FIDE Album 2019-21 Section B results

The results of the FIDE Album 2019-21 section B are ready!

797 threemovers scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 950 entries), a very good percentage of 83,9%. Out of this lot, 169 compositions are selected with 8+ points (including 65 qualifying from WCCI), a reasonable percentage of 21,2%.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Harry Fougiaxis, FIDE Album Committee spokesman

FIDE Album 2019-21 Section C results

The results of the FIDE Album 2019-21 section C are ready!

599 moremovers scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 849 entries), a reasonable percentage of 70,5% that ideally could have been higher of course. Out of this lot, 167 compositions are selected with 8+ points (including 54 qualifying from WCCI), a high percentage of 27,8%.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Harry Fougiaxis, FIDE Album Committee spokesman

FIDE Album 2016-2018 is available

The thickest ever FIDE Album 2016-2018 (an official selection of the world’s best and most representative chess compositions) has been published. 912 pages, 1984 diagrams, 306 authors, 1.6 kg. Comments, indexes, registers, statistics in English.
Hard-cover blue clothbound. Price 54 euro. Orders preferably at (or by email to Sample pages available as a PDF file there.

Extension of FIDE Album submission deadline

Further to the recent announcement for the extension of the deadline for the reports of judges and judging countries in WCCI and WCCT, WFCC decided to extend also the date of submission of compositions to the FIDE Album 2019-21 to 1st of August 2022, in order to provide sufficient time to the Ukrainian problemists to prepare their submissions.

List of Album points 1914-2018

fide-album-cover-topwfcc-logo-transparentThe current list of Album points has been updated. We also present the list of all-time top 100 composers in the albums 1914-2018, as well as the most successful composers in the 2016-18 album.

Distribution of diplomas to composers who achieved new titles in 2020 and 2021 will take place in the Rhodes congress.

Update (13.08.2021): Six names were missing from the table of the most successful composers in the 2016-18 album. The table has been updated as appropriate. Apologies for the inconvenience.

FIDE ALBUM 2016-2018 – Results in section G

fide-album-cover-topThe results of the FIDE Album 2016-18 section G are ready!

An impressive number of 1520 entries (excluding duplicates) were received and they were split in two groups: G1 for fairies without conditions and G2 for problems with at least one fairy condition. This classification was a success as 747 entries were allocated to G1 and 773 to G2. In each group there were three judges with each team of judges working independently. 1331 entries scored at least 4,5 points (87,5% of the total entries, a very good ratio for such a popular genre). 357 problems out of them (63 more compared to the previous album) scored at least 8 points, which represents a ratio of 26,8% selected problems; 125 entries (one third of the selected problems) had already qualified from the WCCI process.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

This report finalizes the judging phase of the current album. The list of the album points, including the results of sections C, F and G, will be updated soon.

All announced results are published in the FIDE Album 2016-18 finished sections page.

FIDE ALBUM 2016-2018 – Results in section F

fide-album-cover-topThe results of the FIDE Album 2016-18 section F are ready!

1041 selfmates scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 1108 entries), an excellent percentage of 94%. The ratio of the 215 selected problems with 8+ points vs. the entries with 4,5+ points is 20,7%, which is reasonable. 79 entries had already qualified from the WCCI process. Kudos to the composers for submitting their highest quality works for review!wfcc-logo-transparent

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Update 04.02.2021: A s#4 of Aleksandr Azhusin, which qualified automatically from the WCCI, was found anticipated by the album judges. The composer agreed with the anticipation claim and withdrew the composition from the album. The page of the results was updated accordingly.

All announced results are published in the FIDE Album 2016-18 finished sections page.

FIDE ALBUM 2016-2018 – Results in section C

fide-album-cover-topThe results of the FIDE Album 2016-18 section C are ready!

735 moremovers scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 914 entries), a very good percentage of 80%. The ratio of the 159 selected problems with 8+ points vs. the entries with 4,5+ points is 21,6%, which is reasonable. 52 entries had already qualified from the WCCI process. Kudos to the composers for submitting their highest quality works for review!wfcc-logo-transparent

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

All announced results are published in the FIDE Album 2016-18 finished sections page.