ISC 2019 – preliminary results

“Now we have the completed preliminary results of the ISC 2019. The reports of the Solving Tournament Manager (STM): Preliminary results Cat.1Preliminary results Cat.2Preliminary results Cat.3

This year we had 648 solvers (cat-1 261, cat-2 151, cat-3 236) from 48 countries and 49 tournaments in 33 countries.

Thank you to all local controllers. You make this tournament to a great success.

I want to give a special thank to

  • Misha Mladenovic who entered all the results of cat-2 and cat-3 into the STM for those tournaments where the local controller didn’t use the STM and also for all help concerning the STM in general.
  • Luc Palmans for selecting most of the problems and for the excellent preparing of problem and solution sheets.
  • Borislav Gadjanski for his help with all activities concerning Mat Plus
  • Julia Vysotska who improved the solving sheets before the tournament (and for her great help with the results of UAE).
  • all Local controllers who used the STM for their results “

Axel Steinbrink, Central controller of ISC 2019.

15th ISC problems and solutions:
Problems cat.1 | Problems cat.2 | Problems cat.3 | Solutions cat.1 | Solutions cat.2 | Solutions cat.3

Top-results of ISC-2019

“This year we had 49 tournaments in 33 countries. There were more than 600 solvers which is a new record. Preliminary result of Cat-1 (solvers with 50+ points): 

Name Points Time
Murdzia 60 215
Nunn 59 217
Caillaud 55 240
Pavlov 54 240
Piorun 53,5 235
Borodavkin 53,5 240
Voigt 52,5 226
Zude 52,5 235
Sidiropoulos 50 236

I hope to publish preliminary result for all three categories next weekend.”

Axel Steinbrink, Central controller of ISC 2019.

15th ISC problems and solutions:
Problems cat.1 | Problems cat.2 | Problems cat.3 | Solutions cat.1 | Solutions cat.2 | Solutions cat.3

ISC 2019: Initial statistics

Axel Steinbrink, Central controller of ISC 2019, informs: “At the moment we have 32 countries with 49 tournaments all over the world. New countries: Luxembourg and United Arab Emirates. This is a new record (last year 31 / 46)!”

Invitation to the 15th ISC

The International Solving Contest – ISC – next year will take place on Sunday January 27th 2019. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries. The name of the locally appointed controller must reach the central controllers by e-mail no later than December 31st 2018.

Central controllers: Axel Steinbrink & Luc Palmans | Invitation (PDF format) | ISC rules

Enjoy the statistics of ISCs 1-14, with all rankings of solvers who were at least once in the top 100. 

14th International Solving Contest: Final Results

Final results for the 14th International Solving Contest are published!

46 tournaments in 31 countries, 602 solvers from 33 countries.

Results and the winners:

  • Category 1 (269 solvers): Piotr Murdzia (POL), Anna Bylinkina (RUS), Kacper Piorun (POL)
  • Category 2 (116 solvers): Rajagopal Divyalakshmi (IND), Yaroslav Dektyarev (RUS), Lukas Muheim (SUI)
  • Category 3 (217 solvers): Ekaterina Kirdyashkina (RUS), Chinguun Sumiya (MGL), Yana Kostornichenko (RUS)

Solvers have the possibility of appeals to the central controllers until 25th of February according the rules.

Axel Steinbrink, Luc Palmans – Central controllers ISC 2018

Invitation to the 14th ISC

The International Solving Contest – ISC – next year will take place on Sunday January 28th 2018. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries.

The name of the locally appointed controller must reach the central controllers by e-mail no later than December 31st 2017. Central controllers: Axel Steinbrink & Luc Palmans | Invitation (PDF format) | ISC rules

13th International Solving Contest: Final Results

Final results for the 13th International Solving Contest are published!

38 tournaments in 29 countries, 482 solvers from 31 countries.

Category 1 (223 solvers): 1) John Nunn (GBR), 2) Georgy Evseev (RUS), 3) Oto Mihalco (SVK)

Category 2 (116 solvers): 1) Laura Rogule (LAT), 2) Aleksandr Buintsev (RUS), 3) Nejc Amon (SLO)

Category 3 (143 solvers): 1) Dimitrios Kollias (GRE), 2) Ilija Serafimović (SRB), 3) Chinguun Sumiya (MGL)

13th ISC: Preliminary Results

Now you find on the Mat Plus website the preliminary result of International Solving Contest 2017.

There were 38 tournaments in 29 countries. 

Category 1 – 223 participants. Preliminary top-3: 1. John Nunn (GBR) 2. Georgy Evseev (RUS) 3. Oto Mihalco (SVK)

Category 2 – 116 participants (one unofficial solver because his half-rating is > 1700)

Category 3 – 144 participants (4 unofficial solver because born before 29.3.2004)

Final results expected to be published until the end of February.

Problems cat.1 | Problems cat.2 | Problems cat.3 | Solutions cat.1 | Solutions cat.2 | Solutions cat.3

Axel Steinbrink, Luc Palmans ♦ Central controllers ISC 2017