- (02.08) WCSC, the 1st day: Problems | Solutions | 1st day TEAMS | 1st day INDIVIDUAL
- (01.08) The 59th WCCC Open, Belgrade, 01 August 2016:
Participants | Problems | Solutions | Preliminary results | Final results
- (31.07) WFCC Opening Session
(Photos: Andjelko Vasiljević)
- (30.07) Opening ceremony in the Belgrade City Hall was run by Tamara Gadjanski and Marko Ložajić, with some movies presented about chess history of Belgrade, and traditional music. Borislav Gadjanski, the president of the Serbian Chess Problem Society, and Vladimir Pajić, representative of the City, addressed participants and guests. Finally, Harry Fougiaxis, the president of the WFCC, declared the 59th WCCC open.
Harry Fougiaxis and Vladimir Pajić on the board; Vladimir Pajić and Marko Ložajić; Tamara and Borislav Gadjanski;
Vladimir Baralić playing flute. (Photos: Andjelko Vasiljević)