WFCC Zoom meeting 16.06.21

The Zoom meeting 16.06.21 18:00 CEST was hosted by Andrey Selivanov with Harry Fougiaxis and Julia Vysotska as cohosts. Attendees were: Harry Fougiaxis, Greece -President, Klaus Wenda, Austria -Honourary President, Vidmantas Satkus, Lithuania -2nd Vice-President, Luc Palmans, Belgium -3rd Vice-President, Neal Turner, Finland -Secretary, Delegates from 18 countries and 5 more attendees.

See the whole report in PDF, including the topics:
Task-force report (Summary of discussions)
FIDE Album
Next meeting

Neal Turner, Helsinki 18.6.2021

Invitation to Rhodos: 63rd WCCC & 44th WCSC

The Greek Chess Problem Society have the honour to invite all delegates of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), national teams and individual solvers, chess composers and all those interested in problem chess, to attend the 63rd World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 44th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC).
The congress will be held from Saturday, October 16th (arrival)to Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 (departure) at the “Rodos Palace Hotel” ***** in the island of Rhodes, with the WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 19th and 20th.

Please send your registration by August 31st 2021 to

Download invitation as PDF |  Official website (under construction)

WFCC Zoom meeting 02.06.21

The Zoom meeting 02.06.21 18:00 CEST was hosted by Andrey Selivanov with Harry Fougiaxis and Julia Vysotska as cohosts. Attendees were: Harry Fougiaxis, Greece -President, Klaus Wenda, Austria -Honourary President, Thomas Maeder, Switzerland -1st Vice-President, Vidmantas Satkus, Lithuania -2nd Vice-President, Luc Palmans, Belgium -3rd Vice-President, Neal Turner, Finland -Secretary, Delegates from 17 countries and 8 more attendees.

See the whole report in PDF, including the topics:
Solving committee
United Arab Emirates
WFCC internet site
FIDE Album
Women’s solving titles
Next meeting

Neal Turner, Helsinki 03.6.2021

WFCC Zoom meeting 19.05.21

The Zoom meeting 19.05.21 18:00 CEST was hosted by Andrey Selivanov with Julia Vysotska as cohosts.
Attendees were: Harry Fougiaxis, Greece -President, Klaus Wenda, Austria -Honourary President, Thomas Maeder, Switzerland -1st Vice-President, Vidmantas Satkus, Lithuania -2nd Vice-President, Luc Palmans, Belgium -3rd Vice-President, Neal Turner, Finland -Secretary, Delegates from 18 countries and 6 more attendees.

See the whole report in PDF, including the topics:

Points from the previous meeting
Russian participation in world championship events
WCCC 2021
Budget 2019-2020
Committee matters
WFCC web site
World Cup in Composing
Online task force

Next meeting
There was some questioning about how we should carry on with these meetings.
Mr Kovačević suggested we shouldn’t stop with online work until the Congress.
He also thought that there should be an official agenda drawn up and circulated before the meeting.
It was agreed the next meeting would be on Wednesday 2.6.21 18:00 CEST

Neal Turner, Helsinki 10.5.2021

WFCC Zoom meeting 10.05.21

by Abdelaziz Onkoud

The Zoom meeting 10.05.21 19:00 CEST was hosted by Andrey Selivanov with Harry Fougiaxis and Julia Vysotska as cohosts.

Attendees were: Harry Fougiaxis Greece -President, John Rice Great Britain -Honourary President, Thomas Maeder Switzerland -1st Vice-President, Vidmantas Satkus Lithuania -1st Vice-President, Neal Turner, Finland -Secretary, Pavel Kameník, Czech Republic -Delegate, Bjørn Enemark, Denmark -Delegate, Hannu Harkola, Finland -Delegate, Axel Gilbert, France -Delegate, David Gurgenidze, Georgia -Delegate, bernd ellinghoven, Germany -Delegate, Brian Stephenson, Great Britain -Delegate, Yochanan Afek, Israel -Delegate, Julia Vysotska, Latvia -Delegate, Abdelaziz Onkoud, Morocco -Delegate, Dinu-Ioan Nicula, Romania -Delegate, Andrey Selivanov, Russia -Delegate, Marjan Kovačević, Serbia -Delegate, Peter Gvozdják, Slovakia -Delegate, Joaquim Crusats, Spain -Delegate, Kjell Widlert, Sweden -Delegate, Valery Kopyl, Ukraine -Delegate, Zoltán Laborczi, Hungary -Delegate.

The meeting started on time with a discussion of the points raised by Marjan Kovačević…

See the whole report in PDF, including the topics:

1.1. Do we want to have these meetings regularly, at least until the next live Congress?
1.2. Logistic for the online meetings: who does what?
1.3. The rights for decision making
1.4. How to decide about the changes of Statutes if needed?
The ECSC & WCSC meetings

Summing up at the end of the meeting the President emphasised the importance for the Federation of the Congress going ahead this year.

Mr Kovačević welcomed the presence online of attendees from far afield such as Singapore and
India as well as others who wouldn’t normally attend live meetings.

The next Zoom meeting was set for Wednesday 19.5 at 18:00 CEST

Neal Turner, Helsinki 10.5.2021

Maintenance of

Dear visitors, our website is getting some important upgrades. The Maintenance mode is set for some steps of the process and you might experience it from time to time for about a week.

Most of the functionality seems to work now, some visual issues as font sizes and layouts in the design of the pages and posts will be slowly fixed. Please report to if you find any broken functionality (something what worked before and doesn’t work now)! 

Thank you very much for your patience! (J.V., the webmaster)

New look of Ratings pages

The new look of Ratings pages will replace the pages for period 1.07.2013-01.04.2021 given on the bottom of Competitions->Solving page.
By default the new page shows the latest period, with the search option for previous lists.

The link (URL) to any rating list looks like:[quarter], where [quarter] is YYQN, like 21Q1 = 2021 quarter 1; 20Q4 = 2020 quarter 4; etc.
Quick links to the recent rating lists: 01.10.2020 | 01.01.2021 | 01.04.2021

Links to the old ratings pages, 1.07.2013-01.04.2021, will work up to May 14th, 2021. If you had any references on your websites to them, please update! I apologize for possible inconvenience related to the change in URLs.

The technical part of the change was related to the further (and necessary) upgrade of the software platform (WordPress + PHP versions). Hope, you’ll like the new design! (JV, the webmaster)

Solvers’ ratings April 1st 2021

Solvers’ ratings as of April 1st 2021 produced by the Solving Tournament Manager are published! 13 tournaments of the 1st quarter 2021 are included: Open of A. Suetin Memorial 2021, A. Suetin Memorial 2021, 17th International Solving Contest 2021 Cat 1, 17th International Solving Contest 2021 Cat 2, Open tournament Championship of the Central Federal District of Russia 2021, Open Solving Championship of CFO 2021, 15th Urals Problemist Cup 2021, RSSU-Cup 2021 (Alexander Pochinok Memorial Tourney), Kornilov-90 Tournament, Open of E.Bykova solving MT 2021, E.Bykova solving MT 2021, Open solving tournament Tula 2021, Open of the 35th Ukrainian Solving Championship 2021.
The top ten remain the same solvers as in the previous quarter with Danila Pavlov (RUS) rising from 8th to 5th place. The largest three gains have been achieved by junior solver Egor Sokolov (RUS / +155.08), ahead of junior Nikita Ushakov (RUS / +117.43), Bogdan Zolotov (RUS / +51.35), junior women Marina Putintseva (RUS / +49.45) and junior Andrey Shkurkin (RUS / +45.62.

9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021: Announcement

FIDE-logoComposers are welcome to take part in the 9th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2021 !
(the Regulations are published on the page COMPOSING COMPETITIONS)

The Director of the tournament is Juri Bazlov (Russia). The sections are:

        •      A. Twomovers – Judge: Vasil Dyachuk (Ukraine)
        •      B. Threemovers – Judge: C.G.S. Narayanan (India)
        •      C. Moremovers – Judge: Mark Erenburg (Israel)
        •      D. Endgame studies – Judge: Oleg Pervakov (Russia)
        •      E. Helpmates – Judge:  Silvio Baier (Germany)
        •      F. Selfmates – Judge: Mikhail Khramtsevich (Belarus)
        •      G. Fairies – Judge: Tadashi Wakashima (Japan)
        •      H. Retros – Judge:  Joaquim Crusats (Spain)

The closing date for submitting the entries is July 1, 2021.