Tf2 10Te4±); II. 6.Kd2/Kd1 Kc8 7.Ke2 Kd7 8.Kf3 Ke6 9.Kf4:± III. 1.Tf5 Tf4 2.Lb8 Td4 besides 3.Lf4: 3.Tf1! Td6 4.Te1 T:b6 5.Te8+-; IV. After 1.Tf5 Tf4 2.Lb8 Td4 Dual :3. Tf1 Td6 (3… Td8 4. Ld6 Te8 5. Le5 Td8 6. Lf6 +-) 4. Ka1 Txb6 (4… Tc6 5. Lg3 Txb6 6. Tf8+ Ka7 7. Lf2 +-) 5. Tf8 Ta6+ (5… Te6 6.Le5+ Ka7 7.Tf5 Tc6 8.Kb1 Tc2 9.Txg5 +-) 6.Kb1 Ta4 7.Lf4+ Ka7 8.Lxg5 Txg4 9.Le3+ Ka6 10.Tf3 Kb5 11.Txh3 +-.

D43 – duals: I. 5.Kb8=; II. 9.Lf7(g8); III. 10.Lg4(g8,h3); IV. 11.Lc6(e6,f3,f7,g2,g8,h1); V. 12.Lf5,Lf3,Lg2,Lh1, Lg6,Lh7; – anticipated: I.Iespersen 1912; White Kg8,Lf8,Pa6,Pc6,Pg7(5) – Black: Kc4;Tc7;Tf7(3) Draw; 1.a7 Ta7: 2.c7 Tac7: 3.Kh8 Tc8 4.g8L Tf8: stalemate – no solution: 6.- Kc6 7.Kb8 Tg8 8.Kc7 Te8 9.Lb7+ Ka7 and black win.

D44 – misprint: 1.(X)=5.(X’); 5.(X’)=12(Y’); 1.(X)=12.(Y’); – duals: 3.c8T/c8L+/c8S+ Kc8: 4.b7± – anticipated: Maryshko, Italia Scacchistica,1947; White: Kg2;Td8;Sc8;Pg4(4) – Black: Kb8;Ta8;La4;Lf4;Pg5;Pg6(6) Draw; 1.Sh6+ Kc7 2.Ta8: Lc6+ 3.Sd5+ Ld5: 4.Kh3 La8:.

D45 – no solution: 1…Kc7! 2.L:e3 de3 3.fe3 b5 4.c5 d5 5.c6 d4 6.ed e3 7.d5 e2 8.d6+ K:c6 9.d7 e1S ~ 10.d8+S Kb6 10. S~ Sc2: black win; – dual: 9. c7 Kd7 (9… Dd2/De3 10. d7+ =) 10. c8D+ Kxc8 11. d7+ Kc7 12. d8D+ Kxd8 =.

D46 – anticipated: Kalandadze ASSIAC JT, 1972; White: Ka8;Pa7;Ph2(3) – Black: Kh2;Ta3;Pa4(3) 1.Kb7 Tb3+ 2.Kc7 Tc3+ 3.Kd7 Td3+ 4.Ke7 Te3+ 5.Kf7 Tf3+ 6.Kg7 Tg3+ 7.Kh7 Th3:+ 8.Kg7 Tg3+ 9.Kf7 Tf3+ 10.Ke7 Te3+ 11.Kd7 Td3+ 12.Kc7 Tc3+ 13.Kb7 Tb3+ 14.Ka6 a3 15.a8D a2 16.Dh8+ Kg2 17.Da1 Ta3+ 18.Kb5 Ta8 19.Dg7+ Kf2 20.Df6+ Ke2 21.De5+ Kd2 2.Dd5+ Kc2 23.Da8: Kb2 24.Dg2+; – no solution: 2.Kg3 Th3+ (2.- Tf4: 3.Tg8: Se2+ 4.Kg2 Kf7 black has a clear advantage) 3.Kg2 Th4=.

D47 – duals: 10.Ld6+/Lh6+ 11.Sb7: 4.b7±

D48 – side variation dual 1.-Ke4 2.Sd6+ Kd5 3. Sxc4/e4+.

D49 – cooked: 9.Lc6 Td2 (9…K:c6 10.D:d7+ Kc5 11.Dc6+ Kd4 12.Dd5+ Ke3 13.Dd3+ Kf4 14.De4+ Kg5 15.Df5+ Kh6 16.Dg6+ K:g6 =) 10.Lb5 (10.La4 Kd6 11.Dd7:+) 10.- Kb6 11.L:e2 a4 12.Db8+ =; unclear 2.-Se5 3Sg6 Sc6+! (author plays 3.-Sxg6?).

D50 – misprint: 4.- Df5+ 5.Kf5 a2 (…) X 6.Sf7+ (…) Kh7: 7.Sg5 X’…

D51 – should be annotated as follows: (X1/2) 1.Sg6+! (1.Sc2?=); a) 1…Kxh3 2.Sf4+ (2.Sxc2? Rg4) Kh4 (X1′) 3.Sxc2 Kg4 4.Bxg5 Kxg5 (4..hxg5? 5.h6 5.e3; b) 1.. Kxh5 2.Sf4+ (2.Sxc2? Rxg6) Kh4 (X2′) 3.Sxc2 since the sequence leading to (X1′) and (X2′) both follow from the keymove; – dual: I. 5.Sg2: Lg2: 6.Kg2: f4 7.Kf3 Kh5: 8.Se1 (8.Sd4 g2 9.Kg2: Kg4 10.Kf2+) 8.- Kg5 9.Sg2 h5 10.Sf4: h4 11.Sh3+ Kf5 12.Sg1 Kg5 13.e4 Kf6 14.Kf4 Kf7 15.Sf3±; II – major dual: after 3…Kg4 – 4.Se6! K:h5 [4…T~? 5.Se3+ K~ 6.Sf4#] 5.S:g5 h:g5 6.Sd4! f4 [6…Kg6 7.Sf3 g4 8.Sh4+ wins] 7.Se6! wins.

D52 – no solution: 2…Th3+! 3.Kg2 (3.Kf2 Ta3 3.Le3 Sh3+ 5.Ke2 Sf4+ 6.Lf4: ef4 7.g5 Te3+) 3.- Th4 4.Kg3 (4.T:g8 T:g4+ Kf1 Kf7 6.Tc8 K:g7 7.T:c7+ Kf6 8.L:g1 T:e4 =) 4…Th3+ =;- cooked: 1.Tg8: Kf7 2.Tc8 Kg7: 3.Tc7:+ Kf6 4.g5+ Ke6 5.Tg7 Se2+ 6.Kg4 Sf4 7.Le3 Tf1 8.Lf4: Tf4:+ 9.Kg3 Te4: 10.Tg6:+ Ke7 11.h5 Te3+ 12.Kg2 Te2+ 13.Kf3 Th2 14.h6 d5 15.Tg7+ Ke6 16.h7 Kf5 17.g6 e4+ 18.Kg3 Th6 19.Tg8 Kg5 20.h8D+; – no solution: after 2.Kg3 – 2…Th7! 3.T:g8 Kf7 4.Tc8 Th3+! 5.Kg2 K:g7 6.T:c7+ Kf6 7.L:g1 [7.K:g1? Kg5] 7…Ta3 8.Th7 [8.Tc6? Kg5 9.T:d6 K:g4 10.Td2 Kf4 11.Te2 Tg3+ 12.Kh2 Tc3 13.Kh1 Th3+ 14.Lh2+ Kf3 15.Te1 Th4, =] 8…Kg5 9.Th3 T:h3! 10.K:h3 Kf4 11.Kh4 K:e4 12.Kg5 d5! 13.Kf6! Kf3 14.g5 e4 15.Ld4 e3 16.K:g6 e2 17.Lc3 Ke3! 18.Le1 d4, Draw..

D54 – no solution: 2…Sf2! 3.Ke3 a) 3.Txf7 Sxd3+ 4.Ke3 b2 5.Tb7 (5.Tg7+ Kf1 6.f7 b1D 7.f8D Sf2 8.Db4 Dc1+ 9.Kd4 Df4+ 10.Kd5 Dxf5+ 11.Kc4 Dd3+ 12.Kc5 Df5+) 5…Sb4!; b) 3.Le1 b2 4.Ke3 Lb3 5.Tg7+ Kh3 6.Kxf2 b1D 7.f7 Lxf7 8.Txf7 Dxd3; 3…b2 4.Txb2 Sd1+ 5.Kxe2 Lxh5+ 6.Kd2 Sxb2 7.Lc3 Sd1 8.f7 Lxf7 9.Kxd1 h5 10.Kd2 h4 11.Le5 h3 12.Kc3 h2 13.Lxh2 Kxh2 14.Kb4 Lb3 15.f6 Kg3 16.f7 Lxf7 17.Kxa4 Kf4 18.Kb4 Ke5 19.Kc5 Lb3 =

D55 – no solution: 3…Dg7! 4.Th1+ Kg5 5.Tg1+ Kh6 6.T:g7+ K:g7 7.K:f4 h4 8.a4 c5 9.c3 Kf6 10.b4 cb 11.cb Kd5 -+

D58 – no solution: 3…Lxe4! 4.Txh3 Lg6 5.Txh4 Lxd3 6.Th3 Ld6 7.Txd3 Le5 8.a4 (8.Tf3 h4 9.Kh7 h3 10.Txh3 Lxf6 11.a4) 8…Lxf6+ 9.Kh7 h4 10.a5 Ld8 11.a6 Lb6 12.Tb3 La7 13.Kh6 Ke8 14.Kg5 h3 15.Txh3 Kd7 16.Tb3 Kc6 17.Kf6 Lc5 18.Kxf7 d3 19.Txd3 Kb6 20.Tc3 Ld4 21.Tc4 Le3 22.Ta4 Ka7; 8…Le4 9.Sg5 Lf5 10.Tb2 Lc7 11.Tb7 d2 (11…Lxe5 12.Txf7+ Ke8 13.Te7+ Kf8 14.Txe5) 12.Txc7 d1D 13.Txf7+ Ke8 14.Tb7 Lg6 15.Se6 =; – Dual: I. 10.e6 d1D 11.Tg8; II. after 6…Lb6 – 7.Sf2! Lc7 8.S:h3 Le4 9.Sg5! Lg6 10.a5! L:e5 11.Sh7+! L:h7 12.Te2! L:f6+ 13.K:h7 Ld8 14.a6 Lb6 15.Kh6, wins.

D59 – anticipation: Gurgenidze is the same king walk giving up the ‘h’ pawn. D59 adds Lh8! with a different (pin) stalemate. D. Gurgenidze 4 Comm Revista Romana de Sah 1974; White:Kc1;Th7;Sb3;Pd4;Pf6;Ph3;Ph6(7) – Black: Ke8;Ta2;Td3;Pa3;Pe5;Ph4(6) Win; 1.Te7+ Kf8 2.h7 Tc3+ 3.Kd1 Td3+ 4.Ke1 Te3+ 5.Kf1 Tf3+ 6.Kg1 Tg3+ 7.Kh1 T:h3+ 8.Kg1 Tg3+ 9.Kf1 Tf3+ 10.Ke1 Te3+ 11.Kd1 Td3+ 12.Kc1 Tc3+ 13.Kb1 Tb2+ 14.Ka1 1-0

D60 – no solution: 1…Lxe4! 2.La3+ Kxd2 3.Lb4+ Kc1 4.Lxe1 exd1D 5.Lxd1 Kxd1 6.Lb4!? UnLos!? 6…Ke2! (6…Kc2 7.Kc5 Kb3; 6.- Lg6 7.Kc5 Lf7 8.Kb6 Lc4 9.g5 e4 10.Lc5 Ke2 11.g6 Kf3 12.g7 Kg3: 12.g7 Kg3: 13.Le3 Kg4=) 7.Kc5 (7.Ld6 Kf3 8.g5 Kg4 9.Lxe5 Kxg5 10.Kd4 Lg2 11.Kc5 Lf1=) 7…Kf3! a) 7…Kd3 8.Kb6 Kc4 9.Ld2 Kd5 10.Kxa6 Kc6 11.Ka7 Kc7 (11…Lg6 12.Lf4 e4 13.a6) 12.Lf4 (12.Lc3 Kc8 13.g5 Lf5 14.Lxe5 Lg6 15.Kb6) 12…exf4 13.gxf4 Lf3; b) 7…Lc2 8.Kb6 Lxa4 (8…Ld3 9.g5 Kf3 10.g6 Lc4 11.Ld6 e4 12.g7 e3 13.g8D Lxg8 14.Kxa6 e2 15.Lb4 Kxg3 16.Kb5 Kf2 17.a6 Ld5) 9.Kxa6 Kf3 10.g5 Kg4 11.g6 Kg5 12.g7 Lb3 13.Ka7 Kg6 14.Lc3 e4 15.Ld4 Ld5; 8.g5 Kxg3 9.Kb6 Ld3 10.g6 Lxg6 11.Kxa6 Le8 12.Kb7 Lxa4 13.a6 Ld1 =; also a dual in line 1. Kc4 La2 2. Tc2+ Kxd1 3. Txa2! (author 3. Td2+).

D61– dual: I. Ta1! Le8 2.Sd4 Lg6+ 3.Sf5=; II. 2.Te3 e1D(T) 3.Ta3+ K:a3 stalemate; 2…e1S+ 3.Kc1 Sed3+ 4.T:d3 S:d3+ 5.Kd1 Kb2 6.Se7 Se5 7.S:g6 S:g6 8.Ke2 Kc3 9.Ke3 =; III. 1. Ta1 e1T 2. Txe1 Lxe1 3. Kb1 Lb4 4. Ka1 Lc3+ 5. Kb1 or dual : 2. Te3 e1D 3. Ta3+ Kxa3.

D62 – duals: 10.Kd1! Kb2 =; – cooked: 1.Sd2: ed2 2.Kd2: Kb2 3.Dh3 c4 4.De6 a1D 5.Dc4:= 4… c3+ 5.Kd3 a1D 6.Db3 Kc1 7.e6+-

D63 – duals: 2.Kd7 Lb5+ 3.Kc8 a6 4.ed3 La4 (4.- Ka7 5.h6 Tf7 6.Kd8 Th7 7.Sf8 Th6: 8.Sd7 Th8+ 9.e8D Te8:+ 10.Ke8: c4 11.dc4 Lc4: 12.Se5 Lb5+ 13.Ke7 Sa2: 14.Sed3 Kb7 15.Kd6+; 4.- Lc6 5.h6 Tf7 6.Kd8 Th7 7.Sf8 Th6: 8.Sd7 Ld7: 9.Kd7: Th8 10.e8D+ Te8: 11.Ke8: Sa2: 12.Kd7=) 5.h6 Tf7 6.Kd8 Th7 7.Sf8 Th6: 8.Sd7 Th8+ 9.e8D Te8:+ 10.Ke8: Sa2: 11.Ke7 Ld7: 12.Kd7: Sb4 13.Kc7 Ka7 14.Sg6 Sd5+ 15.Kd6 c4 16.Se5 c3 17.Sc6+ Kb7 18.Sd4: Sb4 19.Se2 c2 20.Sc1=; – cook: 1.a4

D65 – dual: line B) subline 7.- Kg4; dual 15.Lf5+ Kh4 16.Ke2: Sd4+ 17.Kd1 Sf5: 18.a8D Se3+ 19.Kc1 Sd5:+ (19. Kg3 20.Db7 Kg4 21.Dg7+ Kf3 22.Dc3:+) 20.Kc2 Se3+ 21.Kc3:+.

D66 – dual: 27.- Tb8: 28.Tg3#

D69 – no solution: 8.- Sd7 9.Df7: Sge5 10.Db3 b5 11.Db5: (11.Kg7 h3 12.Db5: b6 13.Da4+ Kb7 14.Dd1 h2=) 11.- b6 12.Kg7 h3 13.Da4+ Kb7 14.Dd1 h2 15.Dh1 (15.Le5: Sde5: 16.Dh1 Kc7 17.c4 Kd6=) 15.- Kc6 16.Le5: Sde5: 17.Kf6 Kd6=.

D70 – cooked: 1.f7 Lb8 2.Le5 d6 3.Ld6: Tf7: 4.Lb8: Tb7 5.Lh2 Kb5 6.Sc7 Kb6: 7.Se6 Kb5 8.Sg5 Tb6 9.Sh7: Th6: 10.Sg5 h3 11.Se4 a5 12.g5 +-

D73 – duals: 13.Kc2 & 14.Kb2

D74 – duals: I. 9.Sf6+ Ke7 10.Sd5+ Ke8 11.Te6:+; II. 12.Kc7 Sd8 13.Te1+; III. 14. f5 Kg7 15. Sh5+ Kh7 16. Ke8 +-; or 14. c4 La5 15. Se4 Lb4 16. Ta6 +-; 14.Te8+ Kg7 15.Td8: Sd8: 16.Kd8: Kf6 17.Kc7 Kf5 18.Kb7 Kf4: 19.Ka7: Kf3: 20.b6+; IV. 15.Te3 Lb6 16.fg5+; V. 16.Sf4 Lf4: 17.Tf6+ Kg7 18.Tf4:+; 16.Ta6 Ld2: 17.Ke6 Lc3: 18.Ta7: d2 19.Ta8#; VI. 17.Tg6 Le7 18.f5+; VII. 18.f5+; VIII. 19.Ta6+; 19.Kc6 IX. 20.Kc6+; X. 21.Kc6+ A lot of duals; main line should be stopped at 11.Sxh7, after that duals (the indicated main line is perhaps the best play, but of no interest, any way wins here; IX. 11.Ke8, like 12.Kb8, 12.Kc7, 12.f5, 12.Sg5, 12.Ta6, etc.

D76 – cooked: I. 1.Lg2! Sc4 2.Th1 f1D (2…Sd2+ 3.Kxa3 Sc4+ 4.Kb3 Sd2+ 5.Kb4 a5+ 6.Kc5 Kb2 7.c4+ Kxc2 8.d6 Sxc4 9.Kxc4±) 3.Lxf1 a5 (3…Lxc2+ 4.Kxc2 Sb2 5.Lg2+ Sd1 6.Txd1#) 4.Kxc4 Kb2 5.Kb5 a1D 6.c4+ Ka2 7.Lxa1 Kxa1 8.d6 a2 9.d7 Kb2 10.d8D a1D 11.Dh8+ Ka2 12.Dxa1+ Kxa1 13.c5± ; II. 1.Td1 Sd1: ( Sc4 2.Td4 Sa5+ 3.Ka3: Lc2: 4.Tb4+) 2.d6 Sb2 3.d7+; III. 2.c3 Se4: 3.c5 Sb2 4.c4 a4+ 5.Kc3 Sd1+ 6.Kb4+ Sb2 7.Tc3 Lc2 8.c6 Kb1 7.Ta3: a1D 10.Ta1:+ Ka1: 11.Ka3 Kb1 12.Lb2:+; IV. 5.Td1 Sb2 6.Kc5 a4 7.Td3 Lc2: 8.Ta3: Kb1 9.d6 a1D 10.Ta1:+ Ka1: 11.d7+; V. 8.d6 a4+ 9.Kc3 Sd1+ 10.Kd3+ Sb2+ 11.Kd4 Sd1 12.Td1: Kb2 13.Kd3#; V. 1. d6 Sc4 (1… a5 2. d7 Sc4 3. d8D +- Sb2) 2. Kxc4 Kb2 3. Kb4 Kxc1 4. c4 Kd1 5. d7 Ke1 6. Lh3 f1D 7. Lxf1 Kxf1 8. d8D+-.; VI. 6… a4 duals: 7.c5!, 7.d6! 7. Lh~ Sd1 8.Kd3 Sb2 9.Kd4 Sd1 10.Td1: Kb2 11.Kd3#; VII. 1.d6! a5 [1…Sc4? 2.K:c4 (or 2.Td1!) Kb2 3.Kb4 K:c1 4.c4 Kd1 5.d7 Ke1 6.Lh3, wins] 2.Td1! Sc4! [2…S:d1? 3.c4+ Sb2 4.K:a3 L:c2 5.d7 Kb1 6.L:b2, wins] 3.K:c4 Kb2 4.Kb5 K:c2 5.c4, wins. .

D77 – anticipated: G.Nadareishvili Akhalgazrda Komunisti, 1937; White: Kd1;Le5;Lf3(3) – Black: Kb1;La1;Pb2; Pb7;Pd2;Ph2(6) Win; 1.Ld6 b5 2.Lb4 h1D+ 3.Lh1: Ka2 4.Ld5+ Kb1 5.La3 b4 6.Lb3 ba3 7.Lg8 a2 8.Lh7;

D78 – cooked: I. 1.Ld7! Lb7 2.Tee8 a2 (2…cxd6 3.Ta8 Lxa8 4.Txa8 b4 5.Lxc6±) 3.Ta8 Lxa8 4.Txa8 cxd6 5.Txa2 ±; II. 4.d7 a2 5.Ta8 La8: 6.d8S a1D 7.Se6#; III. 4.Ta8 and 4.d7! NL: 1Ld7 Lb7 2.Tee8 cd6 3.Tb8! +-

D79 – cooked: I. 1.Lg5! a3 (1.- Lb7 2.Lh4 a3 3.Kg5 Sf7+ 4.Kg6 Ld5: 5.ed5 Sh8+ 6.Kg7 Sf7 7.Lg3:+ Kf5 8.Lf4+) 2.Lh4 a2 3.Kg5 Sf7+ 4.Kg6 Sh8+ 5.Kg7 Sg6 6.Lxg3+ Sf4 7.exf4#; – dual: 10.K:f7 with speed mate; II. 2.Lh8: a2 (2.- Lb7 3.Kg6! Ld5: 4.Sd5 Ke4 5.c4 a2 6.Ld4 a1D 7.Sf6#) 3.Lg7 a1D 4.Kg6 Df1: 5.Lh6 De2: 6.Lf4#; III. 10.Kf7: f1D 11.d4#; IV. 12.Sg4#; V. 1. Ld7 Lb7 2. Tee8 cxd6 3. Tb8 a2 4. Ta8 Lxa8 5. Txa8 +-. – or dual :2. Tee8 cxd6 3. Tb8 a2 4. Ta8 Lxa8 5. Txa8 +-); VI. 1.Lg5! Sf7 [1…a3? 2.Kg4 Lb7 3.Kf3 L:d5 4.e:d5 Sf7 5.Lh4 a2 6.e4, wins] 2.Lh4 Lb7 3.Kg4 L:d5 4.e:d5 Sh6+ 5.Kg5 Sf7+ 6.Kg6 Sh8+ 7.Kg7 a3 8.L:g3+ Kf5 9.e4+ Kg5 10.e3 Sg6 [10…a2? 11.Lf4+ Kh4 12.g3#] 11.Le2 Sf8 12.Lf4+ Kh4 13.Lf1 with g3#; – major dual: after 1…a3 – 2.L:h8! Lb7 3.Kg4 L:d5 4.e:d5 a2 5.e4 a1D 6.Kf3 D:c3+ 7.e3 D:e3+ 8.K:e3 c3 9.S~#.

D81– duals: I. 4.a8T+ La8: 5.Th1+; II. 10.Sd4 Ld5, 11.gf4+.

D80; D81 – anticipation: Maksimovkikh’s shows very similar play. In recent years Sidorov has done many similar studies. A.Maksimovskih 4.Pr Komandno Pervenstvo USSR 1974; White: Ka8;De1;Tc1;Td1;Lh1;Sc3;Sd2;Pa5;Pa7; Pb4;Pb6;Pd4;Pe2(13) – Black: Ka6;Df6;Pb5;Pd5(4) Win; 1.b7 Dc6 2.L:d5 D:d5 3.Dh1 D:h1 4.Sf3 D:f3 5.Se4 D:e4 6.d5 D:d5 7.Tc6+ D:c6 8.Td6 D:d6 9.b8S+ D:b8+ 10.a:b8S# 1-0

D82 -According to the rules, promoted pieces in the diagram position are not allowed.

D83 – Black performs also the theme!!

D84 – dual: I. 6.Sf6:!; II. Major Dual after 3…Kg7 – 4.h6+! K:h6 5.Tg8! Dd5 6.Sg4+ Kh5 7.S:f6+ Kh6 8.S:d5, wins.

D85 – major dual after 7…Kg8 – 8.Ke1! h1D+ 9.Kd2 g5! [9…D:h4? 10.Te8+ Kh7 11.Lc3! f4 12.Dd4! D:f2+!? 13.D:f2 e3+ 14.T:e3 f:e3+ 15.K:e3 Te7+ 16.Kd3 b:a5 (16…Te2? 17.Dd4 Kh6 18.Df4+ g5 19.Df8+ Kg6 20.Df6+) 17.Dd4 Kh6 18.Dh8+ Th7 19.Lg7+ Kg5 20.D:h7 f2 21.Dh6+ Kg4 22.Dc1, wins] 10.Lc3! Db1 [10…d6? 11.T:f5, etc.] 11.Dd4! Da2+ 12.Lb2 Th7 13.T:f5, wins.

D86 – added try: 1.Dxc1? Tf1+! 2.Ke2 Tf2+ 3. Ke1 Kxg1!; In try1. Sf3? with the aim 1.- Txf3 2. Dxc1 Tf1+? 3.Ke2 Tf2+???. Add into the try 1.Sf3? Txf3 line 2. Dxc1 Tf2! 3.Dd1 Lf3 4. Dxf3+ gxf3 5.0-0-0+!? Kh(g)2! -+

D65 – full solution: 1… Sg3+ (1… Sxe3 {X1} 2. Sf6+ {(Plan 1 2. gxf3+ Kxf3 3.Tg8 e1D+ 4. Tg1??)}2… Kxg5 3. Se4+ Kg4 {X1′ g-line opened} 4. gxf3+ ! (4. Tg8+ ? Kh5 !) 4… Kxf3 5. Tg8 e1=D+ 6. Tg1 De2 7. a8=D +-) (1… e1=D 2. Lf5+ Kxf5 3. Tf8+ Kg6 4. Lxf4 Sxe3+ 5. Kh2 fxg2 6. Tg8+ Kf5 7. Sg3+ Kxf4 8. fxe3+ Kf3 9. Tf8+ Kg4 10. Tf4+ Kg5 11.Kxg2 Da1 12. Tf7 +-) 2. Kh2 Sf1+ 3. Kg1 Sxe3 {X2} 4. Sf6+ ({Plan2} 4. gxf3+ Kxf3 {5.Sg5+??}) 4… Kxg5 5. Se4+ Kg4 {X2′ vacated g5 square} 6. gxf3+ Kxf3 {X3 Plan 3: Check bK away and then Kf2??} 7. Sg5+ ! Kg4 (7… Lxg5{X6 plan 6 8. Th3+?? Kg4 9. Kf2??} 8. Le4+ Kxe4 9. f3+ Kxf3 {X6′} 10. Th3+ Kg4 (10… Ke4 11. Kf2 Sxc2 12.Kxe2 Sd4+ 13. Kf2 (13. Ke(f)1 ? c2 14. Tc3 Sb5 15.Tc4+ Kd3 16. a8=D Kxc4 17. Dc6+ Kb3 18. Dxb5+ Kc3 =) 13… c2 14. Th1 ! (14.Tc3 ? Sb5 =) 14… Le3+ 15. Kg2 win) 11. Kf2 Sxc2 12. Kxe2 Sd4+ 13. Kf2 Kxh3 14. a8=D c2 15. Dc8+ ! Kh4 16. Dh8+ Kg4 17. Dxd4+ Lf4 18. Dg7+ Lg5 19. Dd7+win) 8. f3+ Kg3 {X4 Plan 4 9. Sf3??} 9. Se4+ Kxf3 {X3′ & X5 Plan 5 10.Le4+??} 10. Sg5+ Kg3 {X4′} 11. Sf3 Kxf3 {X5′} 12. Le4+ ! Kg3 13. Th3+ (13. Tg8+ ? Sg4 14. Txg4+ Kxg4 15. Kf2 Le3+ ! =) 13… Kxh3 14. Kf2 Sxc2 15. Kxe2 wins

D80 – full solution: 1. Kb8 (1. Sef4 ? Sd6+ 2. Kd7 Tg7+ 3. Ke6 Tg6+ 4. Ke7 Tg7+ 5. Kf6 Txe5) 1…Sd6 2. a8=S+ Ka5+ 3. axb5 Df8+ ! (3… Tg8+ ? 4. Ka7 Txa8+ 5. Kxa8 Kb6 6.Sef4) 4. Ka7 Dxa8+ 5. Kxa8 Kb6 6. b4 Sc4 7. Lxc4 Tf2 { X1, Black threat mate in 1 move. White’s (right) main plan is to play Ld4+, which right now is not possible because of Tc3 and Tb2. So white’s second plan involves sacrificing the rooks by moves Tf3 ( -Txf3) and Tf2. However the rook moves are prevented by the Sd3 and Se2, so the plan involves sacrificing Sd3 at f4, then playing Tf3 and after -Txf3 playing first Se2-f4 and after -Txf4 to play Tf2. However still a fifth sacrifice of Lc4 (at f7) is required because Lc4 prevents white’s plan because of stalemate defence.} 8. Sdf4 ! ({White has a second (try) plan also as follows: take Sd3xTf2. This were right now a stalemate because of Lc4. White’s plan is to sacrifice the bishop at f7 and then sacrifice the Tb2 at f2 to lure the bT back to f2 for the main plan. However Se2 prevents the move Tb2-f2 so white’s plan includes sacrificing initially the Se2 at f4.} 8. Sef4 Txf4 9. Lf7 Txf7 10. Tf2 Txf2 {Position X1′(-Se2, Lc4, Tb2). This thematical try is refuted by 9.-Td4!)} 11.Sxf2 win) 8… Txf4 {X2. .} 9. Lf7 ! Txf7 (9… Td4 {X3.Black avoids white’s main plan in this thematical side variation. Now White’s principal plan is Lxd4+, which is prevented by Tb2 and Tc3. So white sacrifices the rooks and the plan includes the move Sd4 forcing the bT back to d4.} 10. Td3 (10. Td2 $2 Txd2 11. Td3 Txd3 12. Ld4+ Txd4 {X3′ (-Tb2, Tc3, La1)}) 10… Txd3 11. Td2 Txd2 12. Sd4 Txd4 {X3” (-Tc3, Tb2, Se2)} 13. Lxd4+) 10. Tf3 Txf3 11. Sf4 Txf4 {X2′ (-Lc4, Tc3, Se2)} 12. Tf2 Txf2 {X1′ (-Sd3, Lc4, Tc3, Se2, Tb2)} 13. Ld4+Swins

D86 – full solution: 1. dxe3 ! (1. Dxc1 ? Tf1+ ! 2. Ke2 Tf2+ 3. Ke1 Kxg1 -+) (1. Sf3 ?! {(Aim 1… Txf3 2. Dxc1 Tf1+ Ke2= Tf2???) } 1… Txf3 2. dxe3 (2. Dxc1 Tf2 !3. Dd1 Lf3 4. Dxf3+ gxf3 5. O-O-O+ Kg(h)2 !) 2… Tf1+ 3. Kd2 Tf2+ 4. Kxc1 dxe3! 5. g7 Lxg7 6. e5 Lxe5 7. d4 Lxd4 8. c3 Lxc3 9. h8=D+ Lxh8 {X1′ (-c2, d3, e4, g6, h7)} 10. Dh7+ Kg1 11. Dxh8 Sd3+ 12. Kb1 e2 -+ 13. Kc2+e1=D+ 14. Kxd3 Lf1+) 1… Tf1+ 2. Kd2 Tf2+ 3. Se2 Txe2+ 4. Kxc1 dxe3 {X2, X3} 5. g7 (5. e5 ? Lxe5 6. d4 Lxd4 7. c3 Lxc3 8. h8=D+ Lxh8 {X2′} 9. g7 Lxg7 10.Dh7+ = {A try with 4 thematical sacrifices, the refutation is 9.-Te1+ Kb2 10.Lxg7#)}) 5… Lxg7 6. e5 Lxe5 7. d4 Lxd4 8. c3 Lxc3 9. h8=D+! 9… Lxh8 {X3′} 10. Dh7+ Kg1 11. Dxh8 Sd3+ 12. Kb1 Le4 13. Dc3 ! Sb4+ 14. Kc1 Sd3+ (14…Tc2+ 15. Dxc2 Sxc2 16. Ta4 =) 15. Kb1 = 1/2-1/2

The Remarks h#

E17, E21, E89 – anticipation: I. V.Zeltonozko JT Pushkin-200 2000 5 H.M. White: Ka1;Td6;Lf2;Pg6(4) – Black: Kf4;Le3;Lh1;Sb1;Pd2;Pg4;Pg5;Pg7(8); h#3 b) g5?f5; 1.La7 Lb6 2.Le4 Lc7 3.Le3 Tf6#; 1.Lf3 Lg1 2.Lf2 Te6 3.Lg3 Le3#; II. Toma Garai Diagrames 1989; White: Kf8;Ld4;Sd6;Pc3;Pf6(5) – Black: Kf4;Tg6;Lc5;Pe4;Pf3;Pf5(6); h#3 2. Sol; I. 1.La7 Lb6 2.Tg4 Lc7 3.Le3 Sf7#; 1.Tg4 Lg1 2.Lf2 Sc4 3.Lg3 Le3#; III. Mykola Nahnybida Springaren 1998; White: Ka8;Sc6;Le6;Pf5;Pf2;Pg2(6) – Black: Ke4;Df1;Ld5;Sc1;Pc2;Pf6;Pf4(7); h#3 2.Sol ; I. 1.Sd3 Lf7 2.Le6 Lh5 3.Lf5: Lf3#; II. 1.La2 Lb3 2.Se2 La4 3.Ld5 Lc2:#.

E18 – anticipation: Toma Garai 2.Pr. Courrier des Echecs 1989; White: Kh6;Tc5;Ld6;Pf4(4) – Black: Kd3;De3; Tc6;Pe4(4) – Black: h#3 2.Sol; I) I. 1.Tc8 Tc7 2.Kd4 Td7 3.Tc4 Lb4#; II. 1.De2 Tc1 2.Tc2 Le5 3.Td2 Tc3#; II) Mykola Nahnybida Springaren 1995; White: Kf7;Tc4;Pd3(3) – Black: Kd5Df1;Td4;Te6;Lh4;Pa6;Pc6;Pc3;Pf3;Ph3; Ph6(11) h#3 2.Sol; I. 1.Tg4 Tf4 2.Td6 Tf6 3.Td4 Tf5#; II. 1.Te5 Tb4 2.Tc4 Tb7 3.Tc5 Td7#.

E40 – partial anticipation: Y.Gordian, A.Palabuiak and I.Soroka, The Problemist, 1994, 4 H.M. White: Kh6,Tb8, Lb7,Sb3, Pa2,Pa6,Pb5,Pc4,Pd2 (9) – Black: Kc2,Da8,Tc7,Ld1,Sg7,Pa7,Pc5,Pe7,Pf5 (9) h#3 Zero a) h6?h4; b) d2?b2 a) 1.Sh5 Th8 2.D:h8 Lc8 3.Db2 L:h5#; b) 1.Lh5 Lh1 2.D:h1 Td8 3.Db1 Td2#

E48, E52 – anticipation: A.Vassilenko Ural Problemist 2000 1-2 Pr; White: Kg1;Tg4;Lh1;Pd4(4) – Black: Kd5; Dd6;Tg7;Th4;Le4;Sc4;Pa4(7) h#3 b) c4?d7; 1.Lg2 Te4 2.Lh3+ Lg2 3.Le6 Tg4#; b) 1.De7 Tg2 2.Lg6 Tc2+ 3.Kd6 Tc6#

E62 – misprint: d=c/Pd4?a2

E63 – misprint: 4.sol.

E85 – anticipated: József Pásztor, ORBIT Nr 546, July 2001. White: Kc8;Tg4;Lf1;Pd4;Ph3(5) Black: Ke8;Df8; Th2;Le3;Lf7;Se1;Pa6;Pb7;Pc6;Pe2;Pf3;Pg5(12) h#3, 2 solutions. 1.L:d4 L:e2 2.T:e2 T:d4 3.Te7 Td8#; 1.T:h3 T:g5 2.L:g5 L:h3 3.Le7 Ld7#

E99 – misprint: full solution: I. 1.Tc3 Td3 2.Tc5 c3 3.Tf5 Td4:#; II. 1.Sf5 c4 2.Tc3 Ka4 3.Tc2 d3#; III. 1.d5 Tf2: 2.Tf3 f5 3.Tf5: Te2#.


F04 – misprint: 1.Lb3 …. 3.- Kb3: should be underlined as thematic sacrifice.

F11 – cooked: 1.Dg6(Se5) Kc2 2.Se5(Dg6)+ K:d1 3.Te1+ K:d2 4.Db1 K:c3 5.D:b2+ L:b2#

F17 – cooked I. 1.Sb4+ Kb1 2.c4 h4 3.gh c5 4.Sd5 Kc2 5.D:b2+ L:b2#, 2…Sd5 h4 4.Te1+ Kc2 5.D:b2+ L:b2#; II. 1.Le1+ Kb1 2.Db4 h4 3.Sc5 hg 4.Sb3 gf 5.T:b2+ L:b2#, 2…c5 3.Dh4 c4 4.Sb4 Kc1 5.T:b2+ L:b2#; III. 1. Se1+ Kb1 2. c4 c5 3. Se~ h4 4. Te1+ Kc2 5. Dxb2 Lxb2# (or 4. gxh4)

F21 – dual: after 1. a5 f3 2. Ld3 Kxd3 3. Dc5 (zugzwang) other variations are OK, but after 3…b5 there are not only 4. axb6 (as intended) but also 4. a6 5. a7 6. a8-D 7. Dxf3+ Se3#

F34 – misprint: In the threat, White’s 6th move should read: 6.Dc-g4+.

F59 – dual: after 1. Td7! bxc5 (?; does not prevent the threat) 2. Txe4+ Lxe4 there are not only 3. Sd5+ (as intended) but also 3. Lxf2+ Kxf2 4. Sxe4+ Ke3 5. Sf6+/Sg3+ Kf2 6. Sh5! (threat 7. Dxc5+ Se3#; 7. De2+ fxe2+) 6…S~+ 7. De1+ Txe1#.

F72 – promoted piece: Lh7

F77 – cooked: I. 1.T:c6 Ld2 2.Da8+ K:a8 3.T:c3+ Kb8 4.Tb7+ Ka8 5.Tc7+ Kb8 6.Tb3+ Lb4 7.~ L:e2#, 1…L:e2 2.Da8+ K:a8 3.T:c3+ Kb8 4.Tb7+ Ka8 5.Tc7+ Kb8 6.Tb3+ Lb4#; II. 1.La5 L:e2 2.Dc8+ K:c8 3.T:c6+ Kb8 4.Th8+ Ka7 5.Tc7+ Ka6 6.Ta8+ Kb5 7.S:c3+ L:c3#, 1…Ld2 2.Tb5+ cb 3.D:b5 Kc8 4.Lb7+ Kb8 5.L:g2+ Lc8 6.Lh3+ L:h3#; III. 1. Txc3! (2. Tb3+ Lb4 3. Sc5/Dxc6/Lxc6 Lxe2#; this works after 1…Ld2 and 1…c5); 1…Lxc3 (!) 2. Dxc6 (3. Db5+ Kc8 4. Tc7+ Kxd8 5. Txc3 Lxe2#); 2…Ld2 3. Db6+ Kc8 4. Lb7+ Kb8 5. Lxg2+ Kc8 6. Lh3+ Lxh3#; 2…Le1 3. Tb7+ Ka8 4. Sc5 Ld2/Lc3/Lb4 5. Da4+ La5 6. tempo Lxe2#; also 3. Sc5, 4. Tb7+; with other moves by black bishop white has shorter mates: 2…La5 3. Dc7+ Lxc7 4. Txc7 Lxe2#; 2…Lb4 3. Tb7+ Ka8 4. Txb4 Ka7 5. tempo Lxe2#; 2…Ld4 3. Db6+ Kc8 4. Lb7+ Kb8 5. Dxd4 Lxe2#; or 3. Tb7+; 2…Lxe5 3.Db5+ Kc8 4. Sb6+ K~ 5. Dxe5 Lxe2# .

F78 – anticipation: Michael Keller 1.Pr. Schach 1982; White: Kf1;De1;Tc5;Th5;La3;Lh7;Sb7;Pd2;Pd5;Pg2;Ph4 (11) – Black: Kd4;Th1;Lg1;Pb3;Pd3;Pf4;Pg3;Ph2;Pg7(9) s#3; 1.Tf5?(2.De4+ Ke4: 3.Tc4+ Ld4#) g6!; 1.Lf5?(2.De5+ Ke5: 3.Lb2+ Ld4#) g5!; 1.Lh7?(2.De4+ Ke4: 3.Tc4+ Ld4#) g5!; 1.Th6?(2.De5+ Ke5: 3.Lb2+ Ld4#) g6!; 1.Lc1!(2.De3+ fe3 3.de3 Le3:#) 1.- g6 2.De4+ Ke4: 3.Tc4+ Ld4#; 1.- g5 2.De5+ Ke5: 3.Lb2+ Ld4#


G38 – anticipation: L. Lindner Tungsram, 1978, 2 H.M.; White: Kh2;Dc1;Tb8;Td8;La7;Lc8;Se8;Se2:Pc7(9) – Black: Kc6;Dc2;Tb2;La8;Lf8;Sa6;Sf4;Pb5(8) #2; 1.Lf2? – 2.Tb6(A)#, 1…Sd5,Sc5 2.Ld7(B),Sd4(C)#, 1…Lc5!; 1.Td2? – 2.Ld7(B)#, 1…Sd5,Sc5 2.Sd4(C), Tb6(A)#.

G40 – misprint: the **) after 2.Sc3+ should read *) and **)2.Sd2:? should read *)2.Sd2:?

G43 – dualistic refutation: 1…Da6 2.Kg3 (2.g3? Da2/2…Td4! 3.Tg5? Lg5! 4.Dg6? Dg6!)

G45 – misprint: 1…T:f2 (f8=S) 2.T:d4+ Ke5 3.Sg6:# 1…D:c1(f8=L) 2.Sc7 Kd6 3.e8#


Gevgelija, 27.08.2003

Director of 7WCCT ZIVKO JANEVSKI P.BOX 163, 1480 Gevgelija Macedonia zivko@mt.net.mk


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