59th WCCC | Gallery of the YCCC 2016 Participants

wccc2016-logoyccc-for logo-cropOne of the aims of the Belgrade World Congress of Chess Composition 2016 was to engage the youngest generation of chess composers. Ten participants representing four countries – from 8 to 18 years – took part in the 1st YCCC. They produced 29 chess compositions, fulfilling thematic conditions in three different genres (#2, h#2 and endgames).

We are proud to present the Gallery of the participants, including their recent photos and selected compositions. We hope that connecting young composers all over the world will help them feel that they have their own generation in a field dominated by much older authors.

Invitation to the WCCC2016 (PDF) | Official website: http://wccc2016.matplus.net

Belgrade WCCC 2016: News for composers and juniors under 18


Dear chess friends,

  • Juniors: For the first time WCCC will include separate competitions for juniors (U14 and U18). A part from YCCC, there will be U14 and U18 categories in the frames of the Open solving tourney, and 2 more competitions for juniors U18 only: Machine Gun solving (#2), and the Youth Solving Show (#2). Both competitions will be run using original programs created by late Milan Velimirović.

    There have been 12 U18 solvers registered for WCCC till now, 7 of them in U14 category.

  • June 30th is the deadline for submiting entries for YCCC 2016, as well as for registering for the WCCC 2016.

Invitation to the WCCC2016 (PDF) | Official website: http://wccc2016.matplus.net

Belgrade WCCC 2016: Registering and the deadlines


Dear chess friends,

  • 86 participants from 23 countries have registered for WCCC 2016.
  • Let us remind you that direct registering on the WCCC 2016 site allows you reserving your places before fixing all the details of your trip and stay (see Registration of participants → Instructions / Help). Later on you may edit your registration till June 30th.
  • Registering till April 30th will secure free parking places in both hotels and the discounts for kids in parents’ rooms in Metropol Palace.
  • Eight young composers (U18) from Azerbaijan, Israel, Serbia and Ukraine have registered for the YCCC 2016.
    Registration continues.
  • June 30th is the deadline for submiting entries for YCCC 2016, as well as for registering for the WCCC 2016.

Invitation to the WCCC2016 (PDF) | Official website: http://wccc2016.matplus.net

59th WCCC | The 1st Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2016

wccc2016-logoThe first competition in the frames of 59th WCCC (announced January 31st) will be devoted to youngest chess composers (born 1998 and after). The 1st YCCC consists of three thematic tourneys (#2, h#2 and endgames), with 5 months time for composing. yccc-for logo-crop

The themes were suggested by distinguished composers Ivo Tominić, Fadil Abdurahmanović and Ofer Comay, who will take the roles of judges. Aside from the competitive and creative results, the event will produce the Gallery of participants, with their photos, selected problems and biographic data.

Invitation to the WCCC2016 (PDF) | Official website: http://wccc2016.matplus.net