9th YCCC 2025 launched

Rules & Themes

The 9th YCCC 2025 is open to the U23 generation (born 2002 or later), matching the age limit for juniors in the WFCC solving competitions (WCSC, ECSC, ISC). This year YCCC has one section with strict thematic condition (A – #2) and two sections without set themes (B – endgame studies and C – all kinds of compositions except orthodox endgames). Each participant may send one entry per section. Joint works are not accepted.

Overall standings and prizes

According to the overall standings, the five most successful composers from five different countries (the best one from each country) will be rewarded with 500 Euros vouchers for the expenses of taking part in the World Congress of Chess Composition & World Chess Solving Championship 2026, or for the European Chess Solving Championship 2026.

Announcement in PDF | YCCC main page

8th Youth Chess Composing Challenge

The 8th Youth Chess Composing Challenge (YCCC) is the first composing tournament in the context of the Jurmala WCCC 2024.

The same as the previous editions, the 8th  YCCC will be open to the U23 generation (born no earlier than 01.01.2001) from all the countries, and to all different genres of chess composition. This time the special prizes for the best composers are prepared! 

All young chess composers, and those who would like to try their hands in this kind of chess art for the first time, are invited to take part in three different sections (one of them with the set thematic conditions)!

The deadline for submission of the entries is June 10.

The results are planned to be announced on August 2 2024, during the Closing ceremony of the Jurmala WCCC.

See also YCCC project on WFCC official website

7th Youth Chess Composing Challenge

The 7th Youth Chess Composing Challenge (YCCC) is the first composing tournament in the frames of the Batumi WCCC 2023.

The same as the previous editions, the 7th YCCC will be open to the U23 generation (born no earlier than 01.01.2000), and to all different genres of chess composition.

All young chess composers, and those who would like to try their hands in this kind of chess art for the first time, are invited to take part in three different sections (two of them with the set thematic conditions)!

The deadline for submission of the entries is July 15.

The results are planned to be announced on September 8 2023, during the Closing ceremony of the Batumi WCCC.

See also YCCC project on WFCC official website

6th Youth Chess Composing Challenge

The 6th Youth Chess Composing Challenge (YCCC) is the first composing tournament announced on the Fujairah WCCC 2022 website.
The same as the previous year, the 6th YCCC will be open to the U23 generation (born no earlier than 01.01.1999), and to all different genres of chess composition.

All young chess composers, and those who would like to try their hands in this kind of chess art for the first time, are invited to take part in three different sections (two of them with the set thematic conditions)!

The deadline for submission of the entries is 31st August.
The results are planned to be announced on 18th November 2022, during the Closing ceremony of the Fujairah WCCC.

See also YCCC project on WFCC official website

63.WCCC – 5.YCCC results

The 5th YCCC with 50 participants from 12 countries has doubled the results of the record breaking 4th YCCC. 12 judges were involved in the process of the evaluation. The winners of all three sections were announced on the final banquet of the 63rd WCCC:

Section A – twomovers (Judge David Shire): 1. Ural Khasanov (Russia),
2. Ilija Serafimović (Serbia), 3. Hajime Tachioka (Japan)

Section B – endgames (Judge Steffen Nielsen): 1. Alexey Popov (Russia),
2. Ilija Serafimović (Serbia), 3. Andrii Sergiienko (Ukraine)

Section C – free theme / genre (The panel of 10 judges):
1. Toshimasa Fujiwara (Japan), 2. Benjamin Defromont (France), 3. Itay Richardson (Israel)

The full booklet presenting the gallery of participants and 3 awards:

Introduction | Award Section A | Award Section B | Award Section C
(available also in the section COMPETITIONS/COMPOSING -> YCCC)

The Youth Committee congratulates all participants and thanks the judges for their wonderful work!

5th Youth Chess Composing Challenge

After a break of one year, another edition of the YCCC is on the way.
This year, 5th YCCC is open to the U23 generation (born no earlier than 01.01.1998), and to all different genres of chess composition.

All young chess composers, and those who would like to try their hands in this kind of chess art, are invited to take part in three different sections (two of them with the set thematic conditions)!

The deadline for submission of the entries is 30th September.
The results are planned to be announced on 22th October 2021, during the Closing ceremony of the Rhodes WCCC 2021.

4.YCCC: Results & Gallery

black-yccc-transpYCCC2019-winners4th YCCC attracted 54 entries by 25 participants from 9 countries! Announcement English/Russian | Results (PDF) | Photo gallery

The Youth Chess Composing Challenge (YCCC) is an individual international competition first introduced by the Serbian Chess Problem Society in 2016. Since 2018, the YCCC has become a joint project of the newly established Youth Committee of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), and a part of regular program of the yearly WFCC Meetings.

YCCC competitions are presented in the /Competitions/Composing section.

62nd WCCC: first reports

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fono

23.08.2019 The results of the official tournaments:

22.08.2019 FINAL results of the 43rd WCSC
problems | solutions | final individual results | juniors results | seniors results |
women results | team results | norms

21.08.2019 WCSC 2nd day (3 x h# ; 3 x #n ; 3 x s#)
problems | solutions | preliminary individual results | preliminary team results | norms


20.08/2019 Quick Show:
The winners:  Danila Pavlov (1st place),
Oleksiy Solovchuk (2nd place),
Marjan Kovačević (3rd place)

20.08.2019 FINAL RESULTS of WCCC2019 Open Solving tournament (19.08):
results | norms | WSC points | standings

20.08.2019 WCSC 1st day (3 x #2 ; 3 x #3 ; 3 x endgames)
problems | solutions | preliminary individual results | preliminary team results


19.08.2019 Open Solving tournament:
problems & solutions | preliminary results | preliminary norms | preliminary WSC points


17.08. 2019 The 62nd WCCC & 43rd WCSC has been opened!

Official website: www.sachmatija.puslapiai.lt/wccc2019/

4.YCCC: an invitation to young composers

black-yccc-transpThe 4th Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2019 / 4ый Юношеский турнир по составлению 2019, organized by the members of newly formed Youth Committee, offers themes for three genres: #2, h#2 and endgame.

The age limit for participants is extended to U23 – for all young composers born 1996 and later. Another important change is introduction of one easier theme in all three genres (black self-block), aimed to attract the youngest generations and newcomers. Two other themes should inspire more experienced participants.

The deadline is 20. July 2019, and the prize-giving will take place at Vilnius WCCC, on 23. August 2019.

61st WCCC: first reports

logo-OHRID20183yccc-winners20180901_19481101.09.2018. In the Metropol hotel, on the beautiful lake of Ohrid, 61st WCCC was opened with musical program and welcome speeches. As a part of the opening ceremony, the results of the pre-congress competitions were announced. The medals, certificates and cups were given to the winners of the 3rd YCCC (on the photo: Alexey Popov, Ilija Serafimović and Danila Pavlov) and the two Internet tourneys (h#2 and h#n).

ohrid-lake02.09.2018. First session of the WFCC announced the program of Committees during the week that started in a summer atmosphere. The evening hours were devoted to traditional Quick composing tourneys (#2 and h#2).

20180903_10065003.09.2018. Open solving tourney, attracted 87 participants. See preliminary results and send possible remarks to the director Ivan Denkovski and his assistant Axel Steinbrink until 04.09.2018. 9.00 AM. Final result will be published in the second part of the same day. 20180903_100151The third day of the Congress ended with very interesting lectures by Andrey Selivanov (S#), bernd ellinghoven (h#), Paz Einat (#2), showing new goals in different genres of chess composition. The second part of the lectures was on possible improvements of the rating system for solvers. Harri Hurme and Tomaš Peitl presented different ideas and results of their investigations, with the hope to come to final proposals in 2019.