World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Bratislava 2.6.2023

ECSC Open Solving 2023 | 12th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 71 | Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) ahead of Jonathan Mestel (GBR) and Eddy Van Beers (BEL)
Jakub Marciniszyn (POL) with third FM and second IM Norm!
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2557.55 | WSC category: 2
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 90 points (unchanged), 2. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 64 points (+41), 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (unchanged), 4. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 50 points (+31), 5. Jonathan Mestel (GBR) 46 points (+36).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Gennevilliers (Paris) 27.05.2023

44th French Chess Solving Championship 2023 | 11th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 15 | Winner: Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) ahead of Andrey Selivanov (FID) and Abdelaziz Onkoud (FRA – French champion)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2183.13 | WSC category: 10
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 90 points (+4), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (unchanged), 3. Danila Pavlov (FID) 31 points (unchanged), 4. Nikos Sidiropoulos (GRE) 31 points (unchanged), 5. Marko Filipović (CRO) 27 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Nottingham 20.05.2023

Winton British Chess Solving Championship 2023 | 10th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 18 | Winner: Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) ahead of David Hodge (GBR – British champion) and Jonathan Mestel (GBR)
Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) with 5th FM norm and by exceeding a rating of 2450 also gain of title International Master he will get at the next congress!
David Hodge winner of the Paul Valois Trophy for most successful British solver of last year presented by Paul’s sister Andrea Holt
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2260.54 | WSC category: 8
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 86 points (+10), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (unchanged), 3. Danila Pavlov (FID) 31 points (unchanged), 4. Nikos Sidiropoulos (GRE) 31 points (+8), 5. Marko Filipović (CRO) 27 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Bratislava 13./14.05.2023

31st Chess Solving Championship of Slovakia 20239th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 22 | Winner: Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) ahead of Tomáš Peitl (SVK – Slovakian champion) and Marek Kolčák (SVK)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2238.57 | WSC category: 9
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 76 points (+9), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (unchanged), 3. Danila Pavlov (FID) 31 points (unchanged), 4. Marko Filipović (CRO) 27 points (unchanged), 5. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Kėdainiai 06./07.05.2023

44th Lithuanian Championship 20238th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 11 | Winner: Martynas Limontas (LTU – Lithuanian champion) ahead of Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) and Vidmantas Satkus (LTU)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2112.64 | WSC category: 11
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 67 points (+6), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (+8), 3. Danila Pavlov (FID) 31 points (unchanged), 4. Marko Filipović (CRO) 27 points (unchanged), 5. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Poltava 29./30.04.2023

37th Ukrainian Championship 20237th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 28 | Winner: Vladimir Pogorelov (UKR – Ukrainian champion) ahead of Valery Kopyl (UKR) and Oleksiy Solovchuk (UKR)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2093.49 | WSC category: 12
Top 5 World Solving Cup (unchanged): 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 61 points, 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 53 points, 3. Danila Pavlov (FID) 31 points, 4. Marko Filipović (CRO) 27 points, 5. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points.
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving CupSolving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Belgrade 29./30.04.2023

Open Solving Championship of Serbia 20236th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 18 | Winner: Danila Pavlov (FID) ahead of Marko Filipović (CRO) and Bojan Vučković (SRB – Serbian champion!)
Second IM norm of junior Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU);
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2476.56 | WSC category: 4
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 61 points (+19), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 53 points (unchanged), 3. Danila Pavlov (FID) 31 points (+31), 4. Marko Filipović (CRO) 27 points (+27), 5. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

Israel Open unites solvers again!

Good news for solvers around the world came from Paz Einat: on June 25, the 8th Open Israel Solving Championship 2023 will happen as a Multiple Locations Solving Tournament.

The very popular summer tourney will shift its form even closer to the ISC model, and include Category 2 into our Rating system. This way, the solvers without a rating, from many countries, will get a chance to gain a Half Rating, and those with a Half Rating can gain a full rating.

More details in the Announcement (PDF) on WSC page of the current season and on the page of Other Rated/remarkable solving tournaments 2023.

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Riga 08.04.2023

49th Latvian Chess Solving Championship 20235th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 15 | Winner: Martynas Limontas (LTU) ahead of junior Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) and Vidmantas Satkus (LTU);
6th Place women solver Laura Rogule (Latvian champion!)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2149.72 | WSC category: 11
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 53 points (+8), 2. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 42 points (+6), 3. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points (unchanged), 4. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 23 points (unchanged), 5. Nikos Sidiropoulos (GRE) 23 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal

World Solving Cup 2022/2023 – Sękocin Stary 04./05.03.2023

46th International Polish Championship 20234th tournament of World Solving Cup 2022/2023:
Participants: 28 | Winner: Kacper Piorun (POL – Polish Champion!) ahead of Piotr Murdzia (POL) and junior Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU – 3rd FM norm and FM title!)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2424.75 | WSC category: 5
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 45 points (+16), 2. Kevinas Kuznecovas (LTU) 36 points (+19), 3. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points (+27), 4. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 23 points (+23), 5. Nikos Sidiropoulos (GRE) 23 points (unchanged).
More details published in Competitions→Solving→World Solving Cup @ Solving Portal
Photo gallery | Norms and Titles PDF @ Solving Portal