8th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2020
Preliminary results
- A-Twomovers – 1st August, 2020
- B-Threemovers – 1st August, 2020
- C-Moremovers – 20th July, 2020
- D-Endgame studies – 23rd July, 2020
- E-Helpmates – 9th July, 2020
- F-Selfmates – 18th July, 2020
- G-Fairies – 18th July, 2020
- H-Retros and Proofgames – 21st July, 2020
FINAL RESULTS – 02.10.2020
370 entries by 225 participants from 37 countries submitted.
Among them: #2 – 47, #3 – 38, #n – 36, studies – 56, h# – 81, s# – 48, fairies – 43, retro – 21.
In comparison with preliminary results the final reports include the following changes:
Section A: Comment to A43 has been changed.
Section B: Problem B26 (rewarded with 1st Honourable Mention) was excluded because of duals. B35 and B14 were moved to the 1st and 2nd Honourable Mentions respectively.
Section C: Problem C08 (rewarded with 1st Commendation) was excluded because of anticipation. C30, C35 and C15 were moved to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Commendations respectively.
Section D: Introduction was added. D01, D13, D32, D51, D50, D44, D37, D41 and D29 were moved to the 1st Special Prize, 3rd Prize, 4th Prize, Special Commendation, 5th Prize, 2nd Special Prize, 1st Honourable Mention, 2nd Honourable Mention and 3rd Honourable Mention respectively.
Section E: Problems E49 (rewarded with 8th Honourable Mention) and E69 (rewarded with 5th Honourable Mention) was excluded because of anticipation. E26 and E17 were moved to the 5th and 6th Honourable Mentions respectively.
Section F: Problem F12 (rewarded with 1st Prize) was moved to the Special Prize. All other prize problems went up one place.
Section H: Problems H16, H18 and H17 (rewarded with 2nd Prize, 3rd Prize and 1st Commendation respectively) were excluded because of cooks. One problem was added as a 2nd Honourable Mention: H21. H20 and H05 were moved to the 2nd Prize and 1st Honourable Mention respectively.
- A-Twomovers
- B-Threemovers
- C-Moremovers
- D-Endgame studies
- E-Helpmates
- F-Selfmates
- G-Fairies
- H-Retros and Proofgames
/ Tournament director Aleksandr Bulavka (Belarus) /
REGULATIONS of the Eighth FIDE World Cup 2020 in Composing
The Eighth FIDE World Cup in Composing is held with the aim to:
– develop and promote chess;
– develop and promote chess composition as a constituent of chess culture;
– expand the geography of participants;
– decide the winners.
The organizers are the International Chess Federation, with the participation of the World Federation for Chess Composition.
The holding of the tournament is the direct responsibility of the Director and the Panel of Judges:
The Director of the tournament is Aleksandr Bulavka (Belarus).
- A. Twomovers – Judge: Dragan Stojnić (Serbia)
- B. Threemovers – Judge: Miodrag Mladenović (Serbia)
- C. Moremovers – Judge: Mikhail Marandyuk (Ukraine)
- D. Endgame studies – Judge: Yochanan Afek (Israel)
- E. Helpmates – Judge: Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
- F. Selfmates – Judge: Aleksandr Azhusin (Russia)
- G. Fairies – Judge: Vlaicu Crisan (Romania)
- H. Retros and Proofgames – Judge: Nicolas Dupont (France)
The closing date for submitting the entries is May 15, 2020.
The director will send all compositions to the judges on uniform and anonymous diagrams by June 1, 2020. All judges are to submit their awards by August 1, 2020.
Anyone wishing to take part in the tournament can do so.
In each section, only one composition by each author is acceptable and joint compositions are not allowed.
The theme is free in all sections. In the fairies section (G), there is no restriction on stipulations, conditions, the use of fairy pieces, or the number of moves.
In the selfmates section (F) and fairies section (G), only computer-tested problems (using Alybadix, Popeye, Gustav or WinChloe) are allowed; the participants should specify the version of the program they used to test their entry.
Entries must be sent on diagrams with complete solutions and any comments by email only to the Director’s address: tischka@tut.by.
Participants should mention their postal address in the email.
After receiving the entries in anonymous form from the Director, the judges consider the submitted compositions, determine their originality, difficulty, aesthetic appeal, search for possible anticipations, and decide their ranking in the tournament. In each section, compositions in first, second, and third places must be determined, as well as entries receiving honorary mentions and commendations. It is also possible to specify prize-winning compositions (no more than three per section). After ranking the entries, the judges are to send, within the preset period, their award, with the indication of numbers of the compositions in the award and related comments, to the Director of the tournament. After receiving the awards from the judges, the Director is to enter the names of the authors and provide the preliminary results for publication on the websites of FIDE and WFCC before August 15, 2020. During one month after the publication of the preliminary results, claims of defects and anticipations can be sent to the Director, who will accumulate and forward them to the judges. After receiving the claims, the judges will make the final decision on the results of the World Cup and send the final award to the Director.
The final results of this competition will be published on the FIDE and WFCC websites no later than Oсtober 1, 2020.
In each section, the Cup winner will be entitled to a money prize of 500 Euro, a Cup, a medal, and a certificate. Composers in 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded medals and respective certificates. The certificates for 1st-3rd places will be signed by the President of FIDE. The prizes and other distinctions are to be presented to the laureates on October 9, 2020, at the closing ceremony of the World Chess Composition Congress in Rodos (Greece)
These Regulations shall constitute an official invitation to the tournament.