8th World Chess Composing Tournament of the FIDE
Prior realizations of the thematic requirements in 2-movers
PDF-file by Udo Degener, 90 kb
One additional 2-mover:
Zvonimir Hernitz
4301. Die Schwalbe 81/1983
2 #1.Dxf6? ~ 2.Df2, Tfe1# 1.- Lg3!
1.- Tf3 2.Dxf3#, 1.- Lf4 2.Sxf4#1.Dxc5? ~ 2.Dxe3# 1.- Tc3!
1.- T ~ 2.Df2#, 1.- Tf3! 2.Tfe1#1.Dd8? ~ 2.Dd2, Tde1# 1.- Ld6!
1.- Td3 2.Dxd3#, 1.- Lc3 2.Sf4#1. Dh6! ~ 2.Dxe3#
1.- T ~ 2.Dd2#, 1.- Td3! 2.Tde1#, 1.- Lf4 2.Sxf4#
Invitation | Introduction
by the WCCT Subcommittee | Themes
| Questions and Answers | List
of registrations