Invitation to Ohrid: 61st WCCC & 42nd WCSC

logo-OHRID2018The Chess Federation of Macedonia and Chess Club “Gambit Asseco SEE” have the honour to invite all delegates of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), national teams and individual chess solvers, chess composers, all those interested in problem chess, and accompanying families and friends, to attend the 61st World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 42nd World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC).

The congress will be held at the “Metropol Lake Resort” in Ohrid, Macedonia, from Saturday, 1 September 2018 (arrival) to Saturday, 8 September 2018 (departure), with the WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 and 5 September 2018. 

Download invitation as PDF | Official website:

World Solving Cup 2017/2018 – Nunspeet 03.03.2018

24th Dutch Open Chess Solving Championship 2018 | 8th tournament of World Solving Cup 2017/2018
Participants: 14 | Winner: Eddy Van Beers (BEL) ahead of Abdelaziz Onkoud (MAR), Michel Caillaud (FRA) and Johan de Boer (NED – Dutch Champion)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2338.10 | WSC category: 7
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2017/18 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2017/2018 – Eton College 17.02.2018

Winton British Chess Solving Championship 2017-2018 | 6th tournament of World Solving Cup 2017/2018
Participants: 45 | Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) ahead of Martynas Limontas (LTU), John Nunn (GBR – British Champion) and Jonathan Mestel (GBR)
FM Norm of Ryszard Królikowski (POL)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2476.07 | WSC category: 4
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2017/18 Calendar.

14th ECSC – Announcement

rcf-logoThe organizing team of the ECSC 2018 changed recently and there is now a change in the venue of the event. Such a last-minute change is of course regrettable, but there were no alternatives left to the WFCC and it had to be accepted. /Harry Fougiaxis, the President of WFCC/

You may see the Official Invitation by RCF published, linked also to the Solving page, ECSC section.

14th International Solving Contest: Final Results

Final results for the 14th International Solving Contest are published!

46 tournaments in 31 countries, 602 solvers from 33 countries.

Results and the winners:

  • Category 1 (269 solvers): Piotr Murdzia (POL), Anna Bylinkina (RUS), Kacper Piorun (POL)
  • Category 2 (116 solvers): Rajagopal Divyalakshmi (IND), Yaroslav Dektyarev (RUS), Lukas Muheim (SUI)
  • Category 3 (217 solvers): Ekaterina Kirdyashkina (RUS), Chinguun Sumiya (MGL), Yana Kostornichenko (RUS)

Solvers have the possibility of appeals to the central controllers until 25th of February according the rules.

Axel Steinbrink, Luc Palmans – Central controllers ISC 2018