World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Geel 05.10.2019

26th Open Belgian Solving Championship 2019  | 2nd tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 12 | Winner: Eddy Van Beers (BEL – Belgian champion) ahead of Dolf Wissmann (NED) and Andrey Selivanov (RUS)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2272.49 | WSC category: 8
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 31 points, 2. Michel Caillaud (FRA) 27 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 23 points, 4. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 22 points, 5. Arno Zude (GER) 19 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2019/2020 – Bern 28.09.2019

35th Open Swiss Solving Championship 2019  | 1st tournament of World Solving Cup 2019/2020
Participants: 22 | Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) ahead of Michel Caillaud (FRA) and Martynas Limontas (LTU)

8. Roland Baier (SUI – Swiss champion), 5. junior solver Danila Moiseev with 3rd IM norm

Average rating of top ten solvers: 2478.87 | WSC category: 4

Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 31 points, 2. Michel Caillaud (FRA) 27 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 23 points, 4. Arno Zude (GER) 19 points, 5. Danila Moiseev (RUS) 16 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2019/20 Calendar.

Danila Pavlov winner of the World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Vilnius 19.08.2019

wsc2018-19-winnersAfter a fascinating race in the last rounds the Russian European Champion 2019, junior solver Danila Pavlov (RUS) has won the 4th World Solving Cup. There have been 19 tournaments including the Open Solving of the ECSC and the WCCC with total of 85 World Cup points winning solvers.
Final top five: 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 139 points (+3), 2. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 136 points (+23), 3. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points (+/-0), 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 113 points (+5), 5. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 103 points (+41).

Open Solving Tournament WCCC 2019 – 19th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 100 | Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) ahead of John Nunn (GBR), Michael Pfannkuche (GER), Martynas Limontas (LTU) and Boris Tummes (GER).
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2573.88 | WSC category: 2
David Hodge (GBR) with 12th place and 2nd FM norm

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Pardubice 13./14.07.2019

27th Czech Chess Solving Championship 2019  | 18th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 27 | Winner: Danila Pavlov (RUS) ahead of Aleksey Popov (RUS) and Martynas Limontas (LTU); 12. Miloslav Vanka (CZE – Czech champion).
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2391.42 | WSC category: 6
Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 136 points (+10), 2. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 113 points (+12), 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 108 points (+13), 5. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or 08.06.2019

40th French Chess Solving Championship 2019  | 17th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 12 | Winner: Michel Caillaud (FRA – French champion) ahead of Andrey Selivanov (RUS) and James Quah (SIN)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2075.76 | WSC category: 12

Top 5 World Solving Cup (unchanged): 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 126 points, 2. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 101 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 95 points, 5. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – KiryatUno 26.05.2019

Israel Open Solving Championship 2019  | 16th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 13 | Winner: Mark Erenburg (ISR – Israel champion) ahead of Soffer Ram (ISR) and Lev Glanzspiegel (ISR)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2216.30 | WSC category: 9
Top 5 World Solving Cup (unchanged): 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 126 points, 2. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 101 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 95 points, 5. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

Multi-locations tournament of 6th Israel Open Solving Championship 26.05.2019
The results of the multi-locations tournaments are published on the page of the Other rated/remarkable solving tournaments 2019.

The Category 1 tournament with 136 participants has been won by junior solver Danila Pavlov (RUS) with a 100% result ahead of Mark Erenburg (ISR), junior solver Maksim Romanov (RUS) and Marek Kolčák (SVK)
The Category 2 tournament with 62 participants has been won by Rens ter Veen (NED) with a 100% result ahead of Beni Priel (ISR) and Arjen Kouwenhoven (NED)

More details are published in Competitions→Solving→Other rated/remarkable solving tournaments 2019.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Belgrade 25.05.2019

Open Solving Championship of Serbia 2019  | 15th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 25 | Winner: Bojan Vučković (SRB – Serbian champion) ahead of Danila Pavlov (RUS) and
Evgeny Viktorov (RUS)
Ilija Serafimović (SRB) with 1st FM norm
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2396.65 | WSC category: 6

Top 5 World Solving Cup (new leader!): 1. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 126 points, 2. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points,
3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 101 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 95 points, 5. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Glyfada 03.05.2019

Open Solving Tournament of ECSC 2019  | 14th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 70 | Winner: Martynas Limontas (LTU) ahead of Kacper Piorun (POL) and Aleksey Popov (RUS)
Aleksey Popov (RUS) with 5th FM norm, 2nd IM norm and 1st GM norm!
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2556.41 | WSC category: 2

Top 5 World Solving Cup: 1. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 115 points, 2. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 107 points, 3. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 101 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 95 points, 5. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Omelnyk 27./28.04.2019

33rd Ukrainian Solving Championship 2019  | 13th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 14 | Winner: Oleksiy Solovchuk (UKR – Ukrainian champion) ahead of VladimirPogorelov (UKR) and Valery Kopyl (UKR)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2176.93 | WSC category: 10

Top 5 World Solving Cup (unchanged): 1. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 96 points, 2. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 94 points,
3. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 64 points, 5. Dolf Wissmann (NED) 63 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.

Open of the 33rd Ukrainian Solving Championship 2019
Participants: 14 | Winner: Sergey Borodavkin (UKR) ahead of Oleksiy Solovchuk (UKR) and Valery Kopyl (UKR)

More details are published in Competitions→Solving→Other rated/remarkable solving tournaments 2019.

World Solving Cup 2018/2019 – Berlin 27./28.04.2019

43rd German Solving Championship 2019  | 12th tournament of World Solving Cup 2018/2019
Participants: 29 | Winner: Boris Tummes (GER – German champion) ahead of Eddy Van Beers (BEL) and
Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR)
Aleksey Popov (RUS) with 4th FM norm
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2445.03 | WSC category: 5

Top 5 World Solving Cup (with new leader!): 1. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 96 points, 2. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 94 points,
3. Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR) 68 points, 4. Aleksey Popov (RUS) 64 points, 5. Dolf Wissmann (NED) 63 points

More details are published in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2018/19 Calendar.