The preliminary results in section C-Moremovers (PDF) of the 5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 are published and can be found under the Announcement.
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
Current list of Album points
In the Belgrade congress WFCC decided to make the complete list of album points available on the site. The list will be updated regularly, at least twice per year. Any remarks should be sent to the spokesman of the FIDE Album committee; see /wfcc-about/
You may download the PDF file from here.
5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 – Preliminary results – B-Threemovers
The preliminary results in section B-Threemovers (PDF) of the 5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 are published and can be found under the Announcement.
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 – Preliminary results – F-Selfmates
The preliminary results in section F-Selfmates (PDF) of the 5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 are published and can be found under the Announcement.
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Helsinki 25.02.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Finnish Chess Solving Championship 2017, Helsinki 25.02.2017
Winner: Aleksey Popov (RUS) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.117
The WSC category of the tournament: 11
More details and the current WSC standing are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
World Solving Cup 2016/2017 – Eton 18.02.2017
World Solving Cup 2016/2017: Winton British Chess Solving Championship, Eton 18.02.2017
Winner: Piotr Murdzia (POL) | The average rating of top ten solvers: 2.428
The WSC category of the tournament: 5
More details are published in Competitions→Solving→WSC: 2016/17 Calendar.
13th International Solving Contest: Final Results
Final results for the 13th International Solving Contest are published!
38 tournaments in 29 countries, 482 solvers from 31 countries.
Category 1 (223 solvers): 1) John Nunn (GBR), 2) Georgy Evseev (RUS), 3) Oto Mihalco (SVK)
Category 2 (116 solvers): 1) Laura Rogule (LAT), 2) Aleksandr Buintsev (RUS), 3) Nejc Amon (SLO)
Category 3 (143 solvers): 1) Dimitrios Kollias (GRE), 2) Ilija Serafimović (SRB), 3) Chinguun Sumiya (MGL)
Minutes of Meeting Belgrade 2016
10th WCCT: claims and replies
There are two documents added on the 10th WCCT page: CLAIMS has all the information of claims and replies in a single document, but REPLIES TO CLAIMS contains replies only.
5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 – Preliminary results – H-Retro
The preliminary results in section H-Retros (PDF) of the 5th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2017 are published and can be found under the Announcement.
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!