7th World Chess Composing Tournament of the FIDE
Section A: 2-movers
Judges: Great Britain, Netherlands, Slovakia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia Reserve Judge: France
Single-phase 2-movers with a blend of at least three different thematic groups of two or more variations, i.e. at least 6 variations altogether. Two of the thematic groups may show the same theme but must be clearly recognisable as separate systems. There should be different mates in all thematic variations, and none of the thematic variations should appear in more than one thematic group.
(1) J. Roura Good Companion 1919 #2 (9+10)
1.Qe8! ~ 2.Se3# 1… Re4,Rc4 2.de4,dc4# – exposure to capture & WP battery mates 1… f4,g4 2.Qe4,Bg2# – black interference 1… Bc5,Bf4 2.Sc7,Scb4# – focal theme
(2) F. E. Godfrey 1.Pr Good Companion 1917 #2 (12+4)
1.Bd2! (~) 1… c6+,c5+ 2.Sfd6,Sbd6# – cross-checks 1… B~,f5 2.Sfd8,Sg5# – opening of white lines to guard BK flights 1… Kc4/Kc6,Ke4 2.Se5:,Sc5# – BK moves
(3) V. Marin Y Llovet 8th Am. Ch. Congress Ty, Good Companion 1921 #2 (6+5)
1.Qd2! (~) 1… Bd2:,Bf2: 2.Bh4,Qa5# – focal theme 1… ef2,ed2 2.Qg5,Bb6# – gate opening 1… S~,Sc8: 2.Qd7:,Sc6# – black correction
(4) M. Pfeiffer Sp. Pr. Chwila 1932 #2 (9+11)
1.Qc3! ~ 2.Qd4# 1… Sd3,Sd5 2.Se4,Sb7# – indirect unpin 1… Sc2,Sc6 2.Sd3,Rb5:# – interference 1… fe3+,Qd6:+ 2.Qe3:,Bd6:# – check First and second pair show also the Dalton theme
(5) G. P. Latzel 1st Pr La Domenica dei Giochi 1932 (v) #2 (13+11)
1.Kb7! ~ 2.Rc6# 1… Rf6,Rf5 2.Qc1,Qc4# – unpin & dual avoidance 1… Qg5:,Rg4: 2.Rf6,Re6# – self-block with white interference 1… Bb6:,Qg6:/Sg6: 2.Rb6:,Rg6:# – direct guard & making room for the WR (Note: BBa5 & BPb4 are added to original position to complete the third thematic group)
(6) C. Mansfield 1. Pr Evening Standard 1929 #2 (9+7)
1.Qb5! ~ 2.Qd3# 1… Qb5:,Qa3 2.c4,c3# – unpin & dual avoidance & WP-battery mates 1… Re6,Rf6 2.Se3,Se7# – unpin, self-block with white interference, WS-battery-mates 1… Qc2:+,Rd5:+ 2.Bc2:,Qd5:# – direct checks
(7) M. Adabashew 1.Pr Konk. Moldavian SSR 1935 #2 (11+8)
1.Qc7! ~ 2.Qc6# 1… Qg5:,Qe2 2.Sg3,Sfd6# – unpin of white + dual avoidance 1… Bb5,Bc4: 2.Sc5,Sbd6# – unpin of white + dual avoidance 1… Qf5:+,Bb7:+,(Se7+) 2.Bf5:,Qb7:,(Qe7:)# – direct checks The first two pairs are thematically analogous, but are clearly distinct systems.
(8) L. Loshinski & V. Shiff Com. Sverdlovsk Sport Commitee 1946 #2 (11+8)
1.c3! ~ 2.Qb3# 1… Sfd2:,Sed2: 2.Be4:,Bf3:# – self-pin (Nietvelt) 1… Sc5,Se5 2.Rd4,Sf6# – halfpin 1… Sd4,Sd6 2.c4,Se7# – white interference
(9) M. R. Vukcevich Schach-Echo 1976 #2 (6+10)
1.Qd6! ~ 2.Sd2:/Se5# 1… Rd6:,Bd6: 2.Se5,Sd2:# – Novotny 1… Ra7:,Ba7: 2.Qd3,Qf4# – removal of rear control 1… e5,Bd5 2.Qf6,Qa3:# – pin of white + masked interference
(10) M. R. Vukcevich Chess by Milan 1981 (v) #2 (10+10)
1.Qg7! ~ 2.Rd6# 1… Rd3,Ra3: 2.Re6,Rfc6# – dual avoidance 1… Rb4,Rb1: 2.Rff5,Rf4# – dual avoidance 1… Rff6:,Rbf6: 2.Sf5,Sc6# – self-pin 1… Re6,Be6+ 2.Rd5,Rff5# – Grimshaw Four groups of variations (the first two with the same theme), but because the mate 2.Rff5 appears twice only three groups can be counted as thematic. The first two thematic groups are distinguished by the black piece making the defences and by the fact that the WR must avoid leaving a specific line.
Section B: 3-movers
Judges: Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine Reserve Judge: Italy
A white piece (not a pawn) is unpinned by Black’s first move and immediately sacrifices itself, i.e. plays to a square where it is exposed to capture.
Marek Kwiatkowski Wola Gulowska 2000 Commendation #3 (8+10)
1. Sb5! [2. Sf4+ Sexf4 3. Qd4# 2… Sdxf4 3. Qc3#] 1… Ba7 2. Qc3+ Sxc3 3. Se5# 1… Rc7 2. Qd4+ Sxd4 3. Se5# 1… f4 2. Qxe4+ Kxe4 3. Bc2#
Section C: More-movers
Judges: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden Reserve Judge: Romania
Direct-mates in 4 or more moves in which a white piece vacates square X to allow another white piece to occupy that same square X at least 2 moves later (i.e. White must wait at least one move after the vacation of square X before he occupies it by another piece). Pawn(s) may be used as the thematic piece(s).
Alois Johandl 1 Pr Freie Presse 1998 #7 (6+13)
1.Rd4 (2.Rd5) Kxd4 2.Rf4+ Kc5 3.Sd6 (4. Rxc4) Rb4 4.Se4+ Kd4 5.Sf2+ Kc5 6.Sxd3+ cxd3 7.axb4#.
Section D: Studies
Judges: Belgium, Georgia, Israel, Romania, Russia Reserve Judge: Belarus
In a certain position (“position X”) of a win or draw study, a piece (or pieces) of his own side prevent White from carrying out his plan. In the course of the solution White sacrifices this piece (or pieces) either passively (examples 1 and 3) or actively (example 2). Consequently, position X’ arises, which is identical in every detail to position X, but without the eliminated piece(s). This enables White to carry out his original plan. In examples 1 and 2, position X is the diagram position; in example 3, position X occurs after Black’s 1st move. Pawn(s) may be used as the thematic piece(s).
(1) Szaja Kozlowski Swiat Szachowy 1931 + (4+3)
1.g7? R~!
1.Rg7+! K:h8 2.Rh7+ Kg8 3.g7!
(2) Y. Afek 2nd comm.. Themes-64 1977 + (4+3)
1.Ba4? c:b4 2.c5 b3 3.B:b3 S:b3 draw (4.c6 Sa5 5.c7 Sc6+).
1.Sc2! Sb3 2.Sa1!! (2.Se3? Sa5 draw) S:a1 3.Ba4 Kc3 4.Kd5 Kb4 5.Bd1 wins.
(3) David Gurgenidze 2. Pr. Die Schwalbe 1995-96 + (5+6)
After: 1.Kb4 Rb5+, the thematic try: 2.Kc3? Rc5+ 3.Kd2 Rxa4 4.Rxa4+ Kb7 5.Rh4, allows 5…Rc6 6.h7 Rh6. Therefore 2.Kc4! Rc5+ 3.Kd4 Rd5+ 4.Ke4 Re5+ 5.Kf4 Rf5+ 6.Kg4 Rg5+ 7.Kh4 Rxh5+ 8.Kg4 Rg5+ 9.Kf4 Rf5+ 10.Ke4 Re5+ 11.Kd4 Rd5+ 12.Kc4 (12.Kc3? Rxa4 13.Rxa4+ Kb7) 12…Rc5+ 13.Kb4 Rb5+, and the original plan succeeds: 14.Kc3! Rc5+ 15.Kd2 Rxa4 16.Rxa4+ Kb7 17.Rh4, and since wPh5 has been eliminated (passively sacrificed), 17…Rc6 (for Rh6) is now to no avail.
Section E: Helpmates
Judges: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland Reserve Judge: Great Britain
Helpmates in 3 moves are required with (at least) two phases, where: In phase 1 the move of a piece X has a certain effect ‘e’ (line-opening, line-closing, pin, unpin, capture, etc.) with respect to an adversary (opposite-colour) piece Y. In phase 2 the move of piece Y has the same effect ‘e’ with respect to piece X. See basic pattern and other allowed alternatives below (where Xs belong to one side, Ys belong to the opposite side).
Pattern A (basic pattern): Phase 1: the move of X has the effect ‘e’ with respect to Y Phase 2: the move of Y has the effect ‘e’ with respect to X
A cyclic expression is permitted, as in the following pattern:
Pattern B: Phase 1: the move of X1 has the effect ‘e’ with respect to Y1 Phase 2: the move of Y1 has the effect ‘e’ with respect to X2 Phase 3: the move of X2 has the effect ‘e’ with respect to Y2 Phase 4: the move of Y2 has the effect ‘e’ with respect to X1
A splitting is also permitted, as in the following patterns:
Pattern C: Phase 1: the move(s) of X has (have) the effects ‘e1’ and ‘e2’ with respect to Y Phase 2: the move of Y has the effect ‘e1’ with respect to X Phase 3: the move of Y has the effect ‘e2’ with respect to X
Pattern D: Phase 1: the move(s) of X has (have) the effect ‘e1’ with respect to Y1 and ‘e2’ with respect to Y2 Phase 2: the move of Y1 has the effect ‘e1’ with respect to X Phase 3: the move of Y2 has the effect ‘e2’ with respect to X
A doubling, tripling, etc. of the theme in any way, and a combination, expansion or condensation of the above-mentioned patterns are allowed. Pawn(s) may be used as the thematic piece(s).
Set-play, twinning and multi-solutions are permitted, but zeropositions or duplex settings are not allowed.
(1) Thomas Maeder commend idee&form 1991 h#3 2 solutions (3+9)
1.Bf1 Bg1 2.Be3 Bh2 3.Bd2 Bg3# 1.Ba7 Bb6 2.Rf1 Ba5: 3.Bf2 Bb4:# Bristol
(2) Thomas Maeder idee&form 1991 h#3* (5+12)
*1…. Ba5 2.Qb4 fe3:+ 3.Kc3 Bb4:# 1.Qa3: Bb4 2.ba2: Kd6 3.Qc3 Bc5# Critical move and interception
(3) Christopher J. A. Jones The Problemist 2000 h#3 2 solutions (7+10)
1.Rc2 Bd2 2. f2+ Ke2 3.Rd2:+ Sd2:# 1.Kd3 Bc1 2.Rd2 Sf2+ 3.Ke3 Bd2:# Maslar theme
The last two examples are helpmates in 2 moves which are not allowed in this tourney. They are given here only for illustration:
(4) Thomas Maeder, Markus Mathias Manhart, Franz Pachl Schach-Report 1992, 3rd prize h#2 4 solutions (8+12)
1.Rxe2 Bb2 2.Sa3 Bc1# 1.Rxd3 Bxc5 2.Sd2 exd3# 1.Sxe2 Bb4 2.Ra3 Bxc5# 1.Sf3 Bc1 2.Bd4 exf3# Rd2 takes Pe2, Pe2 takes Rd2 Sd4 takes Pe2, Pe2 takes Sd4 Duplication of the theme
(5) Gábor Cseh harmonie 1996 h#2 (6+7) b) whole position 3 rows up
a) 1.Sd5+ f4 2.ef3: ep+ Sc1:# b) 1.Sd8+ Sc4:+ 2.e5 fe6: ep#
Section F: Selfmates
Judges: France, Germany, Israel, Russia, U.S.A. Reserve Judge: Bulgaria
Selfmates in 3 to 7 moves in which White – not on his last move – sacrifices a piece (not a pawn) to be captured, immediately or subsequently, by the black King. Arrival of the thematic piece on the sacrificial square during the solution is a requirement. A sacrifice on White’s last move will be regarded in the same way as any other non-thematic move, but the black capture of the piece thematically sacrificed may occur on any move.
Uri Avner The Problemist 1992 1st Prize S#6 (10+11)
1. Qc8 (2.Qxc5+ Kxc5 3.Rc8+ Kd4 4.Sc6+ Kc5 5.Scb4+ Kd4 6.Sc2+ Rxc2#) 1…Bxe7 2.Rxd5+ Kxd5 3.Qf5+ Kd4 4.Be5+ Kd5 5.Bxg3+ Kd4 6.Bf2+ Rxf2# 1…Sf6 2.Be5+ Kxe5 3.Rxg5+ Kd4 4.Sf5+ Ke5 5.Sxg3+ Kd4 6.Se2+ Rxe2#
Section G: Fairies
Judges: France, Great Britain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia Reserve Judge: Switzerland
Direct-mates in 3 or more moves with the condition “one set of chessmen”: a pawn can promote only to a piece whose equivalent has already been removed from the board by capture. Either side may have 2 Bishops on squares of the same colour, but neither side can ever have 3 Bishops or 2 Queens at the same time. The way the condition is applied defines the type of problem:
Type 1: A pawn on the 7th/2nd rank cannot advance to the promotion square until a piece of its own side is captured.
Type 2: If a pawn reaches the promotion square before any piece of its own side is captured, it remains dormant until a piece is captured, whereupon it at once takes the power of that piece. In the case of more than one dormant pawn, the side making the capture decides which of the opponent’s dormant pawns takes the power of the captured piece. A dormant pawn cannot move but may be captured.
Composers are free to choose between the two types.
Any legal diagram-position which complies with the rules of the chosen fairy condition is allowed (including positions with 2 Bishops on squares of the same colour).
For computer checking, you are referred to the new version of Popeye at the Popeye homepage (free download): http://sourceforge.net/
projects/popeye-chess/files/ Popeye/. See also “Using Popeye for checking single box problems“ Examples:
(1) #3 (9+9) “Single-box” Type 1
1.e6-e7! (2.Sf2:e4+ Qe2:e4 3.e7-e8=S# 2… f5:e4 3.e7-e8=S#) 1… Qe2-g4 2.Qh1-d1+ Qg4:d1 3.e7:d8=Q# 1… Rf6-e6 2.Re5-d5+ c6:d5 3.e7:d8=R# 1… Rf6-f8 2.Bb6:c7+ Sa6:c7 3.e7:f8=B#
(2) #3 (13+12) “Single-box” Type 2
1.e7-e8! ~ 2.Qg1-d4+ c5:d4[e8=Q] 3.Qe8-e5# 1… Sf1-e3 2.Qg1-d1+ Se3:d1/e2:d1[e8=Q] 3.Qe8-e5# 1… e4-e3 2.Rh4-d4+ c5:d4[e8=R] 3.Re8-e5# 1… f3-f2 2.Bh1:e4+ Sg5:e4[e8=B] 3.Be8-f7# 1… d7-d6 2.Sc4-e3+ Sf1:e3[e8=S] 3.Se8:c7# 1… Qa7-a1 2.Sc4-b6+ Kd5-d6 3.Qg1:c5# 1… Sg5-f7 2.Rh4:h5+ Sf7-e5,Sf7-g5 3.Rh5:e5,Rh5:g5# 1… Sg5-e6 2.Rh4:h5+ Se6-g5 3.Rh5:g5#
(3) #3 (12+11) “Single-box” Type 2
1.c7-c8! ~ 2.Sc2-b4+ Ba5:b4[e8=S] 3.Se8-c7# 2… Ba5:b4[c8=S] 3.Sc8-b6# 1… Be4:c2[e8=S] 2.Se8:f6+ Rf5:f6[c8=S] 3.Sc8-e7# 1… Be4:c2[c8=S] 2.Sc8-e7+ Re5:e7[e8=S] 3.Se8:f6# 1… Ba5:c3[e8=Q] 2.Qe8-e6+ Re5:e6[c8=Q] 3.Qc8:e6[b1=R]# 1… Ba5:c3[c8=Q] 2.Qc8-e6+ Re5:e6[e8=Q] 3.Qe8:e6[b1=R]# 1… Ba5-b4 2.Sc2-e3+ Sg2:e3[e8=S] 3.Se8-c7# 2… Sg2:e3[c8=S] 3.Sc8-b6#
Invitation by Z. Janevski