11th European Chess Solving Championship
01-03 May, 2015 in Iasi, Romania
1. Invitation
Iasi County Chess Association, Romanian Chess Federation and World Federation of Chess Composition have the honour of inviting all chess problems solvers and chess composition friends, to participate in the 11th European Chess Solving Championship organized in Iasi, Romania, from 01 May (Arrival) to 04 May (Departure) 2015.
2. Participation
2.1. Each national federation (excepting the host) may enter a number of maximum 7 solvers, but only one team (four solvers) will be counted as official in the final team standings.
2.2. In the tournament will be awarded prizes for 5 categories (if will be minimum 7 countries in each category)
a. Teams ECSC
b. Individual ECSC
c. Senior ECSC (born in 1955 or earlier)
d. Junior ECSC (born in 1992 or later)
e. Women ECSC
2.3. In the Open will be awarded the first three places.
2.4. Accommodation and travel expenses for teams will be covered by national chess federations or solvers themselves.
3. Registration and Travel conditions
3.1 Entry forms must be filled in and sent to the Organizing Committee not later than April 1st 2015.
3.2. The complete registration form must include the surname/s, first name/s, FIDE ID number (if exists), solving rating and title, and passport number or identity card number of each solver and each accompanying person.
3.3. Iasi has an international airport http://www.aeroport.ro/index.php/en
The Organizing Committee can arrange the transfer from Iasi airport to hotel for 10 eur/pers. It is possible to fly to Bucharest airport http://www.bucharestairports.ro/en.
There is a very good connection between Bucharest and Iasi. Daily, four speed–trains and four flights are connecting Bucharest to Iasi. Also direct bus line from Bucharest airport www.teisa.ro
Also it is possible to arrive in Bacau airport http://www.bacauairport.ro/?lang=en
4. Accommodation – Playing hall
4.1. Accommodation and board will be provided at:
MOLDOVA HOTEL ***, www.hotelmoldovaiasi.ro . The participants will get double rooms and the price for this accommodation with full board is 40 EUR per day per person. Single rooms are available as well. The price is 52 EUR per day per room with full board. Prices include VAT and tourist taxes.
Participants who are not staying at “Moldova” hotel and participants registered after 1st April 2015 have to pay aparticipation fee of 50 EUR
4.2. The playing hall is the Sports Hall in Iasi (well lit, located in downtown, total area of 5000 m2) at the distance of 300 m from the MOLDOVA HOTEL.
4.3. All payments for all solvers and accompanying persons must be made on arrival in Iasi or in advance in EUR, RON currency. (1 EUR ~ 4,5 RON) No later payments will be accepted.
The bank account of the organizing committee is:
IBAN: RO55RNCB0175033613510008
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2511.A01.0.3361351.0175.EUR.8
5. Playing schedule
April 29 |
8:00 – 14:00 Registration Rapid Chess Tournament |
April 29 |
16.00 – 20:00 Rapid Chess Tournament, Round I-III |
April 30 |
9.00 – 14:00 Rapid Chess Tournament, Round IV- VII |
April 30 |
14.00 – 22:00 Registration solvers ECSC 2015 |
May 01 |
8.00 – 20:00 Registration solvers ECSC 2015 |
May 01 |
9.00 – 12.00 Blitz Chess Tournament Round I-VII |
May 01 |
17:00 – 20:00 Open Solving Tournament |
May 02 |
9:00 – 12:30 ECSC 1st day |
May 02 |
15:00 Excursion in Iasi |
May 03 |
9:00 – 12:30 ECSC 2nd day |
May 03 |
16:00 Closing ceremony |
May 04 |
Departure of Participants |
6. Prizes – Awards
6.1. The team-winner of the open competition receives the title “European Chess Solving Champion 2015”.
6.2. The members of the team-winners of the First, Second and Third places will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, Diplomas and Special Trophies.
6.3. All solvers winners of the First, Second and Third places in each 4 categories will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, Diplomas and Special Trophies.
7. Tournament site
All the information about this event will be published in our official website www.ajsiasi.ro
8. Parallel & Culture Programme
• Swimming pool
• Trips
9. Contact the Organizing Committee
Tournament Director
Eng. Dr. Vasile Manole, President of Iasi County Chess Association, Iasi, Romania
phone: 0040-740277850;
E-mail: iasitel@yahoo.com, web site www.ajsiasi.ro
10. Visa information
Teams or solvers needing visa are requested to contact the organizing committee before 1st april 2015.
The Organizing Committee will provide invitations for visas if necessary.
Organizing Committee
Eng. Dr. Vasile Manole
Vice President Romanian Chess Federation