14th European Chess Solving Championship

The Greek Chess Composition Committee of the Greek Chess Federation has the honor to invite the European national teams and individual solvers to participate in the 14th European Chess Solving Championship. The event will be held from Friday, May 3rd (arrival) to Sunday, May 5th (departure) at the “Oasis Hotel Apartments” in Glyfada, a cosmopolitan suburb of Athens. The hotel is the same that hosted the ECSC 2016.

Director of the ECSC will be Ivan Denkovski assisted by Ioannis Garoufalidis and Harry Fougiaxis | Director of the open solving tournament will be Ioannis Garoufalidis.
Organization: Nikos & George Mendrinos in co-operation with the Greek Chess Composition Committee.

The email of the event: ecsc2019@gmail.com | Official website: http://chess-problems-gr.blogspot.gr/

14th ECSC – Announcement

rcf-logoThe organizing team of the ECSC 2018 changed recently and there is now a change in the venue of the event. Such a last-minute change is of course regrettable, but there were no alternatives left to the WFCC and it had to be accepted. /Harry Fougiaxis, the President of WFCC/

You may see the Official Invitation by RCF published, linked also to the Solving page, ECSC section.

14th ECSC in Moscow

We were notified by the organisers of the 14th ECSC that the championship will not take place at Kaliningrad, as the initially foreseen hotel had to arrange some other events in that weekend. The new venue and dates are as follows:

Organiser: Chess Composition Committee of the Russian Chess Federation
Dates: 4-6 May 2018 (Friday to Sunday)
City: Moscow
Venue: Hotel Cosmos*** (Prospect Mira 150, Moscow)
Website: http://www.hotelcosmos.ru
Prices: 30 EUR per person in a double room, 50 EUR per person in a single room
Prices include breakfast, free wi-fi, parking
Registration fee: 45 EUR
The hotel shall provide support to the participants for the issue of visas
Contact person: Andrey Selivanov, selivanovav@gmail.com

The official invitation will be issued in December. /Harry Fougiaxis, the President of WFCC/

ECSC Riga 2017 News & Final results


Organized by the The Latvian Society for Chess Composition, in co-operation with the Riga Chess Federation, the 13th ECSC took place in the Radisson Blu Daugava hotel, on the bank of the Daugava river. The main competition proved again the dominance of Polish solvers, whose team was accompanied by those of Serbia and Russia. Winners of individual medals were the same as in the WCSC 2016, but this time IMGP2792-smallPiotr Murdzia and Kacper Piorun from Poland exchanged places, ahead of Marjan Kovačević from Serbia. Placement of juniors U23 announced the future might belong to new Russian talents: Danila Pavlov, Aleksey Popov and Svetlana Tishova. The ECSC director Luc Palmans carefully prepared a selection of high quality problems with clear contents, assuring the participants to have the essential pleasure of solving, not only a hard work. →…


13th ECSC – deadlines for registration

ecsc2017riga-logoDear solvers,
In order to get the ECSC 2017 shirt, please register by April, 10th at the ECSC 2017 Official website! Otherwise, the registration deadline is April, 20th.

The 13th European Chess Solving Championship will be held from Friday, May 12th to Sunday May 14th, 2017 at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, in Riga.

Directors of the competitions: ECSC: Luc Palmans (Belgium), Open solving and Solving show: Vidmantas Satkus (Lithuania), Baltic Combined: Ilja Ketris (Latvia).

13th European Chess Solving Championship

ecsc2017riga-logoThe Latvian Society for Chess Composition, in co-operation with the Riga Chess Federation, has the honor of inviting the European national teams and individual solvers to participate in the 13th European Chess Solving Championship. The event will be held from Friday, May 12th to Sunday May 14th, 2017, at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, in Riga.

Directors of the competitions: ECSC: Luc Palmans (Belgium), Open solving and Solving show: Vidmantas Satkus (Lithuania), Baltic Combined: Ilja Ketris (Latvia).

Please, register by March, 31st at the  ECSC 2017 Official website. See you in Riga!

12th ECSC 2016, Athens: The Results

ECSC12-logoECSC-Athens-cupsThe 12th European Chess Solving Championship was held in Glyfada, a cosmopolitan suburb of Athens, in the extended weekend of 15-17 April, supported by wonderful, summer-like weather. The event was organised by the Chess Composition Committee of the Greek Chess Federation. The Open Tournament was conducted by Ioannis Garoufalidis and the ECSC by Ivan Denkovski. The full results, the problems and their solutions are available in Competitions/Solving/12th ECSC Athens | Results.

12th European Chess Solving Championship

ECSC12-logoThe Greek Chess Composition Committee, in co-operation with the Greek Chess Federation, has the honor of inviting the European national teams and individual solvers to participate in the 12th European Chess Solving Championship. The event will be held from Friday, April 15th (arrival) to Sunday, April 17th2016 (departure) at the “Oasis Hotel Apartments” in Glyfada, a cosmopolitan suburb of Athens.
Director of the open solving tournament will be Ioannis Garoufalidis (GRE) assisted by Harry Fougiaxis. Director of the ECSC will be Ivan Denkovski (MKD) assisted by Ioannis Garoufalidis and Harry Fougiaxis.