8th International Solving Contest (ISC)
Sunday January 29th 2012
The International Solving Contest next year will take place on Sunday January 29th 2012. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries.
There will be two sections: one for the experienced solvers. In this section solvers can obtain rating points.
The second section is intended for weaker, inexperienced solvers and for youth. This second section is not open for solvers with a rating of more than 1700.
The delegates have to appoint a local controller who can be trusted on the responsible task of organizing this contest in your country. If you find it appropriate this contest may be organized in more than one location in your country. But for each location a local controller must take the responsibility. It is absolutely required that the local controller must dispose of an e-mail address. The delegate will thus indicate this e-mail-address. The local controller has to register himself on the matplus-website (www.matplus.net) where he has to enter the preliminary results of his tournament.
The contest will consist of two rounds with six problems each, i.e. for each round a 2#, 3#, n#, EG, h# and s#.
For each round, the solving time is two hours.
To prevent possible irregularities it is essential that the start of the contest must be at the same time in each country. This means CET (Central European Time) at 11 hr. Local time must meet this CET. Between the two rounds a break is foreseen of minimum 0,5 hr and max 1,5 hr, at the option of the local controller.
The local controller will receive between 20th and 22nd January 2012 the following Word-format documents by e-mail:
For each round, a sheet with the problems.
For each round, a sheet for writing the solutions.
For each round, a sheet with the solutions and their marking.
A form for summarizing the results.
The task of the local controller is:
The organizing of the local contest. Note: It is allowed that countries have a combined organization.
Participants may also be of a different country.
The announcement in local magazines.
The invitation of the local participants.
The reproduction of the various sheets for the solvers.
The checking of the solutions and point-giving.
The entry of the results on the special website on matplus not later than on January 30th 2012.
The e-mailing of the results. This must reach the central controller by e-mail not later than on January 30th 2012.
The e-mailing of the scanned solving sheets to the central controller, not later than the February 2nd 2012.
The local controller should keep the original solving sheets to ensure a back-up.
The post-address is: Axel Steinbrink, Goethestr. 10, D-46535 Dinslaken (Germany)
The e-mail address is: axel.steinbrinkgmx.de (or axel.steinbrink
freenet.de – but please not to both addresses)
The local controller will send a copy of all e-mails to Ward Stoffelen: ward.stoffelenbase.be
The central controller checks the markings and distributes the final result to the various local controllers and to the delegates not later than February 15th 2012. Appeals to be sent to the central controller not later than February 20th 2012.
After handling possible appeals, the central controller will present the results and his report to the subcommittee by March 10th 2012. After review the results will be presented on the WFCC-website.
The final results of this contest will take the form of individual ranking. No ranking per country will be provided by the central committee (although any country may do this for itself). There will also be a ranking for juniors and female solvers.
The name of the locally appointed controller must reach the central controller by e-mail no later than December 31st 2011.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Axel Steinbrink
Central controller ISC 2012
Invitation (MS Word document)