Nunspeet 15.3.2025 – World Solving Cup 2024/2025

30th Dutch Open Chess Solving Championship 2025 | 6th tournament of World Solving Cup 2024/2025:
Participants: 20 | Winner: Joost Michielsen (NED – Dutch Champion!) ahead of Eddy Van Beers (BEL) and Dmitrijus Chocenka (LTU).
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2370.09 | WSC category: 6
FM norms of Joost Michielsen and Dmitrijus Chocenka
Top 5 WSC Standings: 1. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 65 points (+19), 2. Joost Michielsen (NED) 44 points (+23), 3. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 41 points (unchanged), 4. Roland Ott (SUI) 39 points (+10), 5. Kacper Piorun (POL) 36 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup & Norms @ Solving Portal

18th ECSC: Last call for registration

Important information: In order to get a discounted participation fee please submit the registration form by March 10th !

The ECSC 2025 will be held from Friday, April 25th to Sunday, April 27th in the center of Athens in Greece.

VENUE: The main hall of University of Athens (
Address: Panepistimiou Street 30, right outside the “Panepistimio” metro station.

PDF Announcement | ECSC 2025 Official Website | Contact:

WCCC2025 official WEBSITE launched!

We are happy to announce the launch of the official website and we are waiting all chess solving and composing enthusiasts in Alba Iulia!

The 67th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 48th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC) will be held from Saturday, July 5th (arrival) to Saturday, July 12th, 2025 (departure) at ’Cetate Hotel’ *** in Alba Iulia (Romania), with the WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8th and 9th. The WCCC 2025 director is IM Mihnea Costachi.

The registration deadline is May 15th, 2025. Please use the registration button on the official website.

Contact: | INVITATION in PDF | WCCC 2025 official website

9th YCCC 2025 launched

Rules & Themes

The 9th YCCC 2025 is open to the U23 generation (born 2002 or later), matching the age limit for juniors in the WFCC solving competitions (WCSC, ECSC, ISC). This year YCCC has one section with strict thematic condition (A – #2) and two sections without set themes (B – endgame studies and C – all kinds of compositions except orthodox endgames). Each participant may send one entry per section. Joint works are not accepted.

Overall standings and prizes

According to the overall standings, the five most successful composers from five different countries (the best one from each country) will be rewarded with 500 Euros vouchers for the expenses of taking part in the World Congress of Chess Composition & World Chess Solving Championship 2026, or for the European Chess Solving Championship 2026.

Announcement in PDF | YCCC main page

Helsinki 15.2.2025 – World Solving Cup 2024/2025

46th Finnish Chess Solving Championship 2025 | 5th tournament of World Solving Cup 2024/2025:
Participants: 16 | Winner: Jorma Paavilainen (FIN – Finnish Champion!) ahead of Kari Karhunen (FIN) and Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU).
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2179.78 | WSC category: 10
Top 5 WSC Standings: 1. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 46 points (unchanged), 2. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 41 points (+6), 3. Kacper Piorun (POL) 36 points (unchanged), 4. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 35 points (+4), 5. Roland Baier (SUI) 31 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup & Norms @ Solving Portal

Harrow on the Hill (London) 15.2.2025 – World Solving Cup 2024/2025

Winton British Chess Solving Championship 20254th tournament of World Solving Cup 2024/2025:
Participants: 28 | Winner: Eddy Van Beers (BEL) ahead of David Hodge (GBR – British Champion!) and Vidmantas Satkus (LTU).
Joost Michielsen (NED) 4th Place with first FM norm!
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2397.73 | WSC category: 6
Top 5 WSC Standings: 1. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 46 points (+23), 2. Kacper Piorun (POL) 36 points (unchanged), 3. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 35 points (unchanged), 4. Roland Baier (SUI) 31 points (unchanged), 5. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 31 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup & Norms @ Solving Portal

12th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2025: Announcement

Composers from all around the world are welcome to take part in the 

12th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2025!

The sections are:

  1. Twomovers (Marco Guida)
  2. Threemovers (Frank Reinhold)
  3. Moremovers (Kjell Widlert)
  4. Endgame studies (Michal Hlinka)
  5. Helpmates (Dmitri Turevski)
  6. Selfmates (Ivan Soroka)
  7. Heterodox problems (Vlaicu Crisan)
  8. Fairies (Thomas Maeder)
  9. Retros and proof games (Richard Dunn)

The closing date for submitting the entries is: 31 May 2025
The Director of the tournament is Torsten Linß (

21. ISC Results

“We had 46 tournaments in 28 countries and 745 solvers (15 unofficial solvers in cat-3) – 184 solvers in cat-1, 254 solvers in cat-2 and 292 solvers in cat-3. This year’s participation reflects the growing interest and enthusiasm for the sport, and it is heartening to see such a diverse and passionate community of solvers from all around the world. Thank you to all local controllers for their excellent work and good cooperation and congratulations to the winners.
Special thanks to Borislav Gadjanski for his daily updates of the results on the MatPlus-website , as well as to others who supported and helped me during this event.”

Arvydas Mockus, Central Controller of ISC 2025

Note: The Central Controller did not accept four results of the Category 1. However these results have been accepted by the Solving Committee.

Appeals and protests can be sent until February 24, 2025 to the Central Controller ( and to the Solving Commitee ( The final presentation of the 21th ISC results will be published later.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Dylan Schenker

Chess Problems and Studies Discord
February 14, 2023

#6              9+1
White to play and mate in 6 moves!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

→Solution (show/hide):