World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Winner Aleksey Popov

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic only 10 solving tournaments could be organised although the time range for WSC events of this cycle has been extended until the end of the year 2020.
Aleksey Popov (RUS) is the winner of the WSC cycle 2019/2020 with 86 points gained in 4 tournaments.
2nd is Piotr Murdzia (POL) with 62 points and a performance rating of 2759 for the two events which he has attended.
Martynas Limontas (LTU) as 3rd also achieved 62 points – but with a performance rating of only 2526 of the 5 tournaments which he has participated.

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Bratislava & Kėdainiai 12./13.09.2020

28th Chess Solving Championship of Slovakia 2020  | 9th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020:

Participants: 10 | Winner: Tomáš Peitl (SVK – Slovakian champion) ahead of Richard Dobiáš (SVK) and
Marek Kolčák (SVK)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2021.72 | WSC category: 13

41st Lithuanian Championship 2020  | 10th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020:

Participants: 11 | Winner: Vidmantas Satkus (LTU – Lithuanian champion) ahead of Martynas Limontas (LTU) and Stasys Steponavičius (LTU)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 1940.15 | WSC category: 14

Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 86 points (unchanged), 2. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 62 points (unchanged), 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 62 points (+1), 4. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 45 (unchanged), 5. Abdelaziz Onkoud (MAR) 41 points (unchanged)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Prague 30.08.2020

28th Czech Chess Solving Championship 2020  | 8th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020

Participants: 11 | Winner: Miloslav Vanka (CZE – Czech champion) ahead of Marek Kolčák (SVK) and
Miroslav Voracek (CZE)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2036.72 | WSC category: 13
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 86 points (unchanged), 2. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 62 points (unchanged), 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (unchanged), 4. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 45 (unchanged),
5. Abdelaziz Onkoud (MAR) 41 points (unchanged)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – current cycle extended until year-end

Due to the Corona pandemic all WSC tournaments since March 2020 had to be cancelled or postponed. To enable those countries to have a WSC tournament in the current cycle the WFCC Solving Committee has decided the following one-time rule change which is also supported by the members of the WFCC presidium:

  • The cycle 2019/2020 will be extended to the end of the year 2020
  • The cycle 2020/2021 remains from October 2020 to the date of the WCCC 2021
  • Roland Ott will act as director of the cycle 2020/2021 with Axel Steinbrink and Marek Kolčák as assistant directors

— Roland Ott, the director of the WSC 2020/2021

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Slough 22.02.2020

Winton British Chess Solving Championship 2019/2020  | 7th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 32 | Winner: John Nunn (GBR – British champion) ahead of Eddy Van Beers (BEL), Martynas Limontas (LTU), Abdelaziz Onkoud (MAR) and Dolf Wissmann (NED)

Average rating of top ten solvers: 2444.21 | WSC category: 5
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 86 points (unchanged), 2. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 62 points (unchanged), 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 61 points (+19), 4. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 45 (+23), 5. Abdelaziz Onkoud (MAR) 41 points (+16)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Helsinki 15.02.2020

Finnish Chess Solving Championship 2020  | 6th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 18 | Winner: Aleksey Popov (RUS) ahead of Maksim Romanov (RUS), Kari Karhunen (FIN – Finnish champion), Dolf Wissmann (NED) and Terho Marlo (FIN)

Average rating of top ten solvers: 2236.23 | WSC category: 9
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 86 points (+13), 2. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 62 points (unchanged), 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 42 points (unchanged), 4. Maksim Romanov (RUS) 34 (+10), 5. Danila Moiseev (RUS) 33 points (unchanged)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Moscow 01./02.02.2020

RGSU-Cup 2020 (3rd Alexander Pochinok Memorial Tourney)  | 5th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 32 | Winner: Danila Pavlov (RUS) ahead of Aleksey Popov (RUS), Ural Hasanov (RUS), Mihail Ganzhin (RUS) and Danila Moiseev (RUS)

13 years old Ural Hasanov (RUS) with first FM and IM norm! Mihail Ganzhin (RUS) with first FM norm

Average rating of top ten solvers: 2439.04 | WSC category: 5
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 73 points (+23), 2. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 62 points (unchanged),
3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 42 points (unchanged), 4. Danila Moiseev (RUS) 33 points (+13), 5. Evgeny Viktorov (RUS) 31 points (+8)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

Guidelines for solving tournaments

wfcc-logo-transparentLast year, the solving committee worked on a set of guidelines for the directors of rated solving tournaments. The preliminary text was accepted at the last WCCC in Vilnius. Julia Vysotska wrote a Russian translation, for which we are very grateful.

Guidelines for solving tournaments: English | Russian

We hope that tournament directors take a look at this text before they start to prepare their next solving tournament. They should pay specific attention to the selection of the problems and studies, and to the points’ distribution (in particular of moremovers and studies). These guidelines give the necessary instructions and recommendations.

After each tournament the director will receive feedback from the solving committee with a quality check document. We hope that the directors will take notice. The ultimate goal is that in the future all rated tournaments will be organised in a consistent manner, no matter who is the director. This will be to the benefit of the solvers. After all, their rating is based on the results in these tournaments.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Sękocin Stary 14./15.12.2019

18th Warsaw Solving Grand Prix 2019  | 4th tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 16 | Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) ahead of Kacper Piorun (POL) and Aleksey Popov (RUS)
Junior solver Maksim Romanov with first FM norm.
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2463.01 | WSC category: 4
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 62 points (+31), 2. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 50 points (+23), 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 42 points (+13), 4. Michel Caillaud (FRA) 27 points, 5. Kacper Piorun (POL) 27 points (+27)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Minsk 02./03.11.2019

12th Albino Cup 2019  | 3rd tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 28 | Winner: Aleksey Popov (RUS) ahead of Evgeny Viktorov (RUS) and Abdelaziz Onkoud (MAR)
Aleksandr Bulavka Belarus champion with 4th place.
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2434.77 | WSC category: 5
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 31 points, 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 29 points (+6), 3. Michel Caillaud (FRA) 27 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 27 points (+27), 5. Evgeny Viktorov (RUS) 23 points (23)

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.