Solvers’ ratings as of April 1st 2022 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published! 13 tournaments of the 1st quarter 2022 are included: Open of 7th A. Suetin Memorial 2022 | 7th A. Suetin Memorial 2022 | 18th International Solving Contest 2022 Cat 1 | 18th International Solving Contest 2022 Cat 2 | 45th International Polish Championship 2022 | OPEN tournament CFD for solving | Open Solving Championship of CFD 2022 | Finnish Chess Solving Championship 2022 | 27th Dutch Open Chess Solving Championship 2022 | 30th Branko Atanackovic Memorial 2022 | Open of Championship of CFD 2022 | Open of 30th Championship of Russia 2022 | 30th Championship of Russia 2022. The expiration rates are added to the ratings starting from 2022.
The Solving Committee introduces a SOLVING PORTAL website directly connected with STM. The portal presents the tournaments in a calendar view, the solving norms and rules, and starting from 2022 the lists of other rated/remarkable solving tournaments. The portal also contains the links of all important solving tournaments (WCSC, ECSC, WSC) and rating lists published on the WFCC website.
The top menu navigation: COMPETITIONS -> SOLVING -> SOLVING PORTAL
11th WCCT: Claims & Replies
The claims of the 11th WCCT were published on December 29th, 2021 on the page of the tournament.
These are the claims concerning formal soundness, comparison problems and misprints in the entries to the 11th WCCT, as well as the replies received.
Introduction | Section A | Section B | Section C | Section D | Section E | Section F | Section G | Section H | The whole document
The judgments should be sent to the tournament director by August 1st, 2022 (new date!)
– Harry Fougiaxis
Extension of FIDE Album submission deadline

Further to the recent announcement for the extension of the deadline for the reports of judges and judging countries in WCCI and WCCT, WFCC decided to extend also the date of submission of compositions to the FIDE Album 2019-21 to 1st of August 2022, in order to provide sufficient time to the Ukrainian problemists to prepare their submissions.
Extension of WCCI and WCCT judging deadlines

The World Federation for Chess Composition strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the involvement of Belarus and expresses its solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people. We feel deep sorrow for all the victims of the war and their families.
Ukrainian problemists are facing mortal danger right now, so it is unreasonable we keep the original time schedule of WCCI 2019-21 and WCCT-11; the deadline for WCCI judges and WCCT judging countries is rescheduled for 1st of August 2022. In the coming weeks we will have a more clear picture of the situation and will update you further.
World Solving Cup 2021/2022 – Nunspeet 05.03.2022
Dutch Chess Solving Championship 2022 | 4th tournament of World Solving Cup 2021/2022:
Participants: 19 | Winner: Eddy Van Beers (BEL) ahead of Twan Burg (NED – Dutch champion and 1st FM norm) and Peter van den Heuvel (NED)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2346.02 | WSC category: 7
Top 3 World Solving Cup: 1. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 23 points, 2. Stasys Steponavičius (LTU) 20 points, 3. Eddy Van Beers (BEL) 19 points
More details in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2021/22 Calendar.
10th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2022: Announcement

Composers are welcome to take part in the 10th FIDE World Cup in Composing!
(the Regulations are published on the page COMPETITIONS->Composing->FIDE)
The closing date for submitting the entries is July 1, 2022
World Solving Cup 2021/2022 – Helsinki 26.02.2022
Finnish Chess Solving Championship 2022 | 3rd tournament of World Solving Cup 2021/2022:
Participants: 12 | Winner: Joose Norri (FIN – Finnish Champion) ahead of Kari Karhunen (FIN) and Jorma Paavilainen (FIN)
Average rating of top ten solvers: 2058.21 | WSC category: 12
Top 5 World Solving Cup (unchanged): 1. Piotr Murdzia (POL) 23 points, 2. Stasys Steponavičius (LTU) 20 points, 3. Kacper Piorun (POL) 19 points, 4. Danila Pavlov (RUS) 19 points, 5. Martynas Limontas (LTU) 18
More details in Competitions → Solving → World Solving Cup (WSC) → 2021/22 Calendar.
15.ECSC – Registration & RIGA Tips

Dear participants of the 15th ECSC in Riga,
We are wishing you a nice stay in the capital of Latvia in May 2022!
For your convenience a RIGA TIPS section is created on the official website of the event, were we will be giving the recent information about traveling to Latvia and local conditions.
As some other big events take part in the same area in May, the official hotel expects to be in high demand. In the middle of April we will have to release a block of rooms reserved for ECSC 2022 if not used. Please register in March to be assured about staying in the official hotel (cancellation is free of charge up to the first week of May). Otherwise the registration is opened up to 15th April.
A number of measures will be eased as from 1 March 2022, as the state of emergency expires. From March 1st for entering Latvia either Covid19 vaccination certificate OR negative test result is needed. With the number of new cases declining, there are plans to lift all security restrictions as from 1 April.
Julia Vysotska, on behalf of Latvian Chess Problem Society
ISC 2022 – FINAL results, Statistics & Galleries
18th International Solving Contest (ISC) 23rd January 2022
Finally we had 44 tournaments in 20 countries and 585 solvers (+15 unofficial solvers in cat-3) – 94 solvers in cat-1, 166 solvers in cat-2 and 325 solvers in cat-3. Thank you to all local controller for their excellent work and good cooperation and congratulation to the winners. If you find any mistakes in the tables (e.g. wrong written names, wrong gender, …) please let me know. I will correct such mistakes.
Results: Category 1 | Category 2 | Category 3 | Statistics ISC 2022 | ISC 2022 Studies-Analysis | ISC 2022 Winners | ISC 2022 TOP 100
Axel Steinbrink, Central Controller of ISC 2022
See the ISC 2022 presentation with a gallery of participants!
The navigation to the ISC main page: Competitions -> Solving -> International Solving Contest