Solvers’ ratings January 1st 2020

Solvers’ ratings as of January 1st 2020 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published! 9 tournaments of the 4th quarter 2019 are included: 26th Belgian Championship 2019, 28th Kedainiai chess solving cup tourney 2019, Open Solving Championship of Tula region 2019, 2nd Pavle Orlov Memorial 2019, 12th Albino Cup 2019, 30th Henk Hagedoorn Memorial 2019, New Year’s Tournament 2020, 18th Warsaw Grand Prix 2019 – Open, 18th Warsaw Grand Prix 2019

The only mentionable change within the ranking of the top ten solvers is the move of Piotr Murdzia (POL) from 3rd to 2nd place. The largest three gains have been achieved by junior solver Boris Chervonenkis (RUS / +68.95) ahead of junior solver Maksim Romanov (RUS / +63.32) and Evgeny Kopylov (RUS / +60.36).

Solvers’ ratings October 1st 2019

Solvers’ ratings as of October 1st 2019 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published – including the first solving tournament with rating calculations according the new rating system! 9 tournaments of the 3rd quarter 2019 are included: Open Solving Tournament Yaroslavl 2019, Open Tournament to Launch Chess Compositions in Memory of Leo Kapusty (1919-1990), 2nd Ukrainian Cup 2019, 27th Czech Chess Solving Championship 2019, 3rd Russian Women Chess Solving Cup 2019, GPNTB Solving Cup 2019, Open Solving Tournament of WCCC 2019, 43rd World Chess Solving Championship 2019, 35th Open Swiss Solving Championship 2019.

The ranking of the top ten solvers had only a few changes within the group. The largest five gains have been achieved by women junior solver Aleksandra Safronova (RUS / +236.47!) ahead of junior solvers Ivan Novikov (RUS / +125.5!), Roy Ehrlich (ISR / +80.84) and Maksim Romanov (RUS / +79.67) and GM Martynas Limontas (LTU / +78.98).

Solvers’ ratings July 1st 2019

Solvers’ ratings as of July 1st 2019 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published!
14 tournaments of the 2ndquarter 2019 are included: 17th Baltic Solving Cup 2019, 40th Azerbaijan Chess Solving Championship 2019, Solving Championship of Russia (Juniors & Women) 2019, 27th Championship of Russia 2019, 27th Chess Solving Championship of Slovakia 2019, Open of the 33rd Ukrainian Solving Championship 2019, 43rd German Solving Championship 2019, 33rdUkrainian Championship 2019, Open Solving Tournament of ECSC 2019, 14th European Chess Solving Championship 2019, Open Solving Championship of Serbia 2019, 6th Israel Open Solving Championship 2019, 40th French Chess Solving Championship 2019, Open Solving Tournament of Tula 2019.

The ranking of the top ten solvers had again one significant change with junior solver and European champion IM Danila Pavlov (RUS) moving from place 9 up to place 5! The largest five gains have been achieved by junior solvers Maksim Romanov (RUS / +175.75!) and Danila Moiseev (RUS / +136.43!) ahead of Athanasios Spiliadis (GRE / +113.58) and junior solvers Konstantin Novikov (RUS / +95.29) and Aleksey Popov (RUS / +85.07).

7th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2019 – D-Endgame Studies, G-Fairies

FIDE-logoThe preliminary results in section D – Endgame Studies (PDF) and preliminary results in section G – Fairies (PDF) of the 7th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2019 are published and can be found under the Announcement, in RESULTS section.
The PDF file of the FINAL results of section D is available here and of section G is available here.
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!