Study of the Year 2014

arves“The Study of the Year“ award is organized by the WFCC and aims at introducing to the general public a single friendly endgame study that would hopefully appeal to chess players of various levels and encourage them to pay a deeper attention to the art of the endgame study on a more regular basis.

The competition to select the Study of the Year 2014 (SOY2014) is organized by ARVES. The SOY 2014 will be selected by an international panel of judges (Martin Minski, Oleg Pervakov, Gady Costeff, Ilhan Aliev and Harold van der Heijden). It is not the selection of the best study of the year, but the study which is best suited to popularize our art among the general chess public. The solution should be both understandable to players of average level, and appeal to players of master level. >>more/less

The deadline for submission is: December 1st, 2015. The selected SOY 2014 will appear on the ARVES website ( as well as in the UAPA site.

Invitation to the 12th ISC

The International Solving Contest – ISC – next year will take place on Sunday January 24th 2016. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries.

The name of the locally appointed controller must reach the central controllers by e-mail no later than December 31st 2015. Central controllers: Axel Steinbrink & Luc Palmans | Invitation | Invitation (PDF format) 

WCCI 2013-2015: Entries

wfcc-logoThe latest update of entries to 2013-15 WCCI is available in WCCI 2013-2015: Entries on the Competitions/Composing/ page.


      • Claims should only be made concerning complete anticipation, legitimate publication data, legality and soundness.
      • All claims must be sent to the director only (Dmitry Turevsky, email:

Participants may submit their entries by January 20, 2016. Details can be found in the announcement.

World Solving Cup 2015/2016


World Solving Cup (WSC) 2015/2016

Current Rules


Short review:

  • The World Solving Cup and its rules were established at the Ostróda WCCC.
  • The WSC includes rated tournaments organized by countries – FIDE members. Each country may nominate one such tournament which should be open for all.
  • A season of the WSC is a period between the two WFCC congresses, with the WCCC Open as the final tournament of a season.
  • Countries should register their tournaments to be included in the WSC before or during the WFCC congress, but not more than one month later. A list of registered tournaments is published on the WFCC site. The official announcement of each tournament (or a link to it) is published on the WFCC site at least two months before it starts.
  • The best solvers from each tournament get WSC points. Depending on the category of a tournament a specific number of the best placed solvers get points. Tournaments are sorted into seven categories depending on the average rating of the ten participating solvers with the highest ratings.
  • The sum of a solver’s four best tournaments is taken into account for the WSC final result.
  • The Director for WSC 2015/16 is Marko Klasinc – or Announcements and any questions are to be addressed to him. Assistant Directors are Marek Kolcak and Vidmantas Satkus.

A WSC subsection with rules and calendar of the tournaments is published in the Competitions/Solving section.

Related note:
Solving tourneys database by Luc Palmans is updated and moved to The database provides problems of tournaments since 1977 and will be updated periodically with new and missing problems.

FIDE Olympic Tournament in composing 2016 (C 01.2.2016)

FIDE-logoThe International Chess Federation (FIDE), within the framework of its “Chess Composition” special project, and the Chess Federation of Azerbaijan are organizing the FIDE Olympic Tournament in composing 2016 dedicated to the 42nd World Chess Olympiad 2016 (Baku, Azerbaijan, 17-30.09.2016).

The tournament is coordinated with the WFCC Presidium and is a part of the joint efforts by FIDE and WFCC for the popularization and development of chess composition worldwide.

FIDE Album 2007-2009 & Album points till 2012

fide-album-0709-bookThe FIDE Album 2007-2009 (the official selection of the world’s best and most representative chess compositions) has been published. 640 pages, 1426 diagrams, 312 authors. Comments, indexes, registers, statistics in English.

Hard-cover blue clothbound. Price 45 euro (surface shipping free). Discounts if more copies ordered. Orders to Peter Gvozdják, Sample pages available as a PDF file.

WFCC is glad that the new editorial team continues the work of the old team keeping the same high-quality standards. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to all those who contributed to the project: directors, judges, indexers and editors. We updated the relevant pages with the statistics of both 2007-09 and 2010-12 albums (the latter is currently in progress).