Invitation to Rhodos: 63rd WCCC & 44th WCSC

The Greek Chess Problem Society have the honour to invite all delegates of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), national teams and individual solvers, chess composers and all those interested in problem chess, to attend the 63rd World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 44th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC).
The congress will be held from Saturday, October 16th (arrival)to Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 (departure) at the “Rodos Palace Hotel” ***** in the island of Rhodes, with the WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 19th and 20th.

Please send your registration by August 31st 2021 to

Download invitation as PDF |  Official website (under construction)

Cancelation of WCCC 2020

wfcc-logo-transparentThe WCCC 2020 organizing team had an extensive meeting during the weekend and we concluded that the WCCC 2020 should be canceled. We informed the Presidium and all members agreed with our decision.

Our main concern is that nobody can really predict what the situation will be with regard to the COVID-19 in October both in Greece and worldwide. We prefer not to take the risk.

At the moment in Greece even if the lockdown is not so strict as it used to be in the previous three months when practically no activity was possible, the general situation is far from normal. Flights are not allowed yet from many airports, the authorities change restrictions constantly as soon as new instances are detected, the information re. the quarantine that the travelling tourists should undergo varies from country to country and so on. Four months before the congress and we cannot even travel to Rhodes to meet with the hotel management to agree on the necessary arrangements. Too much time has been wasted and there is no sign that we can recover it comfortably.

Of course, we are willing to host the event at the same place in October 2021. We shall keep you updated.

– Harry Fougiaxis on behalf of WCCC 2020 organizing team

COVID-19 and WFCC events

As a result of the growing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on people’s lives all around the globe and taking into account the reports from the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicating the constant increase in the number of cases worldwide, WFCC has decided to postpone the 15th European Chess Solving Championship that was scheduled for 24-26 April 2020. The event will be held in Poltava, Ukraine in 2021 (the exact weekend will be announced at a later stage).

With regard to the 63rd WCCC / 44th WCSC 2020 that are scheduled for 3-10 October in Rhodes, the organisers will monitor the situation as evolves and will decide by the end of April or May. At the moment, in Greece flights are suspended, all schools, universities, retail shops and hotels will be closed until at least end of April and citizens are not allowed to move freely around the country (except for going to their jobs if they are still operating, to the supermarket, or to a doctor).

Stay home and be safe!Harry Fougiaxis, WFCC president.

4.YCCC: Results & Gallery

black-yccc-transpYCCC2019-winners4th YCCC attracted 54 entries by 25 participants from 9 countries! Announcement English/Russian | Results (PDF) | Photo gallery

The Youth Chess Composing Challenge (YCCC) is an individual international competition first introduced by the Serbian Chess Problem Society in 2016. Since 2018, the YCCC has become a joint project of the newly established Youth Committee of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), and a part of regular program of the yearly WFCC Meetings.

YCCC competitions are presented in the /Competitions/Composing section.

43WCSC summary page

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fonowccc2019-cakeBy Ryszard Królikowski, the 43rd WCSC director: “The 43rd  WCSC competition brought a tensed and exciting fight for the highest places. Finally, Piotr Górski (POL) won, having the most consistent results during all six rounds. Besides, he fulfilled the 4th GM norm and obtained the desired title. He is the first World Champion without an international title in OTB chess, after many years (Caillaud 2000, Selivanov 2003) …”   →more

21 teams / 90 solvers / 24 countries. See the summary page of the 43rd WCSC 2019 under /Competitions/Solving.

62nd WCCC – Highlights and Decisions

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fono 26 member countries were present. United Arab Emirates was welcomed as a new member country of the Federation. Neal Turner was appointed as the new secretary.

WCCT: The themes of the 11th WCCT were selected. Countries are urged to inform the spokesman Georgy Evseev, (same email address as in the previous tournament) and the director of the tournament Mikalai Sihnevich, about the sections they are willing to judge. The deadline is 1 November 2019. It is hoped that the WCCT can be announced by the end of the year.  →more

16th International Solving Contest (ISC) on 26.1.2020, directors Axel Steinbrink and Luc Palmans
15th European Chess Solving Championship (ECSC) in Poltava, Ukraine 24-26 April 2020
63rd World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 44th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC) in Rhodes, Greece 3-10 October 2020.

62nd WCCC: first reports

WCCC_2019_Vilnius_logo_be fono

23.08.2019 The results of the official tournaments:

22.08.2019 FINAL results of the 43rd WCSC
problems | solutions | final individual results | juniors results | seniors results |
women results | team results | norms

21.08.2019 WCSC 2nd day (3 x h# ; 3 x #n ; 3 x s#)
problems | solutions | preliminary individual results | preliminary team results | norms


20.08/2019 Quick Show:
The winners:  Danila Pavlov (1st place),
Oleksiy Solovchuk (2nd place),
Marjan Kovačević (3rd place)

20.08.2019 FINAL RESULTS of WCCC2019 Open Solving tournament (19.08):
results | norms | WSC points | standings

20.08.2019 WCSC 1st day (3 x #2 ; 3 x #3 ; 3 x endgames)
problems | solutions | preliminary individual results | preliminary team results


19.08.2019 Open Solving tournament:
problems & solutions | preliminary results | preliminary norms | preliminary WSC points


17.08. 2019 The 62nd WCCC & 43rd WCSC has been opened!

Official website:

4.YCCC: an invitation to young composers

black-yccc-transpThe 4th Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2019 / 4ый Юношеский турнир по составлению 2019, organized by the members of newly formed Youth Committee, offers themes for three genres: #2, h#2 and endgame.

The age limit for participants is extended to U23 – for all young composers born 1996 and later. Another important change is introduction of one easier theme in all three genres (black self-block), aimed to attract the youngest generations and newcomers. Two other themes should inspire more experienced participants.

The deadline is 20. July 2019, and the prize-giving will take place at Vilnius WCCC, on 23. August 2019.

Invitation to Vilnius: 62nd WCCC & 43rd WCSC


The Lithuania Chess Composers’ Society would like to invite all delegates of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), chess solvers and chess composers, all those who are interested in chess problems and accompanying persons to attend the 62nd World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 43rd World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC).

The congress and the championship will be held in the hotel Crowne Plaza Vilnius  (Vilnius, capital of Lithuania) from Saturday, 17 August 2019 (arrival), to Saturday, 24 August 2019 (departure), with the WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday (20 and 21 August 2019).

Download invitation as PDF | Official website: