4.YCCC: Results & Gallery

black-yccc-transpYCCC2019-winners4th YCCC attracted 54 entries by 25 participants from 9 countries! Announcement English/Russian | Results (PDF) | Photo gallery

The Youth Chess Composing Challenge (YCCC) is an individual international competition first introduced by the Serbian Chess Problem Society in 2016. Since 2018, the YCCC has become a joint project of the newly established Youth Committee of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), and a part of regular program of the yearly WFCC Meetings.

YCCC competitions are presented in the /Competitions/Composing section.

43WCSC summary page

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fonowccc2019-cakeBy Ryszard Królikowski, the 43rd WCSC director: “The 43rd  WCSC competition brought a tensed and exciting fight for the highest places. Finally, Piotr Górski (POL) won, having the most consistent results during all six rounds. Besides, he fulfilled the 4th GM norm and obtained the desired title. He is the first World Champion without an international title in OTB chess, after many years (Caillaud 2000, Selivanov 2003) …”   →more

21 teams / 90 solvers / 24 countries. See the summary page of the 43rd WCSC 2019 under /Competitions/Solving.

62nd WCCC – Highlights and Decisions

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fono 26 member countries were present. United Arab Emirates was welcomed as a new member country of the Federation. Neal Turner was appointed as the new secretary.

WCCT: The themes of the 11th WCCT were selected. Countries are urged to inform the spokesman Georgy Evseev, 10wcct@gmail.com (same email address as in the previous tournament) and the director of the tournament Mikalai Sihnevich, n_signevich@tut.by about the sections they are willing to judge. The deadline is 1 November 2019. It is hoped that the WCCT can be announced by the end of the year.  →more

16th International Solving Contest (ISC) on 26.1.2020, directors Axel Steinbrink and Luc Palmans
15th European Chess Solving Championship (ECSC) in Poltava, Ukraine 24-26 April 2020
63rd World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 44th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC) in Rhodes, Greece 3-10 October 2020.

Danila Pavlov winner of the World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Vilnius 19.08.2019

wsc2018-19-winnersAfter a fascinating race in the last rounds the Russian European Champion 2019, junior solver Danila Pavlov (RUS) has won the 4th World Solving Cup. There have been 19 tournaments including the Open Solving of the ECSC and the WCCC with total of 85 World Cup points winning solvers.
Final top five: 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 139 points (+3), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 136 points (+23), 3. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points (+/-0), 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 113 points (+5), 5. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 103 points (+41).

Open Solving Tournament WCCC 2019 – 19th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 100 | Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) ahead of John Nunn (GBR), Michael Pfannkuche (GER), Martynas Limontas (LTU) and Boris Tummes (GER).
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2573.88 | WSC category: 2
David Hodge (GBR) with 12th place and 2nd FM norm

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

62nd WCCC: first reports

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fono

23.08.2019 The results of the official tournaments:

22.08.2019 FINAL results of the 43rd WCSC
problems | solutions | final individual results | juniors results | seniors results |
women results | team results | norms

21.08.2019 WCSC 2nd day (3 x h# ; 3 x #n ; 3 x s#)
problems | solutions | preliminary individual results | preliminary team results | norms


20.08/2019 Quick Show:
The winners:  Danila Pavlov (1st place),
Oleksiy Solovchuk (2nd place),
Marjan Kovačević (3rd place)

20.08.2019 FINAL RESULTS of WCCC2019 Open Solving tournament (19.08):
results | norms | WSC points | standings

20.08.2019 WCSC 1st day (3 x #2 ; 3 x #3 ; 3 x endgames)
problems | solutions | preliminary individual results | preliminary team results


19.08.2019 Open Solving tournament:
problems & solutions | preliminary results | preliminary norms | preliminary WSC points


17.08. 2019 The 62nd WCCC & 43rd WCSC has been opened!

Official website: www.sachmatija.puslapiai.lt/wccc2019/

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Pardubice 13./14.07.2019

27th Czech Chess Solving Championship 2019  | 18th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 27 | Winner: Danila Pavlov (RUS) ahead of Aleksey Popov (RUS) and Martynas Limontas (LTU); 12. Miloslav Vanka (CZE – Czech champion).
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2391.42 | WSC category: 6
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 136 points (+10), 2. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 113 points (+12), 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 108 points (+13), 5. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

Solvers’ ratings July 1st 2019

Solvers’ ratings as of July 1st 2019 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published!
14 tournaments of the 2ndquarter 2019 are included: 17th Baltic Solving Cup 2019, 40th Azerbaijan Chess Solving Championship 2019, Solving Championship of Russia (Juniors & Women) 2019, 27th Championship of Russia 2019, 27th Chess Solving Championship of Slovakia 2019, Open of the 33rd Ukrainian Solving Championship 2019, 43rd German Solving Championship 2019, 33rdUkrainian Championship 2019, Open Solving Tournament of ECSC 2019, 14th European Chess Solving Championship 2019, Open Solving Championship of Serbia 2019, 6th Israel Open Solving Championship 2019, 40th French Chess Solving Championship 2019, Open Solving Tournament of Tula 2019.

The ranking of the top ten solvers had again one significant change with junior solver and European champion IM Danila Pavlov (RUS) moving from place 9 up to place 5! The largest five gains have been achieved by junior solvers Maksim Romanov (RUS / +175.75!) and Danila Moiseev (RUS / +136.43!) ahead of Athanasios Spiliadis (GRE / +113.58) and junior solvers Konstantin Novikov (RUS / +95.29) and Aleksey Popov (RUS / +85.07).

WCCI 2016-2018: Results

wfcc-logoThe seventh World Championship in Composing for Individuals is completed. 266 composers from 42 different countries competed in 8 sections and submitted a total of 2831 compositions. With the exception of section count, these numbers are the WCCI new all time high. 611 compositions by 151 author automatically qualify for the inclusion into the FIDE Album. About a hundred of these problems mostly composed by the winners can be found in this report.

My congratulations to the winners! Your results are overwhelmingly impressive given the extreme level of competition. My congratulations to everyone who is happy with his or her performance! The WCCI is open to everyone.

This was a big project that took almost two years in preparation and execution. It would not be possible without the help of many experts from different countries who consulted me on possible judge candidates and provided other valuable advice. Many thanks to you!

Many thanks to our judges! In less than five months they have done a titanic amount of work. This year we have had two substitute judges who had to run on even tighter schedule. Contribution of the judges is priceless, this event would not be possible without them.

Also I want to thank the members of the Supervising Panel and the President of the WFCC (who also acted as one of the judges) for their timely feedback and advice on the rules of the competition.

D. Turevski, Moscow 18/06/2019

Presentation of the WCCI 2016-18 results | Results in PDF: A-Twomovers  | B-Threemovers | C-Moremovers |
D-Endgame studies | E-Helpmates | F-Selfmates | G-Fairies | H-Retros


  • A – Twomovers: Vasyl Dyachuk, Marjan Kovačević, Valery Shanshin
  • B – Threemovers: Aleksandr Feoktistov, Aleksandr Kuzovkov, Valery Shavyrin
  • C – Moremovers: Mikhail Marandyuk, Aleksandr Kuzovkov, Fedor Davidenko
  • D – Endgame studies: Oleg Pervakov, Martin Minski, Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen
  • E – Helpmates: Vasyl Kryzhanivskyi, Aleksandr Semenenko, Fadil Abdurahmanović
  • F – Selfmates: Andrey Selivanov, Zoran Gavrilovski, Aleksandr Kuzovkov
  • G – Fairies: Vlaicu Crișan, Petko Petkov, Lev Grolman / Borislav Gadjanski
  • H – Retros: Silvio Baier, Dmitrij Baibikov, Nicolas Dupont

The ceremony and the award of trophies will be held in this year’s congress in Vilnius.