WCCI 2013-2015: Statistics

wfcc-logoWCCI 2013-15 broke all the records! 

By far the biggest final numbers: till the last day (January 20th) 2862 entries by 248 composers from 41 countries arrived! 

For the first time, all entries publicly available on the “Entries” page (click on the numbers of problems sent by each composer).

Previous records: 2319 entries (2004-06), 227 composers (2010-12), 38 countries (2001-03).

WCCI 2013-2015: Entries

wfcc-logoThe latest update of entries to 2013-15 WCCI is available in WCCI 2013-2015: Entries on the Competitions/Composing/ page.


      • Claims should only be made concerning complete anticipation, legitimate publication data, legality and soundness.
      • All claims must be sent to the director only (Dmitry Turevsky, email: dmitri.turevski@gmail.com).

Participants may submit their entries by January 20, 2016. Details can be found in the announcement.

WCCI 2010-2012: Results become final as of September, 15th, 2013

Today, on September 15th, 2013, the Results of WCCI 2010-2012 became final!


Marjan Kovačević (Serbia)

Aleksandr Feoktistov (Russia) 

Mikhail Marandyuk (Ukraine)

Sergiy Didukh (Ukraine)  

Michal Dragoun (Czech rep.)

Andrey Selivanov (Russia)

Petko A. Petkov (Bulgaria)

Dmitrij Baibikov (Israel)

kovacevic1 feoktistov-small marandyuk-small didukh dragoun-small selivanov-1s petkov_p baibikov-small

Congratulations to our champions, other medal winners and all participants!!!

WCCI 2010-2012: Section E – Helpmates, Results

dragoun-smallThe results of WCCI 2010-2012: Section E – Helpmates are published after correction!

The winners are: 1st Michal Dragoun (Czech rep.), 2nd Aleksandr Semenenko (Ukraine) and 3rd Viktor Chepizhny (Russia).

Congratulations to the winners and to all participants!

“Due to the sorting error in one of the judge’s scores, several scores were inadvertently given to the wrong composers. This specifically affected A. and V. Semenenko, Shanahan and Šemrinec. After noticing the error, the scoring table and the winning compositions were removed from the WFCC site. The scores were corrected, sent to all five judges for verification and posted on the WFCC site. My sincere apologies to all composers affected by this unfortunate event”.
Mike Prcic, Director of the WCCI

Russian translation / Русский перевод:

“В связи с ошибкой в сортировке оценок одного из судей, несколько оценок были  случайно даны не тем композиторам. В частности, это коснулось А. и В. Семененко, Shanahan и Šemrinec. После обнаружения ошибки таблица результатов и композиции победителей были удалены с сайта WFCC. Оценки были исправлены, разосланы всем пяти судьям для проверки и снова посланы для размещения на сайте WFCC. Мои искренние извинения всем композиторам, которых коснулся этот случай”.
Майк Прчич, директор WCCI

Results of other WCCI sections are coming…