Fédération internationale des échecs (FIDE)
- Accademia del Problema (Associazione Problemistica Italiana)
- ARVES (Alexander Rueb Vereniging voor SchaakEindspelStudie)
- Base des Échecs Marocains by Abdelaziz Onkoud
- Berlin-Thema by Ralf Krätschmer
- Best Problems by Antonio Garofalo
- British Chess Problem Society
- British Chess Solving Championships by Brian Stephenson
- Buletin Problemistic (Romania) by Marian Stere
- ChessblogYG by Yury Gordian (Ukraine)
- Chess Composition (Romanian Chess Federation)
- Chess Composition by Ján Golha (discontinued)
- Chess Composition Microweb by Juraj Lörinc
- Bulletin (Canada) by Cornel Pacurar
- ChessStar tourneys online by Ferhat Karmil
- Chess Study Art lively blog on studies by Sergiy Didukh
- Composers’ names in Various Alphabets project
- Dansk Skakproblem Klub (Denmark)
- Die Schwalbe (deutsche Vereinigung für Problemschach)
- Fédération Royale Marocaine des Echecs by Mohamed Jamal Elbaz
- feenschach (Germany)
- FEN Tool by Mu-Tsun Tsai: A quick online tool with features for composing problems and APIs.
- Gaudium – Faltblatt für Problemschach by Gunter Jordan (Jena, Germany)
- Greek blog on chess composition by Emmanuel Manolas (discontinued)
- harmonie & harmonie-aktiv by Torsten Linß, Frank Richter and Wilfried Seehofer (archive)
- HHdbVI Endgame Study Database VI by Harold van der Heijden (Netherlands)
- Hilmar Alquiros’ (former: Ebert) homepage (books)
- Hungarian composing tournaments “CSMP” from 1993 onwards (Google Drive) by Béla Majoros
- Israeli Chess Composition Society (Variantim)
- Jeff Coakley: The Puzzling Side of Chess (complete archive)
- Julia’s Fairies by Julia Vysotska
- KoBulChess by Diyan Kostadinov (from
- Latvian chess problem society
- Magyar Sakkszerzők (Hungary)
- Nederlandse bond van schaakprobleemvrienden (Netherlands)
- OzProblems (Australia)
- Phénix (France)
- Polish Chess Federation composing tourneys
- Problemesis by Christian Poisson
- Problemista Blog in Polish and English by Bogusz Piliczewski
- Problemist Ukraini by Valery Kopyl
- Problemkunst in Oberösterreich (Gamnitzer, Sladek, Schmoll, Nichtawitz)
- Problem Paradise – Japanese Chess Problem Magazine
- Quartz by Paul Rãican
- Revista Română de Șah (1925-1990) by Marian Stere
- Rund um die Retroanalyse Blog about retros by Thomas Brand
- Šachmatija (Lithuania)
- Schach bei Marcin Banaszek chess compositions, Wola Gulowska tourneys, solving championships
- Schach, Troll and U-D-Verlag by Udo Degener
- Schweizerische Schachzeitung (SSZ online)
- Schweizerische Vereinigung der Kunstschachfreunde (Swiss Chess Problem Association)
- Sdružení šachových problémistu (Czech Republic)
- Sem Shakhmatnykh Not (Seven Chess Notes) Chess miniatures magazine (Kareliya, Russia)
- Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya by Andrey Selivanov
- Slovenská organizácia kompozičného šachu (Slovakia)
- Sociedad Española de Problemistas de Ajedrez (SEPA) (Spain)
- StrateGems (United States) Complete PDF archive issues 1998-2022
- Suomen Tehtäväniekat (Finland)
- informal and thematic tournaments, articles, photo galleries, biographies
- The Retrograde Analysis Corner by Joost de Heer and Otto Janko
- Tidskrift för Schack (archive of Swedish Chess Federation)
- Unión Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez (UAPA)
- Václav Kotěšovec fairy chess composer and programmer
- Wenigsteiner-Jahrespreis
- Whose birthday is it today? by Vlaicu Crisan and Eric Huber
- Discussion forums:
- MatPlus
- RU-Chess-Art blog in Russian
- Chess Problems & Studies Discord – a chatroom for chess problem discussion