Solving Tournaments
- Solving Tournament Manager (STM) for Windows by Miodrag Mladenović
Solving programs
- Popeye for Windows, Linux, MacOSX
- Olive by Dmitry Turevsky: Linux/Windows Graphical User Interface for Popeye and Chest
- Fancy by Marek Kwiatkowski: Windows Graphical User Interface for Popeye and Stockfish
- APwin by Paul H. Wiereyn: Windows Graphical User Interface for Alybadix and Popeye
- WinChloe by Christian Poisson
- Problemiste by Matthieu Leschemelle
- Euclide for proofgames by Étienne Dupuis
- Natch for proofgames by Pascal Wassong
- Jacobi A web app that can solve fairy proof games by François Labelle
- Teddy Windows Graphical User Interface for Popeye, Natch, Euclide and Jacobi by Bjørn Enemark
- Stelvio The proof game test program by Reto Aschwanden
- FEN Tool by Mu-Tsun Tsai: A quick online tool with features for composing problems and APIs.
Databases, collections, archiving programs, various tools
- WinChloe by Christian Poisson
- Chess Problem Database Server (PDB) by Schwalbe, German Chess Problem Society
- Yet Another Chess Problem DataBase (YACPDB) by Dmitry Turevsky
- Albrecht collection of twomovers by Udo Degener
- Meson chess problem database by Brian Stephenson
- Endgame Study Database by Harold van der Heijden
- Chess Studies database by Sergiy Didukh
- Helpmate Analyzer A web tool to analyze and find themes in helpmates by Viktoras Paliulionis
- Py2Web Dynamic diagrams in HTML by Dmitry Turevsky
- Problemiste collections
- Chessarchive A personal database of chess compositions by Vitaly Medintsev and Svyatoslav Kravchenko
The project to develop a standard format for the representation of chess problems by Thomas Maeder
Endgame Tablebases (EGTB)
- 6-men endgame databases at
- 6-men endgame databases (online) at Shredder Chess
- 7-men endgame databases at Lomonosov
- Lots of information at the site of Emil Vlasák about tablebases and CQL
- Syzygy endgame tablebases hosted by