Minutes of PCCC/WFCC 1956-2019

The MEETINGS section is updated with the Minutes of all 62(!) meetings provided by Hannu Harkola: “I have prepared a collection of all PCCC/WFCC minutes from the first congresses until Ohrid 2018. I thought that they are interesting and it is also important to save the history and have it available for everyone.
Dr. Klaus Wenda was very helpful by scanning the missing last documents.” 

Solvers’ ratings October 1st 2021

Solvers’ ratings as of october 1st 2021 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published! 13 tournaments of the 3rd quarter 2021 are included: 42nd French Championship 2021, Open of 3rd Ukrainian Cup 2021, 3rd Ukrainian Cup 2021, Open of Russian Women Championship 2021, 7th Russian Women Championship 2021, Open of Golden Ring Cup 2021, Golden Ring Cup 2021, Russian Youth Cup 2021, 29th Championship of Slovakia 2021, 44th Polish Championship 2021, 47th Latvian Championship 2021, 29th Czech Championship 2021, Moscow Championship 2021.
The top ten remain the same solvers as in the previous quarter.
The largest five gains have all been achieved by Russian junior solvers: Egor Sokolov (RUS / +78.46), Oleg Tsaplin (RUS / +67.44), Marina Putintseva, (RUS / +65.94), Nikita Ushakov (RUS / +61.80), Anastasiya Chekina (RUS / +34.30).

9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 – FINAL results

FIDE-logoThe FINAL results of the 9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 are published and can be found above the Announcement, in RESULTS section.

“Congratulations to all for completing the 9th FIDE World Cup in the planned time frame!  Congratulations to all winners and prize-winners! I wish new creative successes to all the participants! And, especially thanks to the director and the judges for their work!”

Andrey Selivanov, FIDE Chess Composition Director

Solving Tournaments Problem Database (STPDB) by Luc Palmans fully integrated into Solving Tournament Manager (STM)

Please note that the “Solving Tournaments Problem Database (STPDB)” is fully integrated into the Solving Tournament Manager tool of WFCC. On the top of the STPDB database the STM tool contains problems from all tournaments entered into STM as of October 2015 and all others which Luc Palmans previously has entered into STPDB. At the moment this database contains about 12,000 problems and it’s constantly growing as new tournaments are added. So the validation if selected tournament problems are used before for solving tournaments should be done by using the STM tool. For more information see here. (Roland Ott, Solving Committee)

11th WCCT: Entries


Harry Fougiaxis, the director of the 11th World Chess Composition Tournament, presents the ENTRIES BOOKLET of 8 sections with introduction (available from the 11th WCCT page): Introduction  | Section A  | Section B  | Section C  | Section DSection D (PGN)  | Section E  | Section F  | Section G  | Section H

35 countries participate with 86 compositions in A, 75 in B, 67 in C, 74 in D, 92 in E, 71 in F, 54 in G and 79 in H.
Update 11.09.2021: The PGN file of section D (endgame studies) has been updated with comments from some countries. Please download again.
Update 02.09.2021: The file of section H (proofgames) has been updated as the diagram and the solution of H78 were incorrect. Please download again.
Update 01.09.2021: The file of section C (moremovers) has been updated as the solution of C56 was incomplete. Please download again.

Important notes:

  1. The teams may send claims before December 1st, 2021 to the tournament Director, Harry Fougiaxis (loyaldragon@gmail.com).
  2. Only appointed team leaders may send claims.
  3. Only claims concerning obvious misprints and errors, soundness and anticipation will be accepted. Claims about the thematic contents or technical improvement will be ignored.
  4. The judging countries should start judgment process immediately, in order to save time.

Invitation to Rhodes: Reminder & Official Website

REMINDER: The Greek Chess Problem Society have the honour to invite all delegates of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), national teams and individual solvers, chess composers and all those interested in problem chess, to attend the 63rd World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 44th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC).
The congress will be held from Saturday, October 16th (arrival)to Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 (departure) at the “Rodos Palace Hotel” ***** in the island of Rhodes, with the WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 19th and 20th.

The official website shows the first announcements and current List of Participants.

Please send your registration by September 30th 2021 (new date!) to wccc2021gr@gmail.com

Download invitation as PDF |  Official website

9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 – Preliminary results – E

FIDE-logoThe preliminary results in section E – Helpmates (PDF) of the 9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 are published and can be found above the Announcement, in RESULTS section. This time preliminary results are published without names. Names will appear in the final results. Claims of defects and anticipations can be sent to the Director during one month after the publication of the preliminary results (until 20.09.2021).
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!

9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 – Preliminary results – G & H

FIDE-logoThe preliminary results in sections: G-Fairies (PDF) and H-Retros and Proofgames (PDF) of the 9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 are published and can be found above the Announcement, in RESULTS section. Preliminary results are published without names. Names will appear in the final results. Claims of defects and anticipations can be sent to the Director during one month after the publication of the preliminary results (until 17.09.2021).
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!

9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 – Preliminary results – A, C & D

FIDE-logoThe preliminary results in sections: A-Twomovers (PDF),  C-Moremovers (PDF) and D-Endgame studies (PDF) of the 9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 are published and can be found above the Announcement, in RESULTS section. Preliminary results are published without names. Names will appear in the final results. Claims of defects and anticipations can be sent to the Director during one month after the publication of the preliminary results (until 16.09.2021).
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!