World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Urals Problemist Cup, Sochi 05.05.2017
Winner: Aleksey Popov (RUS) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.355
The WSC category of the tournament: 6
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
Category: WSC
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Sliac 22-23.04.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Slovakia Chess Solving Championship 2017, Sliac 22-23.04.2017
Winner: Marek Kolčák (SVK) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.241
The WSC category of the tournament: 9
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Vilnius 22-23.04.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Lithuanian Chess Solving Championship 2017, Vilnius 22-23.04.2017
Winner: Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.247
The WSC category of the tournament: 9
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Baku 08-09.04.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Azerbaijan Chess Solving Championship 2017, Baku 08-09.04.2017
Winner: Misratdin Iskandarov (AZE) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.023
The WSC category of the tournament: 13
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Bad Segeberg 08-09.04.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: German Solving Competition 2017, Bad Segeberg 08-09.04.2017
Winner: Eddy Van Beers (BEL) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.496
The WSC category of the tournament: 4
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Athens 26.03.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Open Greece Solving Championship 2017, Athens 26.03.2017
Winner: Nikos Sidiropoulos (GRE) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.006
The WSC category of the tournament: 13
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Nunspeet 18.03.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Open Netherlands Solving Championship 2017, Nunspeet 18.03.2017
Winner: Michel Caillaud (FRA) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.361
The WSC category of the tournament: 6
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Helsinki 25.02.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Finnish Chess Solving Championship 2017, Helsinki 25.02.2017
Winner: Aleksey Popov (RUS) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.117
The WSC category of the tournament: 11
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Eton 18.02.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Winton British Chess Solving Championship, Eton 18.02.2017
Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.428
The WSC category of the tournament: 5
More details are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Serock 12-13.11.2016
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: XV WSGP, Serock 12-13.11.2016
Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.487
The WSC category of the tournament: 4
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.