FIDE ALBUM 2013-2015 – Results in section B

fide-album-photoThe results of the FIDE Album 2013-15 section B are ready!
748 compositions scored at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 993 entries without counting duplicates) – a decent percentage of 75%. The ratio of the 170 selected threemovers with 8+ points vs. the entries with 4,5+ points is 22,7%.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Update 28.5.2018: A selected #3, which is already included in the 2010-12 album, is now removed from the list.

All announced results are published in the FIDE Album 2013-15 finished sections  page. The current list of album points has been also updated. The next update will be after the remaining sections of FA 2013-15 are finished.

FIDE ALBUM 2013-2015 – Results in section A

fide-album-photoThe results of the FIDE Album 2013-15 section A are ready!
One of the initially appointed judges had to quit for personal reasons before the evaluation phase starts and had to be substituted by a reserve judge. There were 1090 compositions scoring at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 1287 entries without counting duplicates) – a very decent percentage of almost 85%. The ratio of the 192 selected twomovers with 8+ points vs. the entries with 4,5+ points is 17,6%.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

Update (01.07.2017): A composer informed us that he would like to withdraw his entries; he did not clarify the reason. Although we regret his decision, we have to respect it. The page of the results was updated accordingly.

Update (02.07.2017): Thanks to the director’s effort, the composer changed his mind; we are glad he did. The results were updated accordingly.

All announced results are published in the FIDE Album 2013-15 finished sections page.

FIDE ALBUM 2013-2015 – Results in section D

fide-album-photoThe results of the FIDE Album 2013-15 section D are ready!
The initially appointed director had to quit in the middle of the process for personal reasons; in agreement with the spokesman of the studies committee, Siegfried Hornecker was selected as a substitute who wrapped-up the so far available material and finalized the work on time. There were 580 compositions scoring at least 4,5 points (out of the totally submitted 834 entries, incl. duplicates) – a rather moderate percentage of 70%. The 13,97% ratio of studies with 8+ points vs. the entries with 4,5+ points was marginally lower than 14%, so also the compositions with 7,5 points are selected.

Many thanks to the director and the judges for their hard and efficient work!

All announced results are published in the FIDE Album 2013-15 finished sections page.