World Solving Cup (WSC) 2015/2016
Short review:
- The World Solving Cup and its rules were established at the Ostróda WCCC.
- The WSC includes rated tournaments organized by countries – FIDE members. Each country may nominate one such tournament which should be open for all.
- A season of the WSC is a period between the two WFCC congresses, with the WCCC Open as the final tournament of a season.
- Countries should register their tournaments to be included in the WSC before or during the WFCC congress, but not more than one month later. A list of registered tournaments is published on the WFCC site. The official announcement of each tournament (or a link to it) is published on the WFCC site at least two months before it starts.
- The best solvers from each tournament get WSC points. Depending on the category of a tournament a specific number of the best placed solvers get points. Tournaments are sorted into seven categories depending on the average rating of the ten participating solvers with the highest ratings.
- The sum of a solver’s four best tournaments is taken into account for the WSC final result.
- The Director for WSC 2015/16 is Marko Klasinc – or Announcements and any questions are to be addressed to him. Assistant Directors are Marek Kolcak and Vidmantas Satkus.
A WSC subsection with rules and calendar of the tournaments is published in the Competitions/Solving section.
Related note:
Solving tourneys database by Luc Palmans is updated and moved to The database provides problems of tournaments since 1977 and will be updated periodically with new and missing problems.